Tuesday, June 26, 2012


                                 PHALADEEPIKA OF MANTHRESWARA
                                  षष्ठोद्ध्यायः-CHAPTER - 6

“ ll  रुचकभद्रकःहंसकमालवाःसशशका इति पञ्च च कीर्तिताः
       स्वभवनोच्चगतेषु चतुष्टये क्षितिसुतादिषु तान् क्रमशो वदेतम् ll “…….1.

The following are the FIVE YOGAS which are formed by MARS (अङ्गारक), Mercury (सौम्य), Jupiter (बृहस्पति), Venus (भ्रिगु) and Saturn (मन्द). (These YOGAS are called as PANCHA MAHAA PURUSHA YOGAS).

If KUJA (MARS) occupies MESHA (ARIES) or VRISCHIKA (SCORPIO) ( Both Houses owned by this Planet ), or occupies its KENDRA which is identical with SWAKSHETHRA or SWOCHCHA , trhen RUCHAKA YOGA is formed.

In the same manner if BUDHA (MERCURY) is in is own housei.e. MITHUNA (GEMINI), or KANYA (VIRGO) or KENDRA which is identical with its SWAKSHETHRA the Yoga formed is called BHADRA YOGA.

If GURU (बृहस्पति) (JUPITER) is in its own houses ( DHANUS – SAGITTARIUS or MEENA (PISCES) or its KENDRA identical to SWAKSHETHRA the YOGA formed is called HAMSA YOGA.
SHUKRA (VENUS) in its own houses which are VRISHABHA (TAURUS) or THULA (LIBRA) or in its KENDRA MALAVYA YOGA is formed.

SHASHA (शश योग) is formed if RAVIJA or MANDA (SHANI) – SATURN occupies KUMBHA (AQUARIUS) or MAKARA (CAPRICORN)  or any of its KENDRA..

( KENDRA is called in English as QUADRANT or ANGLE, 1,4,7and 10 are called KENDRASTHAANA)

ll दीर्घस्यो बहुसाहसाप्तविभवः शूरोऽरिहन्ता वाली
   गर्विष्ठो रुचके प्रतितगुणवान् सेनापतिर्जित्वरः l
   आयुष्मान् सकुशाग्रबुद्धिरमलो विद्वज्जश्र्लाघितो
    भूषो भाद्रकयोगजोऽतिविभवश्र्चास्थानकोलहलः ll ..........2.

The native born with रुचक योग (RUCHAKA YOGAM), will be LONG FACED, will acquire wealth by performing courageous acts, will be brave and due to his brave deeds will defeat enemies and will be arrogant.  His virtues will make him renowned, and will command an army (as told by Dr. Kapur he need not be the commander of the entire army but will definitely become a leader in the Armed Forces).  He will be victorious in attempts of soldier-ship .

Coming to his birth with BHADRA YOGA (भाद्र योग), the native will have a LONG LIFE PERIOD, will be intelligenent and praised by the learned, will be very clean ( both in body and thoughts ), will lead his men, and will intelligenly and clevery address the assembly, and be wealthy.

“ ll हंसे सद्भिरभिष्टुत्तः क्षितिपतिः शंखाब्जमत्स्यांङ्कुशौ –
    श्र्चिह्नैः पादकराङ्कितः शुभवपुर्मृष्टात्रभुग्धार्मिकः l
    पुष्टाङ्गोधृतिमान्धनि सुतवधूभाघ्यान्वितो वर्धनो
    मालव्ये सुखभुक्सुवाहनयशा विद्वान्प्रसत्रेन्द्रीयः ll “……..3.

A Native born with HAMSA YOGA (हंस योग) at birth will be a King with exemplary character and respected by all.  There will be birth marks of CONCH (शङ्क), LOTUS, (पद्मा), FISH (मत्स्य) and A SHARPENT GOAD WITH A POINTED HOOK (अङ्कुश) in his palms of hands and bottom of legs. He will have a good physique and be beautiful, will eat delicious food and will remain virtuous.

Now, Manthreswara explains about MALAVYA YOGA (मालव्य योग).  will will have very strong limbs , will be resolute, wealthy, endowed with good wife and children. He will have dood fortunes and be wealthy. He will be wealthy, have good vehicles, will be renowned and will have unperturbed senses.

