The story of BHAKTHA NANDANAR is given in PERYA PURAANAM a SHAIVA Siddantha literature. Nandanar was born in Paraya Caste which was treated as untouchable caste in olden days. PARAYAS job was either to trade in tanned cow skin or to make பறை (PARAI) a sort of drum. Since he was born in a low caste, he was not allowed to enter the precincts of any temple, since during the olden days, the higher caste born people did not allow them in temples. Paraya literally means a persom who beats a PARAI (പറയടിയ്ക്കുന്നവന്)( பறை அடிப்பவன் ). By beating drum it appears to me that the PARAYA was informing the upper caste born people to know his presence in the vicinity so that upper caste people will not go to those places. Pariah as given in the Little Oxford Dictionary means A PERSON WHO IS REJECTED BY OTHERS OR AN OUTCASTE. This is how such a blatant racism was existing in olden INDIA. No wonder why people in general hate the uppercaste born people !.
Now coming to my story , NANDANAR in spite of his birth in a lower caste was an ARDENT SHIVA BHAKTHA. He wanted to visit the Lord at Tirupungur. He was working as a serf to a Brahmin Land lord who was a VEDIC BRAHMIN (வேதியர்) like one among us who is proud to say that he does all THRIKAALA SANDHYA VANDANA and a Vedic Brahmin, who did not allow Nandanar to go to Tiruppungur. When NANDANAR started requesting him again and again for permission, this VEDIAR told him he would grand permission provided Nandanar tilled all the 40 acres of land with in a night. Nandanar was dejected as his master had told him to do an impossible task and after praying to Lord Shiva as usual went to bed. The next morning when NANDANAR went to the fields, he saw to his surprise that all the 40 acres of land were tilled. When he informed the VEDIAR master about this he went to his lands and saw it was all tilled. Now the VEDIAR understood that NANDANAR was not an ordinary person and prostrated before him and permitted him to go to the temple. NANDANAR’S ordeal was not over. When he went to TIRUPUNGUR to pay his obeisance to Lord Shiva, being a PARIAH by caste he could only stand out-side the temple for DARSHAN of the LORD. But the huge NANDI (OX) seen before the Lord in SIVA temples obstructed his DARSHAN of lord SHIVA and hence prayed to the lord thus “வழிமரைத்திருப்பதே மலைபோலே ஒருமாடு வழிமேல் படுத்திருப்பதே......” (VAZHIMARAITHTHIRUPPATHE MALAIPOLE ORU MAATU VAZHIMEL PATUTHTHIRUPPATHE) (This song from an old Film BHAKTHA NANDANAR SUNG BY DANDAPAANI DESIKAR still reverberates in my ears). Immediately, the NANDI (OX, BULL) changed its position to give SHIVA DARSHAN to NANDANAR. Even to-day we can see this particular NANDI which shifted its position, for Lord’s DARSHAN. We do not know the actual name of NANDANAR, It is possible he got the name because the NANDI shifted its position.
After returning he told all the villagers about NANDI GIVING WAY TO NANDANAR TO SEE THE LORD AND PAY OBEISANCE to Lord SHIVA and also said that he would be going “TOMORROW” to visit LORD SHIVA as a DANCER ( THILLAI NATARAJAR ) called as CHIDAMBARAM (தில்லை திருசித்திரகூடம்) the temple is called as THILLAI THIRU CHITHRAKOOTAM. Since the day TOMORROW is an indefinite day NANDANAR is called as THIRU NAALAI POVAAR and is one among the 63 NAYANMARS (திருநாளைபோவர்)). However, he did go to Chidambaram to pay his obeisance to Lord Shiva in dancing pose (நடராஜர்) i.e. as Nataraaja . Chidambaram was in CHOLA DESA . Nandanar on reaching CHIDAMBARAM loudly asked for permission to enter the streets where Brahmins stayed. These Brahmins without uttering a word went to their houses and locked their houses from inside. While there are two versions which I narrate hereunder :-
Lord Shiva appeared in front of these Brahmins and told them that NANDANAR WAS HIS “PARAMA BHAKTHA” and hence to carry him on a palanquin and take him inside the temple.
The second version is to make him to bathe in fire and then allow him to enter the temple.
I feel the first one is correct. The Brahmins after this dream carried him on a palanquin on their shoulders and took him inside the temple. This NANDANAR is later known as one among the 63 NAYANMARS as THIRU NAALAI POWAAR.
Friends, this story is to tell only that OUR VEDAS DO NOT DESCRIBE CASTE SYSTEM. I agree that there is a mention in PURSHA SOOKTHAM which is a part of Rig Veda, but does not mention that it is hereditary. It is the creation of selfish man.
Once again I repeat by performing THRIKALA SANDYA VANDANA or by mere reading of VEDAS etc. one will not become Brahmin. A Brahmin is one who has no hate others and who respects others sentiments and work for the welfare of all. The MOTTO SHOULD BE “ ll सर्वे जनाः सुखिनो भवन्ति ll “ ( SARVE JANAA SUHINO BHAVANTHI ). There are places in India ,like the North East, where caste was always on the borderlines. Further I have read “ ll Priyo Devanam dakshinai dhaturiha Bhuyasamayam|
Me kamah samudruthamupadado Namutu ll
Meaning” I bestow this knowledge of the Vedas for all persons, similarly also preach it to all including the Brahmans, the kshatriyas the Vaishayas, the Shudras,servants ladies and even persons lower than Shudras. Further in order to remove all doubts of one being superior or inferior it makes very clear that all are equal. Look at the following Mantra.
Ajyestaso akanistasa he ete sambrataro soubhagaya|
Yuva pita svapa rudra esam sudugha prusnhih sudina marudhbhayah ll “
Meaning. These men are without superiors, without inferiors, they are mutually brothers, they march onwards for prosperity. The eternal youthful, the soul protecting grief alleviating God is their father, the richly feeding; the mother earth produces happy days for these mortals.
The Mantras quoted above has one message. That is, all are equal and the spirit of unity is the underlying factors in all most all 20379 Mantras. “
Regards to one and all,