MANTHRESWARA’S PHALADEEPIKA (CONDENSED) ADHYAYA 2. Herein Manthreswara gives information and Characteristics of the PLANETS:-(a) Manthreswara opines that it is the SUN (रवि, सूर्य), signifies of one’s own collection of Copper (ताम्रं), Gold ( स्वर्णं) , Father (पितृ शुभ फलम्). self’s soul’s auspiciousness (आत्म सोउख्यम्), prowess (प्रतापं), courage (धैर्यं), power (शौर्यं), victory in war (समितिविजयं), Government Service (राज सेवा), glory (प्रकाशं), Work relating to Lord Shiva (शैवं), Travels to forests and its regions like mountains (वनगिरिगर्ति), performing or taking leading part in Havans or Yajnas ( होमकार्य प्रवृतिं), pilgrimage or taking active part in Temples (देवस्थानं) Acuteness and enthusiasm (बुधस्तै्क्ष्ण्यमुत्साहमककी्).(b) Again he says MOON signifies welfare of Mother (मातुःस्वस्ति), Tranquility of mind (मनप्रसादं), Sea bath (समुधिस्नानम्), White CHAAMARAM (सितं चामरम्),Umbrella (छत्रं), Good fan ( सुव्यजनं), Fruits (फलानि), Tender objects (मृदुलं), Flowers (पुष्पाणि), Corn (सस्थं), Agriculture (कृषिम्), Fame (कीर्तिं), Acquisition of pearls, bell metal, silver (मौक्तिक काम्स्यरं), sweets, Milk and Milk products , cows, good clothes (मधुरं, क्षीरादीवस्त्राम्बुगो), women, good meals and bodily health, (-योफाप्तिम्,सुखभोजनं,तनुसुखं), beauty (रूपं). Hence these are to be checked from the MOON.Now, coming to the position of MARS, he says, it is through this MARS (कुज), that an astrologer has to ascertain the physical and mental strength, cruelty,battle , daring acts(सर्वं भूफलितं,क्रौर्यं. रणं, साहसं), qualities of brother(s) ( सहोदर गुणं) ,hatred or antagonism (विद्वेषं), the fire of the kitchen (महानसाग्नि), gold (कनकं), kinsmen (ञाति), weapon(अस्त्रं), Thieves (चोर भयं), enemies (रिपून्),Energy (उत्साहं), sexual intercourse with other ladies than wives (परकामिनि रति), falsehood (असत्योक्तिं), prowess, high thinking, Sin, Wounds and acquisition of position of a commander. (महीजाव्ददेव्दीर्यं, चित्तसमुन्नतिं,च कलुषं सेनाधिपत्यं क्षतम् ).In other words मन्गल (MARS) signifies all the above matters.Now Manthreswara says about the significance of Mercury (बुध). Ascertain from BUDHA all about Learning (पाण्डित्यं), eloquence (सुवच), proficiency in arts(कला निपुणता), eulogy from highly learned (विद्वस्तुति), Maternal Uncle (मातुलं), dexterity in speech( वाक्चातुर्यम), expert ways of worship (उपासनादिपटुतां), intelligence (विधासु युक्तिं), Aptness to acquire knowledg(मति), Sacrifice (यशां), religious work relating to Lord Vishnu (वैष्णवकर्म), speaking truth only (सत्यवचनं), oydter (शुक्त्ति), recreational places (विहार स्थलं), skill in making sculptures (शिल्पं),relations, heir apparent, friends, sister’s sons daughters etc.(बान्धवयौवराज्यसुहृदस्ताब्द्धागिनेयम विधात्)Now he says about Jupiter (गुरु). It is through Guru, that the astrologer has to think about the knowledge ( ज्ञान्), noble qualities (सत्गुणं), progeny (आत्मजं), whether will become a good minister (सचिवं), behavior (स्वाचारं), teaching ability (आचार्यकं), magnanimity (माहात्म्यं), knowledge in Vedas, Shaastras, smrithees etc. (श्रुतिशास्त्राधीस्मृतिमतिं). Prosperity in all directions(सर्वोत्रातिं सद्गतिं), reverence towards Devas and Brahmins (देव ब्रह्मणा भक्ति), sacrifice(मध्वरतपः), penance, religious faith, treasury, mastering of senses, honour, kindness and happiness of the husband (श्रद्धाश्र्च कोशस्थलं वैदुष्यं विजितेन्द्रियं धवसुखं संमानामिडयाद्दयाम्).Note :- Jupiter (गुरु), while to be checked for progeny in a male’s horoscope asसंतान कारक . In a female’s horoscope should be considered for marriage etc. since it signifies husband.( This is otherwise called as गुरु बलं ( Guru Balam ) Generally.After this Manthreswara explains for what we are to consider VENUS (शुक्र). He says check for Venus’ favourability for “ll संपव्दाहनवस्त्रभूषणनिधिद्रव्याणि तौर्यत्रिकं, भार्यासौख्यसुगन्धपुष्पमदन- व्यापारशय्यालयान्, श्रीमत्त्वं कवितासुखं बहुवधूसङ्गं विलासं मदं, साचिव्यं सरसोत्तिमाह भृगुजा-दुव्दाहकर्मोत्सवम् ll “.Accordingly to know about one’s wealth, vehicles(Conveyance), clothes, ornaments, treasures including hoarded goods, interest in amalgam of song, dance and musical instruments, uses of scent or perfume, flowers, sexual intercourse, couch, prosperity, house, pleasure in hearing poetry, music etc. , addiction to many women, liking and taking part in sports, minister-ship, richness, and