“ ll शस्तः सर्वजनैः सुभृत्यबलवान् ग्रामाधिपो वा नृपो
    दुर्वृत्तः शशयोगजोऽन्यवनीतावित्तन्वितः सौख्यवान् l
    लग्नेन्द्वोरपि योगपञ्चकमिदं साम्राज्यशिद्धिप्रदं
    तेष्वेकादिषु भाग्यवान् नृपसमो राजा नृपेन्द्रोऽधिकः ll “......4.

The NATIVE born in SHASHA YOGA (शश योग) will be praised profusely, will have good servants, will be strong and well built, will become the HEAD OF A VILLAGE (ग्रामाधिपा) or a KING, will be wicked in nature, will conspire with women, or have connection with women other than his wife, will tend to usurp others money or wealth and will be a happy-go-lucky person.


“ ll विधोस्तु सुनफानफाधुरुधराः स्वरिःफोभय –
   स्थितर्विरविभिर्ग्रहैरितरथा तु केमद्रुमः l
   हिमत्विषि चतुष्टये ग्रहयुतेऽथ केमध्रुमो
   न हीति कथितोऽथवा हिमकराद्ग्रहैः केन्द्रगैः ll “.............5.

If we count from the MOON if there are planets other than the SUN (रवि), the 2nd 12th or both the houses are occupied, then these YOGAS are called respectively as SUNAPHA, ANAPHA and DHURUDHARA. Further, as per MANTHRESHWARA, if these 3 YOGAS are absent then KEMADHRUMA YOGA is FORMED.
  Some experts are of the opinion that if if PLANETS ARE IN A KENDRA (QUADRANT) from the BIRTH or from the MOON or if the MOON is in conjunction with a PLANET; then there is no KEMADHRUMA YOGA. ( Refer “Three Hundred Important Combinations “ by Late Dr. B.V. Raman )
Friends, there are different versions about KEMADHRUMA YOGA.

“ ll स्वयमधिगतवित्तः पार्थिवस्तत्समो वा
    भवति हि सुनफायां धिधनख्यातिमांश्र्च l
    प्रभुरगदशरीरः शीलवान् ख्यातकीर्ति –
    र्विषयासुखसुवेषो निर्वृतश्र्चानफायाम् ll “...............6.

The NATIVE with SUNAPHA YOGA will be a KING or EQUAL TO HIM. He will have self acquired property  and will be known among all for his wisdom and wealth.

A Native born with ANAPHA YOGA will be very powerful, healthy and amiable in character, will be very famous, and will live in material comforts, always well dressed, happy and well contented. 

“ ll उप्तत्रभोगसुखमाग्धनवाहनाढ्च
   स्त्यागान्वितो धुरुधुराप्रभवः सभृत्यः l
   केमद्रुमे मलिनःदुःखित नीचनिःस्वाः
   प्रेष्याः खलाश्र्च नृपतेरपि वंशजाताः.........7.

A native born with DHURUDHURA YOAGA will be bountiful and will take full joy of life as it comes will be very wealthy and will have many vehicles and lot of attendants

 A person born with KEMADHRUMA YOGA will even if he/she is born in a princely race, be dirty (मलिन), Sorrowful (दुःखित), will perform unrighteous deeds, will be poor, dependent, and perform wicked deeds.

 “ ll हित्वेन्दुं शुभवेसीवास्युभयचर्याख्याः स्वरिःफोभाय –
    स्थानस्थैः सवितुः शुभैः स्युरषुभैस्ते पापसंज्ञाः स्मृताः l
    सत्पार्श्र्वे शुभकर्तरित्युदयमे पापैस्तुपापाह्वयो
    लग्नाद्वित्तगतैः शुभैस्तु सुशुभो योगो न पापेक्षितैः ll “..........8.

When BENEFIC PLANETS except the MOON occupy the 2nd and 12th or both the Houses from RAVI, the YOGAS  of such combinations are called SHUBHA VESI (शुभ वेसि), SHUBHA VAASI (शुभ वासि) and SHUBHOPAYACHARI (शुभोपयचरी) respectively. But if MALEFICS are in 2nd, 12th or both the HOUSES then the YOGAS  formed by such combinations are called respectively as ASHUBHA VESI (पाप वेसी) ASHUBHA VAASI (पाप वासि) and ASHUBHOPAYACHARI (अशुभोपयचरी अथवा पापूभयचरी).

