Friday, June 19, 2009



Writing the History of Kerala is a difficult task, since the History of Kerala itself is most confusing. In fact, such a big history cannot be written in a page or two. However, I am making an earnest attempt, to write few aspects based on the History of Kerala written by Shri. K.P. Padmanabha Menon, an eminent and prolific writer, Late Brahma Shri. Ulloor, S. Parameswara Iyer, Late H.H. Vadkkumkur Raja Raja Varma and many other eminent writers like Late Dr. Brahmashri. K.V. Krishna Iyer, who was the Head of History Department , The Zamorin’s College, Kozhikode.. I have also referred to the books written by the great and highly controversial writer ELAMKULAM P.N. KUNHAN PILLA, who was a great critic of NAMBOOTHIRIS. I acknowledge my thanks to Prof. A Sreedhara Menon.for the informations I received from his Book “KERALA CHARITHRAM”and Prof. T.P.ANTONY for his book “MALAYALA BHASHAYUM UCHCHAARANA BODHANAVUM . I am highly indebted to the above great men who inspired me in writing this small History.

As per the legend the Kerala coast starting from Kanya Kumari and ending at Gokarna, was redeemed by Parasu Rama with his MAZHU (PARASHU), which was called Parashu Rama Kshethra, in order to give to Brahmins to get his MATHRU HATHYA PAAPA warded off. . However, I do not like to touch this aspect as I am writing the History based upon facts.

The land might have got the name from CHARAL meaning the slope of a mountain. In KERALOLPATHI an old book published by Basel Misson Press, Mangalore the name is attributed to CHERAPAADAH of the Taittiriya Aaranaka. According to Sanskrit Book HARIVAMSHA CHAPTER XXXVI, the name Kerala is originated from one of the four sons of AKRIDA, CHERAMAN the other three sons are PANDYA, KOLA and COLA. Some feel that the name came from NALIKERA a stapple food. We can rule out this since the word is not Sanskrit but Astro-asiatic. The Arabs and European writers who later on came to this land of GOD called it as MALABAR. However, I feel the name came from CHARAL which also means rain and Kerala is not only the land of hills but also the land where rain is abundant.

As per the microliths discovered at Calicut , Cochin etc. Kerala was inhabited by human beings including man and woman from as early as 4000 BC. Probably the NEGRITOS were the first inhabitants of Kerala. They were very short, dark in complexion, having puffy lips, wooly hair , broad, flattened nose and small eyes. They are now represented by ERNATANS, KATANS, KARUMPANS, MALAYARASHANS, URALIS, VETANS, MALAPANDARAMS, MALAPPULAYANS, MALASHANS, ULLATANS ETC. CHERUMANS AND PULAYANS are also from the original inhabitants but they lived in plains. I fact , they are akin to the ancient tribes found in South Africa, Andamans, Australia and Pacific islands. Among these tribes Ernatans used to live in caves and ate what ever was easy to pick. Katans lived in huts made of Bamboo. Those interested to know more about them, kindly read THE HISTORY OF KERALA written by Sri. K.P. Padmanabha Menon. . However, the others had Hand axes, scrapers, and digging tools made of stone. In some places they were superseded by PROTO-AUSTRALOIDS who were black in colour, , flat nosed, but long faced , hairy in face and body, and they are presumed to have come from North Africa, Syria and Egypt. You can see them now as IRULANS, KARIMPALANS, KURICHCHIYANS, NAYAADIS, MALAYARAYANS, MALA MUTTANS, MALA PANICKERS, MALA VETANS MAVILONS AND NATTU MALAYANS. We may assume their arrival as 4000 BC .. In fact these people who came in 4000 BC imposed their language KOLERIAN on other NEGRITOS. Tribes.