in short all kinds of comforts, holly deeds and celebrations and luxuries we are to check the position of VENUS (शुक्र),Note :- from the male’s horoscope all about the happiness of wife including marital happiness is to be considered since VENUS signifies wife in a male’s horoscope.Manthreswara now tells the significations of SATURN (शनि, मन्द). In Kerala, in the Horoscopic Charts generally to signify the position of Saturn, I have seen astrologers writing (മ) indicating the position of SATURN ( MANDAN). From the position of SATURN , Manthreswara says that we should find about “ ll आयुष्यं मरणं भयं पतिततां दुःखावमानामयान् . दारिद्र्यं बृतकापवादकलुषाष्याशौचनिन्धापदः, स्थैर्यंनीचजनाश्रयं च महिषं-तन्द्रीम्रुणं चायसं, दासत्वं कृषिसाधनं रविसुतात्कारागृहं बन्दनम् llAs per Manthreswara we must find about our longevity , death, fear degradation, disgrace, sickness, unhappiness and misery, humiliation, poverty, sins, impurity, censure, misfortune, constancy, resorting to low people, buffalo, drowsiness, debts, iron, servitude, agricultural implements, getting arrested or going to jail etc. from SATURN (शनि, मन्दन्).
Now onwards Manthreswara explains about the features and temperament of the above planets :“ ll पित्तास्थिसारोऽल्पकचश्र्च रक्तश्यामकृतिः स्यान्मधुपिण्ङ्गलाक्षः, कौसुम्भवासाश्र्चतु्स्त्रदेहःशूरः प्रचण्डः पृथुबाहुरर्कः ll “ The SUN (रवि, सूर्य) is bilious and has strong bones in his body. He has very less or scanty hair, and his form is dark red. His eyes are of reddish brown colour. He is clad in red coloured clothes and his body is square built. He is valiant and wrathful and has big massive hands.Now Manthreswara explains the features and temperament of Moon (चन्द्र).:-“ ll स्थूलो युवा च स्थविरः कृशःसितःकान्तेक्षणश्र्चासितसूक्ष्ममूर्धजः रक्तैकसारो मृदुवाक् सितांशुको गौरःशशी वातकफात्मको मृदुः ll “Moon has a huge body. She is both young and old, She is lean and white in colour. She has fine and handsome eyes and black and thin hair. She governs blood. She is soft spoken and dresses in white coloured clothes, Her complexion is fair and possesses very mild temperament, beautiful and has ingredients of Wind and phlegm ( वात , कफा) in her composition.Now Manthreswara explains the features and temperament of Mars (कुज, ചൊവ്വ,செவ்வாய்) :“ ll मध्ये कृशः कुञ्चितदीप्तकेशः क्रूरेक्षणः पैत्तिक उग्रबुद्धिःl रक्ताम्बरो रक्तनुर्महीजश्र्चण्डोऽत्युदारस्तरुणोऽतिमज्जः ll “Kuja (MARS) has a lean waist and his hairs are curly and bright. His looks are cruel or fierce and his nature is also cruel. He is bilious. He always wears red clothes. His body is reddish hue. Although he is wrathful , he is generous. He is always youthful and his jurisdiction is the marrow of the body.The implication of his youthfulness always in appearance shows that he is as an ascendant in a native’s horoscope will show that even in old age the native will look as a youth. The implication of his body which is red hue is that those born with Mars as ascendant will be reddish white. After MARS, Manthreswara explains the appearance and temperament of MERCURY (भूध, புதன், ബുധന് ) : “ ll दूर्वालताश्यामतनुस्त्रिधातुमिश्रः सिरावान्माधुरोक्तियुक्तः l रक्तायताक्षो हरितांशुकशुकस्त्वक्सारो धो हास्यरुचिः समाङ्गः llAccording to Manthrswara BUDHA ‘s colour is green like BHAMA GRASS (കറുകപുല്ലു, அருவம்புல்லு). He has a mixture of Wind,bile and phlegm (बात, पित्त, कफ). His body is full of veins. By nature, he is soft spoken; his limbs are proportional (Balanced built) . He governs the skin and he loves fun and frolic. Now he speaks about JUPITER ((गुरु. வியாழன், ഗുരു(വ്യാഴന്)):“ ll पीतद्दुतिःपिङ्गकचेक्षणःस्यात् पीनोन्नतोराश्र्च बृहच्छरीरः l कफात्मकः श्रेष्ठमतिः सुरेडच्यः सिंहाब्जनादश्र्च वसुप्रधानः ll “GURU’s body is yellowish hue. He has brownish eyes and hairs. His chest is firm and elevated.His body is huge. He is composed with phlegm. He is highly intelligent and his voice is that of a lion or voice made by conch. He is always after making wealth. Hence JUPITER is considered as signifying wealth.and if we consider वसा प्रधान then he signifies fat. Now Manthreswara explains about the appearance and temperament of VENUS (शुक्र,சுக்கிரன்,ശുക്രന്) :-“ ll चित्राम्बराकृज्ञ्जितकृष्णकेशःस्थूलाङयदेहश्र्च कफानिलात्मा l दूर्वाङ्कुराभः कमनो विशालनेत्रो भृगुः साधितशुक्लवृद्धिः ll “SHUKRA (VENUS) (शुक्र, சுக்கிரன்,ശുക്രന്) is