Constellations Beginning Dasa Total period of Years
1 Krithika, Uthara Phalguni and Utharaashaada SUN ( RAVIDASA ) 6 Years
2. Rohini, Hastha and Sravana MOON (CHANDRA DASA) 10 Years
3. Mrigashira,Chithra and Dhanishta MARS (KUJA DASA) 7 years
4. Sravana, Swathy and Shathabhishak RAAHU DASA 18 years
5. Punarvasu, Vishakha and Poorvabhaadra JUPITER (GURU DASA) 16 years
6. Pushya, Anuradha and Utharabhadra SATURN (SHANI DASA) 19 Years
7. Aslesha, Jyeshta and Revathi MERCURY (BUDHA DASA) 17 Years
8. Aswini, Makha, and Moola KETHU DASA 7 Years
9. Bharani, Purva Phalguni and Purvaashaada VENUS (SHUKRA DASA) 20 Years
Total PURUSHAAYUS 120 Years
The Owner of the STAR in which one is born is the 1st Dasa of the person.
The Balance Dasa OR GARBHA shishta Dasa is calculated by finding out the balance of NAZHIKAS AND VINAZHIKAS (GHATIS AND VIGHATIS) and by multiplying it by the total number of years of that dasa and afterwards divide it by 60 you can get the Years and balance, if any, may be multiplied by 12 and then divide by 60, you can get the months and further balance, if any, may be multiplied by 30 and then divided by 60, you can get the days.
For the layman’s purpose 1 NAZHIKA OR GHATI = 24 Minutes
Friends, when I was about 5 Years we had a book called GUNAKOSHTAM in which the constellations and their KOORU or JANMA RAASIS were given. I remember I have learnt the Raasis with the stars when I was a child of 6 years. Now the entire curriculum is changed as Lord Alfred Tennyson said “OLD ORDER CHANGETH YIELDING PLACE TO NEW”.
After dealing with CONSTELLATIONS AND STARTING DASAS and the Stars which will have the Starting Dasa period etc. and PURSHAYUS which is considered by Hindu Astrologers as 120 Years, How to find out the Garbha Shishta Dasa , I am going to narrate about the calculation of APAHAARA or BHUKTHI Period of each planet. Please note that the Bhukthi period will be less or more as per each Dasa’s period. I am giving hereunder the relevant Sanskrit Sloka and then the meaning in English.
“ ll दशा दशाहता कार्या दशभिर्भागमाहरेत्
लब्धाङ्गाश्च भवेन्मासास्त्रिंशद्घ्ने च दिनानिच ll “
Meaning : if the Dasa period of a dasa is multiplied with the Bhukthi period of the bhukthi and divided by 10 the whole number be treated as the total period of the Apahara in months and the balance if multiplied by 30 and then divided by 10 the resultant will be total days.
As an example , Suppose we have to find out the Apahara period of Jupiter in Sun’s dasa :- The total period of Sun’s das is = 6 years
Jupiter’s total Dasa period is = 16 years
Multiplying both we get = 96
By dividing this with 10 = 9 Months and balance 6
This balance 6 is to be multiplied by 30 and then divided by 10 we get = (6x30)/10=18 Days Total period of GURU’s APAHARA is 9 months and 18 days.
Pleasae note that each DASA has 9 Apaharas and the first Apahara is always The Dasa of which we are finding out the APAHARA PERIOD ( In Sanskrit we call it as “ll स्वापहार ll “)
The MOON’s 1st aphara is MOON only (स्वापहार), the next will be the next DASA i.e. MARS
I shall deal with UPA BHUKTHI or CHCHHIDRA (छिद्र)
I am giving herein about CCHIDRAM or Upa Bhukthi calculation. As in the case of APAHARA for each Dasa, these Apaharas also can be divided into UPA BHUKTHI or CCHIDRA. Each Bhukthi has nine upabhukthi or CCHIDRA. CCHIDRA also starts first from the APAHARA for which the CCHIDRA is to be calculated.
How to find the CCHIDRA period is given in the following Verse :-
“ ll त्रिगुणितमूलदशाबदा –
‘ नीति ’ विभक्तम् दिनंभवति ll “
MEANING : Multiply With 3 the Dasa of the person , then again multiply with the APAHARA’S No. of years.Then take the half of the resultant and again multiply this half with the CCHIDRA’S LORD’S No. of years The resultant will be the CCHIDRA period in NAZHIKAS. If you divide this with 60 you can get the CCHIDRA PERIOD in DAYS.
EXAMPLE : Suppose you want to know the period of CCHIDRA of RAVI DASA/GURU BHUKTHI/SANI’S CCHIDRA.
RAVI DASA PERIOD (TOTAL) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 YEARS
MULTIPLY THIS WITH 3..You will get .. .. .. .. 18
Now multiply this with the number of years of APAHARA (GURU) i.e 16 years.