The word ezhava believed to have derived from Ezham/Ilam. The word is of such an antiquity; its etymological origins are difficult to be ascertained. These words believed to have related linguistically or socio- linguistically to group of words Elu/Hela/Seehala/Simhala/ Sinhala/Salai/Seiladiba/Serendib, pointing all to the island of Sri Lanka. “ I am also of the opinion that the THEEYAS OR EZHAVAS came from Sri Lanka as others like Nairs and Namboothiris came from North. . I fully agree with Shri. C.V.Kunhiraman that the Ezhavas worship Chitghan and Arathan who are the Buddist SIDDHAN AND ARHATHAN. This shows that the THEEYAS were originally Budhists, who converted to HINDUISM later on. IN FACT, THEEYAS FORM ONE OF THE LARGEST COMMUNITY IN KERALA. There are the same type of caste in THULU NADU who are called BILLAVAS. In fact these THEEYAS, are traditionally agriculturists, Toddy Tappers, etc. Some of them are known as AYURVEDIC VAIDHYARS and others in this race are experts in KALARI PAYATTU.. They are known as CHEKAVARS. Most probably Chovan is the abbreviation of CHEKAVAN. However, during the present days CHOVAN is used as a sarcastc word to denote the great THIYAS by other malayalis as they use PATTAR sarcastcally to point an IYER. I am dismayed since the old Malayalam which was nothing but KODMTHAMIZH is now adding more and more SANSKRIT words but still they call BHATTAR as Pattar. I have heard our earst while Chief Minister Late Shri. E.K. NAYANAR speaking Malayalam which I felt was simple and could be understtod by all. The great Ezhavas have contributed many to KERALA’S GLORY. MAHAKAVUI KUMARANAASHAAN was a great Malayalam poet who is an Ezhava. To cite his links with EEZHAM ( LANKA ), his great works, NALINI, LEELA, KARUNA and CHANDALA BIKSHUKI , all contain BUDDHIST IDEALS.

The THIYAAS are non ritualistc, and nondogmatic. The great Shri. Narayana Guru who preached “LET HUMANS BELONG TO ANY RELIGION, BUT THEY SHULD BEHAVE AS VIRTUOUS BEINGS (“ Matham Ethaayaalum Manushyan nannaayal mathi” ) who himself was a THEEYA is an example to this.

Some historians believe that IZHAVAR derived from the word VILLAVAR or GREAT ARCHERS who belong to Dravidian race.

While some Theeyas follow matrirchal form others follw patriarchal form. Marriage rituals also vary from place to place and group of theeyas to other group of theeyas.

In fact , THEEYAS form a great population of KERALA, say approximately 30 %. They have different surnames like THANDAN, CHAANNAN, AASAAN, CHEKAVAR, CHEKON , PANICKER Etc.

KETTU KALYANAM a ritual .used to be pracised by Ezhavas which was opposed by Sri. Narayana Guru because it was only a mock ritual practised in which a girl belonging to a particular sub-caste, before she attained puberty, among Ezhavas used to be tied with a THAALI by another Ezhava boy of the same sub-caste after checking up the compatibility of the horoscope. However, this was not a real marriage but only a mockery .

All THEEYAS WORSHIP SNAKES LIKE NAIRS AND NAMBOOTHIRIS.. However, their denial of retualistc and dogmatic worship by other castes among Hindus, brought down the TEEYA CASTE, who were degraded by those believers of CHATHUR VARNAM. (BRAHMANIC DOGMAS).

Among Thheyaas those known as PANICKERS are great astrologers who knew astronomy too. Vaidyans who are well proficient in Ayurvedic Medicinal system , are also very great. There is a general belief in Kerala that some Eezhavas became very wealthy because most of the contracts relating to Liquor were taken by them . However, we can see that Many Ezhavas are great politicians also like the present Chief Minister of Kerala, Sri. Achudanandan, Murkoth family people etc. Sri. K.K.IttiActhan was rhe main force behind writing the sanskrit book on Ayur Veda called “ASHTANGA HRIDAYAM”. Due to spce canstrain, I have given only few names.

In spite of all these, theeyas are considered as most backward classes of kerala. Unlike nairs and Namboothiris Eezhavas do not burn the dead but are burried.