dressed in clothes of different colours. He has curly hair with huge body and limbs. KAPHAM AND VAAYU ( PHELGM AND WIND ) are dominant in his composition. His colour is like the tender leaves of Bhaama grass(പുതിയതായിവളരുന്ന കറുകപ്പുല്ലുമാതിരി, இளம் அறுகைபுல்லு போல்), He appears to be very beautiful. His eyes are very broad. His power is virile. Hence astrologers check VENUS for beauty and Virility. Lastly Manthreswara explains about the features and temperament of Saturn (सनैस्चर,சனிபகவான், മന്ദന്,ശനി) : “ ll पङ्गुर्निन्मविलोचनः कृशतनु्दींर्घः सिरालोऽलसःl कृष्णाङ्गः पवनात्मकोऽतिपिशुनः स्नाय्वात्मिकोनिर्घृणःl मूर्खःस्थूलनखव्दिजः परुषरोमाङ्गोऽशुचिस्तामसो l रौद्रः क्रोधपरो जरापरिणतः कृष्णाम्बरो भास्करिः llSATURN (शनैस्चारः)=Slow moving since he is lame. His eyes are deepest (உள்ளேபோன கண்கள்,കുഴിഞ്ഞ കണ്ണുകള്), His body is lean and he is tall. His body is full of arteries and veins. He is black and dark in colour. His composition is with WIND (वात). He is idle by nature and he makes false and damaging statements. He governs the muscles in the body. By nature he is cruel and without pity. He is dull headed and has large nails, teeth and stiff hair and limbs. He is dirty and sinful in disposition. He is fierce and personification of anger. He is old and always wears black clothes.Friends , although I have written whatever Manthreswara has told. However he has mentioned in one place that He is NIRGUNA. It means he has NO GUNA or attributes. Then how can he have all the attributes? I am only an amateur. I request PUNDITS to explain this anomaly. HERE ONWARDS MANTHRSWARA EXPLAINS THE PLACES FREQUENTED BY ALL THE ABOVE PLANETS. “ ll शैवं धाम वहिःप्रकाश कामरूद्दशो स्वेः पूर्वदिक् l दुगस्थिानवधूजलौषधिमधुस्थानं विधोवर्यवार्य र्वायुदिक् l चोरम्लेच्छकृशानुयुद्धभुवि दिग्याम्या कुजस्योदिता lद्व` विद्वद्विष्णुसभाविहारगणकस्यानान्युदिंचीं विदुः ll “The places frequented by the SUN (रवि, सूर्य,രവി,സൂര്യന്, சூரியன்,ரவி) are temples of Lord Shiva, open places, places where there is light, no water, and which are in eastern side.The MOON (चन्द्र, ചന്ദ്രന്, சந்திரன்) frequents GoddessParvathi’s Temples , places where ladies are frequented, watery places, places where medicinal plants and herbs are available, and in places which are situated in North –westerly direction.MARS (कुज,मङ्गल, കുജന്, செவ்வாய்) frequents Battle fields, Places where Fire is abundant, places where thieves and Thugs frequent and on the southern side.MERCURY( बुध, ബുധന്, புதன்) is frequented in places where learned men congregates, in temples of LORD VISHNU, where all people assemble, where men of letters frequent, places of recreations and men who have sound knowledge of Mathematics. He stays in Northern direction.“ l कोशाश्र्वत्थसुरद्विजातिनिलयस्त्वौशानदिग्गी्ष्पते – र्वेश्यावीथ्यावरोधनृत्तशयनस्थानं भृगोरग्रिदिक् l निचश्रेण्यशुचिस्थलं वरुणदिक्चास्तुःशनेरालयो वल्लीकाहितमोबिलान्यहिशिखीस्थानानि दिग्वक्षसः ll “Jupiter’s( गुरु, ഗുരു, வியாழன்) jurisdictions are over treasury, Banyan trees (अश्वत्थ, ആല്മരം, places which are populated by Gods and Brahmins and the north eastern quarter.Venus’ (शुक्र,ശുക്രന്,சுக்கிரன்) places are the abodes of courtesans (നര്ത്തകികള് താമാസിക്കും വീടുകള് , ந்றுத்தமாடும் பெண்கள் வீடுகள்) , rooms where women stays(സ്ത്രീകള്താമസിക്കും മുറികള്, பெண்கள்மட்டும் தங்கும் அறைகள்), Bed Rooms (കിടപ്പു മുറികള്, படுக்கை அறைகள்), Dining Halls (ഊട്ടുപന്തി, ஊண்கூடம்), He is situated in north eastern direction. SATURN (शनि, മന്ദന്,ശനി, சனி) inhabits in western side and where low class people, Shaasthaa temples are situated, and places which are filthy.RAHU AND KETHU about whom he says for the first time , stays where ant hills( എറുമ്പുപുറ്റു , எறும்பு புற்று)are situated, in dark holes where snakes inhabit and in south-western quarters. SIGNIFICATIONS OF PLANETS Now onwards in four verses Manthreswara explains the Significations of all planets :“ ll शैवो भीषङ्नृपतिरध्वरकृत्प्रधानी l व्याघ्रो मृगो दिनपतेः किल चक्रवाकः l शास्ताङ्गनाराजककर्षकतोयगाःस्यु – रिन्दोः शशाङ्ग हरिनङ्ग वकङ्गकोर: ll 17.