When the 12th and 2nd  BHAVAS from the ASCENDANT (लग्न) are occupied by BENEFIC PLANETS (शुभ ग्रह), SHUBHA KARTHARI YOGA IS FORMED. On the contrary, if they are occupied by MELEFIC PLANETS then PAAPA KARTHARI OR ASHUBHA KARTHARI YOGA (पाप कर्तरि अथवा अशुभ कर्तरि) is formed.  If the 2nd BHAVAS from the LAGNA are UNASPECTED by NEECHA GRAHAS ( MALEFICS) then the YOGA is called as SUSHUBHA YOGA (सुशुभ योग).

“ ll जातः स्यात् सुभगः सुखी गुणनिधिर्धीरो नृपो धार्मिको
    विख्यातः सकलप्रियोऽतिसुभगो दाता महीशप्रियः l
        चार्वङ्गः प्रियवाक्प्रपञ्चरसिको वाग्मी यशस्वी धनी
    विध्यादत्र सुवेसिवास्युभयचर्याख्येषु पादक्रमात् ll........9.

The native born with SUVESI (सुवेसि योग) YOGA will be very good looking, happy and meritorious, aristocratic like a King.

A native born with SUVASI YOGA (सुवासि योग) will become famous, will be liked by all, will be very wealthy, liberal and highly prosperous and will become the favorite of the SOVERIGN OR KING.

A person born with SUBHAYACHARI YOGA (सुभयचरि योग) in his birth chart will be having attractive limbs, will have affable qualities, will be soft spoken, will delight the whole world with his eloquence and appropriate  talent in speech, will be renowned and  wealthy .

“ ll  अन्यायाज्जननिन्दको हतरुचीर्हीनप्रियो दुर्जनो
     मायावी परनिन्दकः खलयुतो दुर्वृत्तशास्त्राधिकः l
     लोके स्यादपकीर्तिदुःखितमना विध्यार्थभाग्यैश्च्युतो
     जातश्र्चाशुभवेसीवास्युभयचर्याख्येषु पादक्रमात् ll.......,..10.

A person born with ASHUBHA VESI YOGA (अशुभ वेसी योग) will falsely defame others, will lose his beauty will associate with low, mean and wicked natured people.

The person born with ASHUBHA VAASI YOGA (अशुभवासि योग) will be deceitful, will speak in harsh and abusive nature, and will associate himself with wicked natured people. He will not have any good virtues nor will have knowledge in Scriptures and Shaastras.

The native born with ASHUBHOBHAYACHARI YOGA (अशुभोभयचारी योग) will be mentally derailed due to dishonour by public, will not have sufficient education. He will not be wealthy and will be unlucky.

“ ll  जैवातृको विभयरोगरिपुः सुखि स्या –
   दाढ्यः श्रिया च शुभकर्तरियोगजातः l
   स्यात्पापकर्तरिभवोऽचिरमायुरेति ll “............11.

A person having SHUBHAKARTHARI YOGA (शुभकर्तरि योगं) in his birth chart will live long, will be free from fear and illness, will not have any enemies and will lead a happy life.

On the contrary if he is born with ASHUBHAKARTHARI YOGA in his Horoscope, he will be poor both physically and mentally (will have no wealth), will be impure and always unhappy, bereft of wife and children, will not have one part of his body (अङ्गहीन) and short lived.

Now Manthreswara says the qualifications of  AMALA (अमल योगं) YOGA :- Although I could not see the Definition of the said YOGA given by MANTHRESWARA but I have incorporated it hereunder:-

If any BENEFIC planet (शुभ ग्रहं) occupies 10th House from the MOON (चन्द्र) or ASCENDANT (लग्नं) then AMALA YOGAM (अमला योगं) is formed.  However, please check the strength of the BENEFIC PLANET.

“ ll आचारवान् धर्ममतिः प्रसन्नः सौभाग्यवान् पार्थिवमाननीयः l
   मृदुस्वभावः स्मितभाषणश्र्च धनी भवेच्चामलयोगजातः ll “........12.