It appears to me that Nairs and Namoothiris came almost at the same time say by 2nd centuary B.C. There are several interpretations about the advent of Nairs and Namboothiris . One interpretation states that Nairs originally were Nagas, a Kshathriya clan from Naga Land. This interpretation can easily be negated since Nagas were not worshippers of Snakes. Secondly among Naga tribes, women were subservient to men.I feel the name Nair came from NAYAKA or leader. Some similar names can be seen being used in Tamil Nadu, Andhra and Karnataka such as NAICJER, NAIDU, NAIK. As per legends , fearing the wrath of Parasurama, some Kshathrias after removing their sacred thread ( POONAL) fled to Kerala from other places of India. I do not feel that this is also correct since Nairs are classified into 64 categories as per Sri. Padmanabha Menon, ( For detail information, . Kindly go through his Book “A HISTORY OF KERALA”).” The earliest reference to Nairs comes from the Greek ambassador Megasthenes. In his accounts of ancient India, he refers to the "Nayars of Malabar" and the "Kingdom of Chera"[7] . Megasthanes referred in the third century BC could be the Scythian Nairi tribe which was living at Kazhakisthan, who might be the parent stock for the Nairs of Malabar as well as Nehra jats, Nayyars and Newars of Nepal. According to Chattampi Swamikal, who interpreted old Tamil texts, the Nairs were Naka (Naga or Snake) Lords who ruled as feudal lords in the Chera kingdom. Kindly do not mistake them as NAGAS TRIBES .Therefore this theory proposes Nairs to be descendants of the rulers and martial nobility of pre-Brahmin Kerala who, after the arrival of the Namboothiris (and establishment of the Varnas/Caste System), got categorized as sat Sudras.[12]. One finds mention of the Nairs during the reign of the King Rama Varma Kulashekhara (1020-1102) of the second Chera dynasty, when the Chera Kingdom was attacked by the Cholas. The Nairs fought by forming suicide squads (Chavers) against the invading force. It is not clear whether the Cheras themselves were Nairs, or if the Cheras employed the Nairs as a warrior class”.

I feel after going through many books written by famous authors, that NAIRS although originally were Aryans, but due to circumstances prevailing during early periods, mixed with Dravidians and others.. However some Nairs kept their Aryan identity intact.. To quote few “Kiriyaththil Nair is the top most among nairs.Then comes Illathu Nair, Akaththu Cherna Nair, Purathu Cherna Nair, Swaroopathil Nair, Padmamangalam Nair, Menons, Eradis, Nedungadis , Panicker, Kurup, Unni, Unnithan, Kartha, Thampan, Kaimal, Menokki, Marar, Nambiar, Vallodi, Eradi, Nedungadi etc. Others who were Dravidian type Nairs who are lower in status such as Veluthedathu Nair, Vilakkiththala Nair, Chembotti Nair, Edacheri Nair, Odathu Nair, Anthur Nair, Athikkurichi Nair etc. All nairs give predominance to ladies and are matrilineal . I am sorry to state that many famous and ancient THARAVADS of NAIRS have been ruined due to disintegration as nuclear families. Of course, the adoption of Nuclear family concept among Nairs have its own benefits although there are few demerits also.

NAMBOOTHIRIS : I do not find a concrete evidence as to from where the Namboothiris originated. Their origin is also confusing as the origin of Nairs. However one thing is certain that both Nairs and Namboothiris came from some where else

( PARADESHAM ) and started life in Kerala. Definitely the Aryan tribes’ invasion has relevance to the migration of these two classes/castes . Kindly note ARYAN means noble. This is in comparison with the old tribes.

The name NAMBOOTHIRI MIGHT HAVE COME EITHER FROM NAMBU in Prakrutha Tenugu means sacred thiri is a word which is used in Kerala to denote respect just like KOLATHIRI, SAMOOTHIRI, Etc. or as per another interpretation , NAM means Veda and POORAYATHI means who imparts. In both ways Namboothiris hold a respectful place in the History of Kerala..

I also feel few NAMBOOTHIRIS came from ANDHRA .

In fact, some believe that Namoothiris were created by PARASHU RAMA who gave the land KERALA to them to get MATHRUHATHYA PAAPA and they are said to be the followers of Parashu Rama. The Junglee Avathar of LORD VISHNU. Parashurama established 108 Shiva Temples and 108 Durga Temples, like Cherpu hagavathy Temple, throughout Kerala. In every Grama he established a Temple which the people of that Grama considered as Grama Kshetra (the village temple). Every Grama has a Deity who is considered Grama Paradevata. Of all Namboothiri Gramams, the most important ones are Perinchellur, considered to be the first Namboothiri Grama established by Parashurama, the Panniyur Grama, the Perumanam Grama and the Sukapuram Grama (in the order of their importance). The Taliparamba (Perinchellur) temple and Panniyur temple are important to all Namboothiries and not just to the Namboothiries of the respective Gramas.” Namboothiris unlike Tamil Brahmins use TANTRIK method to perform Poojas which is actually aryanized from Tribal method of worship. However while tribals used this method to perform pooja to Aadi Paraasakthi in Yoni form and Lord Shiva in Linga Form. .