“ ll भौमो महानसगायुधा भूत्सुवर्ण – काराजकुक्कुटशिवाकपिगृधचोराः l गोपज्ञशिल्पगणकोत्तमविष्णुदासा – स्ताक्ष्र्यःकिकीदिविशुकौ शशिजो बिडाल: ll 18“ ll देवज्ञमन्त्रिगुरुविप्रयतिशमुख्याः पारावतः सुरगरोस्तुरगश्र्च हंसः l मानी धनी विटबणिङ्नटतन्तुवाय – वेश्यामयूरमहीषश्र्च भृगोः शुको गौः ll “ 19 “ ll तैलक्रयि भृतकानिचकिरातकाय – स्कारश्र्च दन्तिकरोटाश्र्च पिकाः शनेः स्युः l विद्धाहितुण्डिखगराजवृकोष्ट्रसर्प – ध्वान्तादयो मशकमत्कुणकृम्युलूका: 20The SUN (रवि) siginfies a person as a worshipper of Lord Shiva , a physician, a king , a performer of Sacrifice (YAJNA) , a minister , tiger, deer, and a healthy red coloured goose. See Original Verse 17.Jupiter MOON (चन्द्र) signifies worshipper of Lord DHARMA SHAASTHA, A lady, a Dhobhi, a peasant, an aquatic animal, a hare, an African deer , birds like crane, a Hindu Legendary birds like CHAKORA, BAGULA Etc. (चकोरःചകോരം, சகோரம்,बगुळ, ബഗുളം,பகுளம்) Verse 17MARS (कुज, अंगारक, मन्गल, ചൊവ്വ, செவ்வாய்) signifies A cook or a person proficient in Cooking, A soldier, a goldsmith(തട്ടാന്, ஆசாரி), A male adult sheep, , a male chicken, a vulture, a fox or jackal, a monkey and Thief. See Verse 18Now Manthreswara explains the signification of MERCURY (बुध, ബുധന്, புதன்). This planet is concerned with a Milkman or a person dealing with such items, A sculptor (शिल्पि), a mathematician or an accountantant (गणकोत्तम), A person who worships Lord Vishnu (विष्णुदास), Eagle(गरुड), The Monsoon bird (മഴ പക്ഷി), monkey, parrot and cat. See Verse 18. Jupiter (गुरु ,ഗുരു,வ்யாழன்,குரு) influences an astrologer (देवज्ञ), a minister (मन्त्री),a Brahmin(विप्र), a preceptor, a saint , an important personage, a pigeon, a horse and a swan. See verse 19VENUS (शुक्र,ശുക്രന്,சுக்கிரன்) represents a respectable person (मानि), a wealthy person(धनि), a person who indulges in association of prostitutes (विट), a merchant(बणि) , a dancer, a courtesan or a prostitute with wealth clients, cow , a buffalo, a peacock, or parrot . See verse 19.SATURN (शनि)(ശനി,മന്ദന്)(சனி) has influence over a person dealing with oil, a servant, a vile person( a crafty and unpleasant person), a hunter, anything connected with black colour i.e.( blacksmith, elephant, a cuckoo, a crow etc. See verse 20 for details.RAHU and KETHU represents a Buddhist, a snake catcher, a wolf, a camel, a serpent, mosquitoes, bugs, insects and dark places.
In TWO VERSES (Verse 21 and 22) Manthreswara explains the Friendship, Enmity and Neutrality of the PLANETS. :-“ ll सौम्यःसमोऽर्कजसितावहिति खरांशो – रिन्दोर्हितौ रविबुधावपरे समाःस्युःl भौमस्य मन्दभृगुजौ तु समौ रिपुर्ज्ञः सौम्यस्य शीतगुररिः सुहृदौ सितार्कौ ll “ 21“ ll सुरेर्दूषौ कविबुधौ रविज: समःस्या – न्मध्यो कवेर्गुरुकुजौ सुहृदौ शनिज्ञौ l जीवःसमः सितविदौ रविजस्यमित्रे ज्ञिया अनुत्कखचरास्तु तदन्यथा स्युः ll “ 22I shall give the meaning in a chart instead of giving the meaning :-PLANET FRIEND NEUTRAL ENEMYRAVI (SUN) CHANDRA (MOON) , KUJA (MARS) BUDHA (MERCURY) SHUKRA (VENUS) GURU(JUPITER) SANI (SATURN) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________CHANDRA(MOON) RAVI (SUN), BUDHA(MERCURY) REST ALL PLANETS _ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------KUJA (MARS) RAVI (SUN),CHANDRA (MOON) SHUKRA (VENUS), BUDHA (MERCURY GURU(JUPITER) SANI(SATURN) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BUDHA (MERCURY) RAVI(SUN),SHUKRA(VENUS) KUJA(MARS),GURU(JUPITER) CHANDRA (MOON) SANI (SATURN) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GURU(JUPITER) RAVI (SUN),CHANDRA(MOON) SANI (SATURN) BUDHA(MERCURY) KUJA (MARS) SHUKRA (VENUS) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHUKRA(VENUS) BUDHA (MERCURY),SANI(SATURN) KUJA (MARS) , RAVI (SUN), GURU(JUPITER) CHANDRA(MOON) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SANI(SATURN) BUDHA (MERCURY),SUKRA (VENUS) GURU(JUPITER) RAVI(SUN), CHANDRA (MOON) ,KUJA (MARS) ======================================================================================================PLANETS WHICH ARE TEMPORARILY FRIENDS AND ENEMIES“ ll अन्योन्यं त्रिसुखस्वस्वान्त्यभवगास्तत्काल मित्राण्यमी l ततन्नैसर्गिकमप्यक्ष्य कथयेत्तस्यातिर्मित्राहितान् l शौयज्ञिे रविजौ गुरुर्गुरुसुतौ भौमश्र्चतुर्याष्टमौ पूर्ण पश्यति सप्तमं च सकलास्तेष्वंघ्रिवृद्धेदा क्रमात् ll “ 23When planets occupy from one another , the 2nd, 3rd , 4th ,10th ,11th and 12th they are said to be MUTUALLY FRIENDLY. It means , conversely planets occupying from one another , 1st, 5th, 6th, 7th,8th and 9th are mutually inimical. From checking the above given, an astrologer has to infer whether the planets are friendly, very friendly, neutral or inimical to each other.Apart from the above given rules, Manthreswara says the astrologer should