Youy will get 18 x 16 = 288 Now half of the resultant is = 288/2 = 144
Multiply this 144 with SANI’S No. of years which is 19 Years = 144x19 = 2736 This is the NAZHIKA
To make it days divide this Nazhika by 60. You will get .. .. ..2736/60 = 45.6 DAYS if you divide this by 30 you can get .. … ….45. 6/30 = 1 month 15 days and 36 Nazhika
In my next m I shall deal with SOOKSHMA DASA in my next.
Now I shall deal with How to calculate “ SOOKSHMA DASA “
As in APAHARA and CCHIDRA { ( अपहार (भुक्ति) , छिद्र (उपभुक्ति or अन्दर) ) } the first SOOKSHMA DASA (सूक्ष्मा दश) is the Dasa of the Lord of CCHIDRA. In this , I am giving below the Sanskrit version of how to calculate SOOKSHMA DASA :-
“ ll स्वान्तरोक्तघाटीवृन्दं हतं स्वाब्दग्रहेण च
विंशोत्तरशतेनाप्तं लिप्ताशेषं कलादिकं ll “
MEANING : In whichever CCHIDRA Period one wants to find the SOOKSHMA DASA (सूक्ष्मदशा), please convert the months and days into NASHIKA or GHATIS (घटि) and then multiply it with the number of years of the Dasa and then divide the resultant with 120. Here you will get the whole number and balance. The whole number may be treated as GHATIS and balance is to be again multiplied by 60 which if divided by 120 one can also get a whole number which may be treated as vighatis and if there is any balance this may be also multiplied by 60 as told above if divided by 120 one can get THATPARA *
*60 Thatparas make one VINAZHIKA
Example : Suppose you want to find out the SOOKSHMA DASA of a person running KUJA DASA/SANI APAHARA/BUDHA CHIDRA :-
CHHIDRA OR ANDARA AS per the calculations told will be 3391 ½. Please multiply the same with the SOOKSMA NATHA’S No. of years i.e. 17. You will get 57655 ½. Divide this with 120 (PURUSHAYUS). You will get 480 and Balance 55 ½. 480 is NAZHIKAS.This balance 55 ½ is to be multiplied by 60. You will get 3330 and divide this by 120. You will get 27 and balance 90. The whole number 27 is Vinazhikas and balance 90 is again to be multiplied again by 60. You will get 5400. Divide this 5400 by 120 and you will get 45 this is Thathpara. Hence the Sooksma Dasa = 480 Nazhikas 27 Vinazhikas and 45 Thathparas.
In my next I shall deal with PRAANA DASA ( प्राण दश )
“ ll स्व सुक्ष्मदशायाश्च पिण्डे विघटिकात्मके
स्वाब्दैर्हते पुनस्तष्टे विंशोत्तर शतेन च l
लब्धं विघटिका ज्ञेया विफलानि ततः परं ll “
MEANING: If we convert SOOKSHMA DASA TIME into VINAAZHIKA and multiply with the DASA YEARS and divide it with 120 we will get the vinaazhikaas of PRAANA DASAA TIME. If we get some THATHPARAS it should not be considered. (If required we may also consider making THATHPARAS by multiplying it with 60 and dividing it by 120.)
EXAMPLE: Suppose we want to find out the PRAANA DASAA period of KETHU in Kuja Dasa/Sani Apahara/Budha’s Andara/Budha’s Sookshma Dasa . As per the values given before the SOOKSHMA DASA period is, 480 Nazhikas 27 Vinazhikas and 45 Thathparas . If we convert it to Vinazhikas we will get 28827 ¾. Multiply this with Kethu’s Dasa period 7 and you will get 2 01794 ¼. If you divide it by 120 you will get 1681 and balance 74 ¼. In this 1681 is Vinazhika and balance 74 ¼ if multiplied with 60 you will get 4455. Divide this by 120 You will get 37 and balance 18’ If the balance 15 is multiplied with 60, you will get 900 . Divide this 900 by 120. You will get 7 ½. This is callked PRATHATHPARA (प्रतत्पर) . Hence the PRAANA KAALA of Kethu is 1681Vinazhikas i.e 28 Nazhikas 1 Vinazhika 37 Thathparas and 7 ½ Prathathparas.
Friends, All Dasas, Bhukthis, Chhidras , Sookshmas and Pranas start from the Dasa of the birth and all 9 Dasas come one after the other. Example Suppose a person is born on Mrigasira Nakshathra. His starting Dasa is KUJA and the next dasa will be RAAHU and so on upto Shukra, Sun and Moon.
In my next I shall tell about SOURAMAANA, SAAVANA, CHAANDRA, NAAKSHATHRA, BAARHASPATHYA since the astrologers of KERALA and from other places have different views.
This is kamakshy from changancherry. Since i'm doing a ph.d work on our society ie tamil brahmin society, this blogs of yours are really helpful for me. thank you mama
I am shreeramachandran from chennai. I am 80 yours young. I retired from department of telecom in 1996 and I am electronics engineer by profession.
I have copy of Yajurvedam published some decades ago and not published thereafter. If any one is interested, I can mail.
My e mail is phone 04428474099
regards for my elders and blessings for my youngers
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