In Kerala, before the Nambbothiris and Nairs came, the tribes believed in Goddess PRAKRUTHI or SHAKTHI and LORD SHIVA as LINGA SWAROOPI. and had temples for them as well as to animals etc. In fact I have seen a stone with out any human shape, which is called “NAATTIYAMMAN “ in Pallassana West VillageSANTHANA GOPALA KRISHNA SWAMY TEMPLE” . Most probably , this stone might have been there as a diety which was worshipped by tribes of Kerala which land was later on given to Tamil Brahmins by Palakkad Raja or Zamorins, which due to fear of disaster, the Tamil Brahmins did not remove and even now worship it. You can find many DEVI temples in Kerala as well as LORD SHIVA temple. This , as I had said in my earlier write up , is because the early men created GOD in their own image. For the increase of progeny there should be an union of the Yoni and Linga. However, the Aryan tribes did not like this depiction and regarded VISHNU as the ultimate God.. Although the Aryan tribes did not like the worship of Linga, they too due to fear of disaster, called Lord Shiva as RUDRA. Most of the NAMBOOTHIRIS believed in a fusion of Lord Shiva and Lord Narayana and hence started worshipping LORD SHANKARA NARAYANA... Although, most of the Namboothiris are patrilineal, evennow there are few Namboothiris who follow matrilineal form.

Some historians are of the view that the word NAIR came from NAGA Worship, I differ from this view since Namboothiris are also Naga Worshippers, and the most backward classes of Theeyas are also worshippers of Nagas. Kindly note that a SARPPA KAAVU (TEMPLE FOR SERPANTS ) CALLED MANNARSHALA which is very famous is still in the hands of NAMBOOTHIRIS . You can also find SARPPA KAVU in the ILLAMS (HOUSES) of Namboothiris as is in the case of NAIRS.Unlike Dravidians, NAIRS and NAMBOOTHIRIS also burn the human dead bodies.


There is good population of Mandradiars who are akin to Palalkkad Moothans, Guptans, Tarakans etc. In fact they were Poligers. Most of them are vegetarians and worshippers of Kannaki who is considered as Aadi Parashakthi, Meenakshi etc. I am of the opinion that they are of Vaisya Caste like Komutti Chettiars who came from Andhra They belong to Polygars or Paliakarars of Tamil Nadu. However , after coming to Kerala they started speaking Malayalam. In this connection, I would like to tell about the famous Pallassana Meen Kulathi Kavu which is in the hands of Mannadiars. According to my friend Brahma Shri. P.R. Gopalakrishnan, the Kavu ( Temple ) was very small and was situated near a small pond which is very near to the present Pazhayakavu . Even now we can see the Old temple and the Pond. After the Padayottam, the Zamorins left the present Pazhaya Kavu and the Puthen Kavu which were taken over by Mannadiars and Nairs respectively. . Most of the Moothans are jewellery Merchants while the Tarakans are famous for selling betel leaves.(Botanical Name : piper betle) . Mandradiars or Mannadiars also came to sell costly gems and other jewellery. When I was a child, there was a famous ophthalmic Vaidhyar who was a teacher in Ottapalam High School. We used to call him as Mannadiar Mash, since he was a Mannadiar. . Mannadiars follow patrilineal customs unlike Nairs. I am of the opinion that they came from Tamil Nadu, just like GUPTHAS AND AGGARWALS who came from Rajasthan, and are all one and the same in caste.


Tamil speaking Brahmins came from two directions and due to varying reasons. Some Brahmins came from Tanjore and Kumbakonam , Mayilatumthurai etc on the invitation of Palakkad Raja. Others came as merchants from Thirunelveli side. Yet some others came and settled down, due to utter poverty, in Thiruvananthapuram and similar places where there was OOTTU or free meals for Brahmins Most of them who came as merchants and due to utter poverty came from Madurai, Thirunelveli etc. through the Pass at Shabari Malai. At Shabari Malai they used to conduct Special Pooja to Ayyappan called SHASTHA PREETHI. Even now their Samooham deity is Ayyappan. Those who came from Kumbakonam, Tanjore etc are VADAMAS who were believers of Mahavishnu as the ultimate GOD and later on converted as SMARTHA BRAHMINS and became the followers of Adi Shankara. We can find their temples having the Lingam of Lord Shiva or Lord Vishnu and his avathars. In Pallassana Kizhakke Gramam the deity is lord Shiva and in West Pallassana Village, the deity is Santhana Gopalakrishnaswamy. Tamil Brahmins follow Manthrik method of Worshp unlike Namboothiris who follow Tantrik method. They are also followers of patrilineal customs, like Namboothiris. While marriage Muhoortham of Namboothiris can be either during the day or the night, Tamil Brahmins have their Marriage Muhoortham during the DAY only.