ascertain among the planets the grades of friendship and enmity as given below :-1. Natural Friend (नैसर्गिक मित्रा) + Temporary Friend(तात्कालिक मित्रा) = Best Friend(अधि मित्रा)@2. Natural Friend (नैसर्गिक मित्रा) + Temporary Enemy(तात्कालिक शत्रु) = Neutral (सम) * __________________________________________________________________________3. Natural Enemy (नैसर्गिक शत्रु) + Temporary Enemy(तात्कालिक शत्रु) = Bitter Enemy(अधि शत्रु) $ ___________________________________________________________________________4. Natural Enemy (नैसर्गिक शत्रु) + Temporary Friend(तात्कालिक मित्र) = Neutral(सम) * 5. Natural Neutral (सम) + Temporary Friend(तात्कालिक मित्र) = Friend(मित्र) @ ___________________________________________________________________________6. Natural Neutral) (सम) + Temporary Enemy(तात्कालिक शत्रु) = Enemy (शत्रु) $ Friends, For Marriage Compatibility this aspect is to be checked. Those Marked(@) are good, Those marked ( * ) are passive and THOSE MARKED ( $ ) ARE NOT GOOD.NOW MANTHRESWARA EXPLAINS ABOUT GLANCE (दृष्टि) SATURN’S (शनि) glance is full from its position to 3rd and 10th houses and and Jupiters full glace on 5th and 9th houses from the house he situates and Mars(कुज) has its full glance on 4th and 8th houses. Please note that all planets aspect ¼ glance on 3rd and 10th houses ; ½ glace at 5th and 9th houses; ¾ glance on 4th and 8th Houses and full glance on 7th house from their position except SANI and KUJA who aspects full apart from 7th house to the houses as mentioned above.
WO VERSES (Verse 21 and 22) Manthreswara explains the Friendship, Enmity and Neutrality of the PLANETS. :-“ ll सौम्यःसमोऽर्कजसितावहिति खरांशो – रिन्दोर्हितौ रविबुधावपरे समाःस्युःl भौमस्य मन्दभृगुजौ तु समौ रिपुर्ज्ञः सौम्यस्य शीतगुररिः सुहृदौ सितार्कौ ll “ 21“ ll सुरेर्दूषौ कविबुधौ रविज: समःस्या – न्मध्यो कवेर्गुरुकुजौ सुहृदौ शनिज्ञौ l जीवःसमः सितविदौ रविजस्यमित्रे ज्ञिया अनुत्कखचरास्तु तदन्यथा स्युः ll “ 22I shall give the meaning in a chart instead of giving the meaning :-PLANET FRIEND NEUTRAL ENEMYRAVI (SUN) CHANDRA (MOON) , KUJA (MARS) BUDHA (MERCURY) SHUKRA (VENUS) GURU(JUPITER) SANI (SATURN) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________CHANDRA(MOON) RAVI (SUN), BUDHA(MERCURY) REST ALL PLANETS _ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------KUJA (MARS) RAVI (SUN),CHANDRA (MOON) SHUKRA (VENUS), BUDHA (MERCURY GURU(JUPITER) SANI(SATURN) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BUDHA (MERCURY) RAVI(SUN),SHUKRA(VENUS) KUJA(MARS),GURU(JUPITER) CHANDRA (MOON) SANI (SATURN) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GURU(JUPITER) RAVI (SUN),CHANDRA(MOON) SANI (SATURN) BUDHA(MERCURY) KUJA (MARS) SHUKRA (VENUS) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHUKRA(VENUS) BUDHA (MERCURY),SANI(SATURN) KUJA (MARS) , RAVI (SUN), GURU(JUPITER) CHANDRA(MOON) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SANI(SATURN) BUDHA (MERCURY),SUKRA (VENUS) GURU(JUPITER) RAVI(SUN), CHANDRA (MOON) ,KUJA (MARS) =====================================================================================PLANETS WHICH ARE TEMPORARILY FRIENDS AND ENEMIES“ ll अन्योन्यं त्रिसुखस्वस्वान्त्यभवगास्तत्काल मित्राण्यमी l ततन्नैसर्गिकमप्यक्ष्य कथयेत्तस्यातिर्मित्राहितान् l शौयज्ञिे रविजौ गुरुर्गुरुसुतौ भौमश्र्चतुर्याष्टमौ पूर्ण पश्यति सप्तमं च सकलास्तेष्वंघ्रिवृद्धेदा क्रमात् ll “ 23When planets occupy from one another , the 2nd, 3rd , 4th ,10th ,11th and 12th they are said to be MUTUALLY FRIENDLY. It means , conversely planets occupying from one another , 1st, 5th, 6th, 7th,8th and 9th are mutually inimical. From checking the above given, an astrologer has to infer whether the planets are friendly, very friendly, neutral or inimical to each other.Apart from the above given rules, Manthreswara says the astrologer should ascertain among the planets the grades of friendship and enmity as given below :-1. Natural Friend (नैसर्गिक मित्रा) + Temporary Friend(तात्कालिक मित्रा) = Best Friend(अधि मित्रा)@2. Natural Friend (नैसर्गिक मित्रा) + Temporary Enemy(तात्कालिक शत्रु) = Neutral (सम) * __________________________________________________________________________3. Natural Enemy (नैसर्गिक शत्रु) + Temporary Enemy(तात्कालिक शत्रु) = Bitter Enemy(अधि शत्रु) $ ___________________________________________________________________________4. Natural Enemy (नैसर्गिक शत्रु) + Temporary Friend(तात्कालिक मित्र) = Neutral(सम) * 5. Natural Neutral (सम) + Temporary Friend(तात्कालिक मित्र) = Friend(मित्र) @ ___________________________________________________________________________6. Natural Neutral) (सम) + Temporary Enemy(तात्कालिक शत्रु) = Enemy (शत्रु) $ Friends, For Marriage Compatibility this aspect is to be checked. Those Marked(@) are good, Those marked ( * ) are passive and THOSE MARKED ( $ ) ARE NOT GOOD.NOW MANTHRESWARA EXPLAINS ABOUT GLANCE (दृष्टि) SATURN’S (शनि) glance is full from its position to 3rd and 10th houses and and Jupiters full glace on 5th and 9th houses from the house he situates and Mars(कुज) has its full glance on 4th and 8th houses. Please note that all planets aspect ¼ glance on 3rd and 10th houses ; ½ glace at 5th and 9th houses; ¾ glance on 4th and 8th Houses and full glance on 7th house from their position except SANI and KUJA who aspects full apart from 7th house to the houses as mentioned above.
CONTINUATION OF PHALADEEPIKA CHAPT II (v) “ ll सूर्यादेरयनं क्षणो दिनमृतुर्मासश्र्च पक्षःशर- व्दिप्रौ शुक्रगुरूरविक्षितिसुतौ चन्द्रो बुधोऽन्त्यः शनिःl प्राहुः सत्वरजस्तमांसि शशिगुर्वर्काः कविज्ञौ परे ग्रिष्मादर्ककुजौ राशी शशिसुतो जीवः शनिर्बिर्गवः ll “ 24.I am giving a Table giving the meaning of the VERSE written above :-All PLANETS sway over a period as given in the Table below :-============-======================================================================================PLANET SWAY PERIOD CASTE QUALITY SEASONRAVI (SUN) 6 MONTHS KSHATHRIYA SAATHVIC GREESHMACHANDRA (MOON ) 2 GHATIKA VAISHYA SAATHVIC VARSHAKUJA ( MARS ) ONE DAY KSHATHRIYA SAATHVIC GREESHMABUDHA (MERCURY) TWO MONTHS SHOODRA RAJASVIC SHARATHGURU (JUPITER) ONE MONTH BRAHMIN SAATHVIC HEMANTHASHUKRA (VENUS) 15 DAYS BRAHMIN RAJASVIC VASANTHAMSHANI (SATURN) ONE YEAR OUTCASTE THAMASVIC SHISHIRAM“ ll ताताम्बे रविभार्गवौ दिवि निशि प्राभाकरीन्दु स्मृतौ तद्व्यस्थेन पितृव्यमातृभगिनीसंज्ञा तदा तत्क्रमात् l वामाक्षीन्दुरिनोऽन्यदाक्षि कथितो भौमः कनिष्ठानुजो जीवो ज्येष्ठःसहोदरःशशिसुतो दत्तात्मजः संज्ञितः 25.In Stanza 25, Manthreswara explains about which planet indicates whom.RAVI (SUN) and SHUKRA( VENUS) indicate Father and Mother respectively provided the birth is during Day time and if during night maternal uncle and aunt respectively ( This translation is given by interpreting “दिवि निशि”) Late Brahmasri. PANNDTHA BHOOSHANA SUBRAHMANYA SHAASTRI has written in his translation that “FAILING TO PLAY THE ROLE OF PARENTS EACH OF THESE PAIRS OF PLANETS the designation of PATERNALuncle AND MATERNAL AUNT.”तद्व्येन पितृव्यमातृभगिनीसंज्ञा” .CHANDRA (MOON) represents the left eye and RAVI (SUN) represents the right eye.While KUJA (MARS) the youngest brother BUDHA (MERCURY) शशिसुत signifies adopted son (दत्तात्मज). SANI(SATURN) represents the Nephew of Paternal Uncle if the birth is during Day and maternal uncle during night. GURU (JUPITER represents Elder brother (जीवो ज्येष्ठ सहोदर)“ ll अनादिमध्यान्तमनन्तवीर्यामनन्तबाहुं शशिसूर्यनेत्रं ll ““ ll देहो देही हिमरुचिरिनस्त्विन्द्रयाप्यापूर्वी l आदित्यद्रङ्गुलिकशिखिस्तस्य पीडा कराःस्युः l “ गन्धःसौम्यो भृगुजशशिनौ व्द रसौ सूर्यभौमौ रूपौ शब्दौ गुरुरथ परे स्पर्शसंज्ञाः प्रदिप्टाः ii” 26Friends, It may not be out of place if I give the same from “SAARAAVALEEYAM”’, in which it is written thus :-“ यथा यथालग्नगृहाश्रयाणां समुद्गमोभूत्रिविकल्पकानां , तथा तथा शैल नागाष्टसंख्याः क्रमेण कालावयःवा प्रसूतौ ll “However, herein it is said slightly in a different manner. Accordingly the limbs of “KAALAPURUSHA” are divided into 3 all the 36 drekkaanaas . During the birth which ever drekkaana comes it is to be taken as the first one. It means if the birth takes place in the 1st drekkaana the 12 DREKKANAS include in the first division from “SHIRAS” to “KANTHA”are to be taken . from the 2nd part from throat to naval to be taken and in 3rd part from hip to all other parts are to be taken into consideration. Herein, 6 RAASIS before lagna ( Ascendant ) including Ascendant are to be considered as Right side and after Lagna 6 Raasis are to be taken as left side.However , this is slightly complcated and hence we will proceed with the way Manthreswara says : According to MANTHRESWARA , RAVI (SUN) represents the soul ; CHANDRA (MOON) the body and other planets denote the senses. Ravi (Sun) and Kuja (Mars) govern the Eyes( तेज), Chandra and Shukra represents organs which have generative power, Budha represents smell and hence nose. Jupiter (Guru) represents hearing power i.e, ears. SANI, RAHU and KETHU govern the touch sense.Remember that Sani. Rahu, Kethu and Maandi are enemies of RAVI and will give trouble to the soul and body.