Unlike Namboothiris, Tamil Brahmins worship in Manthrik Way. However, as Namboothiris use some Manthras, Tamil Brahmins also use some Thantrik methods. In my opinion, one can pray to GOD in any form irrespective whether it is Tantrik or Mantrik.

Tamil Brahmins were called in Tamil as PATTARS because for the syllable “BHA” they use only “PA” . I do not know why Malayalis use this word as PATTAR which is highly derogatory, and condemnable as there is a syllable “BHA” in Malayalam. Tamil Brahmins are like all the other category of castes as Namboothiris, Nairs etc who also came from other places and settled down in Kerala. Since they are staying in Kerala for a long time many of them have started speaking in Malayalam. In fact, most of them have forgotten Tamil. AMMAYAR which is a highly dignified method of denoting Tamil Brahmin Ladies in Tamil, is mispronounced as AMMYAR.. In Karnataka, where I stay, they call Brahmins as “ENU BHATTARE” There is a HALLI or Village called BHATTARA HALLI near Bengaluru. In Tamilnadu, some call TAMIL BRAHMINS as PAARPAN in utter derogatory and most condemnable.method. Some Malayalis even call the brahmim as OOSHA (OOTTU SAAPPADU) PATTAR.

In olden times, there was a great difference among ARYANS and DRAVIDIANS. Dravidians were treated as SHUDRAS. But as the time passed there was a mixture of Aryans and Dravidians. This mixing up was the beginning of the latest form of Hinduism.


There are FOUR opinions by scholars . However, In Leelaa Thilakam which is one of the oldest book in Malayalam Literature , I do not find Malayalam Language instead it is written KERALA BHAASHA, and THAMIZH. GUNDERT , one of the authorities about Malayalam Language has also not written showing as Malayala Bhaasha but has written Malabar and or Hill Country. The opinions are (1) Malayalam is an off-shoot of Sanskrit, (2) Malayalam is born out of Tamil ( KOTUM THAMIZH) (3) It is an independent off-shoot of the Dravidian Language, and (4) The conversational language becoming the political language. I am of the view that MALAYALAM which means in Tamil that the land between MALAI (HILL) and AZHI . was formerly with the Tamils and hence the language became more nearer to KODUM THAMIZH,in the beginning . In fact, you may not get any good literary work during the beginning of Malayalam Language. Even RAMA CHARITHAM is made alost at the end of the 1st stage ( beginning stage ). The 2nd Stage, which is a bit advanced stage , you can find some SHASANAMS like Vazhappalli Shaasanam , Veeraraaghava Pattayam. Jootha Shaasanam, Tharisaappalli Shaasanam etc. in which the influence of Sanskrit can be found. In this middle age of Malayalm, “Bhaasha Kautiliyam” in which there are more Tamil Words and few Sanskrit words is a prosody.In fact the Bhaasha Kautileeyam (KAUTILYA’S ARTHA SHAASTHRA ) is the first translation work in any oriental language. This work is not complete or we have lost many of the parts of this precious book. I have in my library one book published ny Travancore University which can not be read or understood easily. From the 3rd Stage, i.e from 14th centuary AD onwards , Malayalam is seen as an independent language. Many Sanskrit words are added to the language.

As Wordsworth said “the old order changeth yielding place to new is correct. Now we can proudly say that Malayala Bhasha is independent of any language.

Friends, I have not touched about the political situation , i.e about the Rulers of Kerala, since South Indian History itself is more complicated since this history itself is not complete. There are many places which are to be assumed. I shall leave it for the present.

There may be some people who have difference of opinion from what I have written. I request those to directly write to me to my GMAIL address “”.

Regards to one and all,