“ ll क्षीणेन्द्वर्ककुजाहिकेतुरविजाः पापाः सपापश्र्व वित् क्लीबाः केतुबुधार्कजाः शशितमः शुक्राः स्त्रियोऽन्ये नराः l रुद्राम्बागुहविष्णुधातृकमलाह्यजा देवताः सूर्यादग्रिग्निजलाग्निभूमिखपयोवाय्वात्मकाः स्युर्ग्रहाः ll “ The Waning Moon ( कृष्ण पक्ष चन्द्र ) , The Sun (रवि), Mars ( कुज ), राहु ( സര്പ്പി) , (ராகு), RAAHU , केतु ( ശിഖി) , (கேது), KETHU, and MERCURY (बुध) which associated with them are Malefics. Rest are all benefics, including the Waxing moon and Mercury (बुध) associated with Benefics only. Sani (Saturn) , Raahu and Kethu are EUNUCHS. Moon (Chandra) , Venus (Shukra) , and Raahu are females. Ravi (Sun), Kuja (Mars) , and Guru (Jupiter) are males. The presiding deities associated with Sun (Ravi), Moon( Chandra), Mars (Kuja), Mercury ( Budha), Jupiter (Guru), Venus (Shukra), Saturn (Shani) , Raahu and Kethu are Lords Siva, Goddess Parvathi, Subrahmania, Vishnu, Brahma, Goddess Lakshmi , Yama, Addisesha, and Brahmana (अज) respectively. Note : BrahmaSri Panditha Bhushana V. Subrahmania Saastri has written in his translation for HYJA as brahman .Probably he might have taken this as BRAHMANA (a human being) and Dr. G.S. Kapoor as BRAHMAM. BRAHMAM in my opinion is wrong since KETHU is said as a malefic planet, and hence this planet can never have the deity as BRAHMAM. Further AJA means Goat also. Maha Vishnu is also known as AJA. Aja also means Lord Shiva. However, this word is utterly confusing. “Aja is a spiritual teacher. He teaches about Sanskrit and Spiritual Awakening. Currently, he may be found, most of the time, at his home, Varnashram, where he is available for counselling and spiritual mentoring for those who are sincere in their quest for Truth and Enlightenment”. I request one and all who are interested in Astrology to know that now-a-days there is no true Brahmin. It is a caste only. This was written long back in 13th century by a Sage called MANTHRESWARA. Let us only take relevant portions from this and other such Astrological books written by Sages long back.Fire(अग्नि), Water(जलं) ,Fire (अग्नि) . Earth(भूमि) , Ether, water, Air constitute planets from Sun to Saturn., respectivelyIn Kayana Varma’s Saaraavaleeyam also I find almost in the same manner all are describedin Chapt 4 Verse 14. In Bruhat Paraasara Horaa Shaastra alsoit this is described.In Bruhat Jathaka also this can be seen. In all HINDU ASTROLOGICAL BOOKS we can see this with slight variation
“ ll गोधूमं तण्डुलं वै तिलचणककुलु्त्थाढकाश्याममुद्रा निष्पापा माष अर्केन्दूसितगुरुशिखीक्रूरविन्ट्ठग्वहीनां l भोगीनार्क्यारजिवज्ञशशिशिखीसितेष्वम्बरारब्यं कलिड्गं सौराष्ट्रावन्तिसिन्धुन्सुमगधयवनान्पर्वतान्कीकटांश्च ll “ 28The following are the grains which is associated with the planets given below :-RAVI (SUN) – Wheat; CHANDRA (MOON) – Rice; KUJA (MARS) – THUR DHAL (തുവരപ്പരിപ്പ്, துவரம்பரிப்பு); BUDHA (MERCURY) – Green Gram(ചെറുപയര്, பாசி ப்பயறு) ; GURU (JUPITER)- Chickpea, Bengal Gram,( കടല, கொத்துகடலை); SHUKRA(VENUS) – Cow Peas (വെള്ളപ്പയറ്,காராமணி) – SANI (SATURN) – Black Gram,(എള്ള്, எள்ளு) திராகோன்’ஸ் DRAGON’S HEAD) (രാഹു,സര്പ്പി.,ராகு) -(മുഴു ഉഴുന്ന്, முழுஉளுந்து); DRAGON’s TAIL ( കേതു,ശിഖി,கேது) – Horse Gram (മുതിര, கொள்ளு).Each Planet represents the places as given against each of the 9 planets.RAHU – AMBARA; RAVI – KALINGA; SANI –SAURASHTRA; KUJA – AVANTHI; GURU – SINDHU; BUDHA - MAGADHA; CHANDRA – YAVANA; KETHU – PARVATHA; SHUKRA – KEEKATA. (Please note that the names of places are very old)“ ll माणिक्यां तरणेः सुधार्थममलं त्काफलं शीतगो – र्माहेयस्य च विदुमं मरकतं सौम्यस्य गारुत्मकम् l देवेज्ञ्थस्य चपुष्परागमसुरामत्यस्य वज्रं शने – र्नीलंबिर्मलमन्ययोश्र्च गदिते गोमेधवैडूर्यके llRAVI’S precious stone is RUBY; CHANDRA’s, SPOTLESS PURE PEARL; KUJA’s is CURAL; EMERALD SHAPED AS EAGLE; GURU’s is TOPAZ; SHUKRA’s precious stone is DIAMOND;SANI’s precious stne is PURE SAPPHIRE; RAHU’s GOMEDAKA and KTHU’s is VAIDOORYAM (CAT’S EYE) * Note :- To know which is the real stone please consult a GEMOCOLOGIST before purchasing. “ ll ताम्रं कांस्यं धातुताम्रं त्रपु स्यात् स्वर्णं रौप्यं भास्करादेः वस्त्रं तत्तदूर्णायुक्त्तं विशेषाज्जीर्णं मन्दस्याघ्निदग्धं कुजस्य ll “ 30Whle RAVI has COPPER ascribed as it’s substance; BELL METAL is the substance for CHANDRA; COPPER ORE for KUJA; LEAD for BUDHA ; GOLD for GURU ; SILVER for SHUKRA and IRON for SANI.The clothes are as per the colour of the Planet (तत्तद्वर्णं) except for SANI which is only a RAG.(जीर्णं)“ ll भानोः कटुर्भूमिसुतस्य तित्कं लावण्यमिन्दोराथ चन्द्राजस्य l मिश्रीकृतं यन्मधुरं गुरोस्तु शुक्रस्य चाम्लं च शने कषायः ll “ 31.The tastes ascribed to RAVI, CHANDRA, KUJA, BUDHA, GURU, SHUKRA and SANI are PUNGENT, BITTER, SALTISH, MIXED, SWEET, ACIDIC OR SOUR, AND ASTRINGENT respectively. “ ll भास्वाद्रीष्पतिचन्द्रजक्षितिभुवां स्याद्दक्षिणे लाञ्छनं शेषाणामितरत्र तिग्माकिरणाक्तट्यां शिरःपृष्ठयोः l कक्षेऽसे वदने च सक्थिचरणे चिह्रं वयांस्यर्कतो नेमे नाथ तटं नखं नग सनि ज्ञानाढ्य नग्राटनं ll “ 32.The characteristic Marks of RAVI, GURU and Budha are on the right side and of the other planets are on the left side. From RAVI, CHANDRA, KUJA, BUDHA, GURU, SHUKRA and SANI , they can be seen on the Hip, Head, Back, Armpit Shoulder face and Leg respectively. Ravi personified is 50 years, Chandra, 70 years, Kuja, 16 years, Budha 20 years, Guru, 30 years, Shukra, 7 years Sani and Raahu, 100 Years. “ ll नीलधतिर्दीर्घतनुः कुवर्णःपामी सपाश`सपाषण्डमतः सहिक्कः असत्यवादी कपटी च राहुः कु्ष्ठी परात्रिन्दति बुध्दिहीनः ll 33.Raahu is blue in Colour and has a huge body and is tall in stature and from low caste. He has inherent skin disease. He is irreligious, suffers from hic-cough, heretic , a liar, very cunning , suffers from leprosy, reviles others and has no intelligence.“ ll रक्त्तग्रदृष्टिर्विषवागुदग्रदेहः सशस्त्रःपतितक्षुः lधूम्रद्दुतिर्घूमप एव नित्यंब्राणाक्ङिताग्ङच्श्र कृशो तुशंसःll “ 34KETHU’S eyes are reddish and he has a fierce look. His tongue is venomous. He is armed. He is an outcaste and smokey in colour. He always inhales smoke and his limbs are bruised. He is lean and Inherently highly malicious. “ ll सीसं च जीर्णवसनं तमसस्तु केतो – र्मूभ्दाजनं विविधचित्रपटं प्रदिष्टम् l मित्राणि विच्छनिसितास्तमसोद्वियोस्तु भौमः समो निगदिता रिपवश्र्च शेषाः ll “ 35Lead is the Substance assigned to RAAHU and he wears old and worn-out clothes. As far as KETHU is concerned he has a mud pot and wears clothes of variegated colours.Whie KUJA is Neutral(सम) BUDHA, SANI and SHUKRA are his friends. All others are his enemies.“ ll मूटोऽपि नीचरिपुगोऽष्टमषड्व्ययस्यो दुःस्यः स्मृतो भवति सुथ इतितरः स्यातुम् l चन्द्रे व्ययायतनुषट्सुतकामसंस्थ्यं तोयावृद्धिमिह शंसति वृद्धिकार्ये ll 36Planets are said to be adversely placed when they are eclipsed or occupy a depression sign or amsa i.e when they are debilitated, or they are in enemy’s house or when they are positioned in 8th or 6th or the 12th house from the ascendant. In other places they are said to be well disposed.If CHANDRA is in the 12th, 11th, 1st , 6th, 5th or the 7th House at the time of query about water resource in an irrigation project it can easily be predicted . As a note to astrologers I am giving here in the eclipse period of the Planets. CHANDRA is eclipsed when this planet is 12Degrees away from RAVI. KUJA when 17 Degrees away from RAVI it is said to be eclipsed, Budha 14 Degrees away; Budha when retrograde is eclipsed when 12 Degrees away from RAVI. GURU. SHUKRA AND SANI are said to be eclipsed when they are 11, 10 and 15 degrees respectively away from RAVI. SHUKRA When moves in retro gradation is said to be eclipsed if the planet is 8 Degrees away from RAVI.“ ll अन्त:सारसमुत्रतद्रुररुणो वल्ली सितेन्दू स्मृतौ गुल्मः केतुरहिश्र्च कण्टकनगौ भौमार्कजौ कीर्तितौ l वागीशः सफलोऽफल: शशिसुत: क्षिरप्रसूनद्रुमौ शुक्रेन्दु विधुरोषधिः शनिरसारागश्र्च साल द्रुमः ll “ ll इतिमन्त्रेश्र्वरविरचितायां फलदीपिकायां ग्रहभेदो नाम द्वितीयोऽध्यायः llRAVI represents inwardly strong and tall trees CHANDRA AND SHUKRA represent creepers, KETHU AND RAAHU represent bushes, KUJA AND SANI indicate thorny, weak and juiceless trees. While GURU AND BUDHA represent fruit bearing and which do not bear fruit respectively. , CHANDRA and SHUKRA represent sappy and blossoming creepers. RAAHU indicate SALVATORE A COMMON ITALIAN TREE WHICH WE INDIANS CALL AS SALL.THUS ENDS THE SECOND CHAPTER OF PHALADDEPIKA COMPOSED BY MANTHRESWARA ON PLANETS AND THEIRCHARACTERISTICS.
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