If the Native is  born with AMALA YOGA, he  will be virtuous, will follow the DHARMA as given in the scriptures, will be pious, will be cheerful and fortunate, will be honoured by the sovereign, will possess amiable nature and will have a smiling face (always cheerful) and wealthy.

“ ll सुशुभे शुभकर्तर्यां वेस्यादौ सुनभादिवतम् l
   शुभैक्रमात्फलं ज्ञेयं विपरीतमसद्ग्रहैः ll “……..13.


If the YOGAS are formed SUCH AS PAAPA KARTHARI, ASHUBHA  etc.  By the MALEFIC PLANETS,   then the effects will be reversed.

“  ll ओजेष्पर्केन्दुलग्नान्यजनि दिवि पुमांश्र्चन्महाभाग्ययोगः
   स्त्रीणांतद्व्यत्यये स्याच्छशिनि सुरगुरोः केन्द्रगे केसरीति l
   जीवान्त्याप्टारिसंस्थे शशिनि तु शकटः केन्द्रगे नास्ति लग्ना-
   च्चन्द्रे केन्द्रादिगेऽर्कादधमसमवरिष्ठख्ययोगाः प्रसिद्धाः ll “........14.

In the case of MALE, MAHAABHAGYA YOGA (महाभाग्य योगं) is formed if the birth is DURING DAY TIME AFTER DAWN AND BEFORE SUNSET and if RAVI, MOON and LAGNA are in ODD SIGNS (ओजरासि) and for FEMALES if the birth is after SUNSET AND BEFORE SUN RISE and the said RAVI,CHANDRA AND LAGNA are in EVEN SIGNS (युग्मराशि).
KESARI YOGA is formed when CHANDRA is in a KENDRA of GURU.  
This yoga is formed in the birth-chart when JUPITER (गुरु) is in Kendra, i.e. Ascendant, fourth, seventh and tenth house from Moon.

Jupiter is the KARAKA (SIGNIFICATOR) planet of wealth, knowledge, fame, luck and children while Moon is the KARAKA (SIGNIFICATOR) planet of heart, softness, mobility, happiness and prosperity. 

“  ll केन्द्रे देवगुरौ लग्नाच्चन्द्राद्वा शुभदद्दृग्युते l
    नीचास्तारीगृहैर्हिने योगोऽम् गजकेसरि ll “
If jupiter is in a quadrant from the ascendant ot moon  and be conjunct or aspected by another benefic planet  avoiding the debilitation, combustion  and inimical sign  GAJAKESARI YOGA is caused.

“ ll  केन्द्रस्त्थिते देवगुरौमृगाङ्गा-
   नीचास्तहीनैर् गजकेसरीस्यात् ll “

(1) If गुरु (JUPITER) is in the any quadrant of CHANDRA (MOON) , it is called GAJA KEASARI or KESARI YOGA.
(2) Again KESARI YOGA is said to be present in a horoscope if without any DEBILIATION or COMBUSTION ,  BUDHA (MERCURY), GURU (JUPITER) and SHUKRA (VENUS), cast their glance (दृष्टि), then also GAJA KESARI YOGA is said to be present.
Friends, I have given the definitions of KESARI YOGA seen in few treatises on astrology
If CHANDRA is in 6th,8thor 12th RAASI from GURU then SHAKATA YOGA  (शकट योगम्) is formed. But if the Moon is in a QUADRANT house from ASCENDANT, then there is no SHAKATA YAGA.

ADHAMA, SAMA, AND VARISHSHTA YOGAS are formed when the MOON occupies an ASCENDANT. A  Succeeding HOUSE (पणफरं) or A Cadent House (आपोक्लिमं) respectively when counted from the RAASI where SUN occupies in a HOROSCOP
“ ll महाभाग्ये जातः सकलनयनानन्दजनको
   वदान्यो विख्यातः क्षितिपतिरशील्यायुरमलः l
   वधूनां योगेऽस्मिन् सति धन सुमाङ्गल्यसहिता
   चिरं पुत्रैः पोत्रौः शुभमुपगता सा सुचरिता ll “..........15.

A male born with MAHAABHAAGYA YOGA (महाभाग्य योगं) will cause great pleasure to all by his appearance, will be very famous, will be a ruler or as a person of the same status and will live long.

A female born with this YOGA will live with wealth and will have her husband live longer life. i.e.  सुमाङ्गल्य, will beget good and long lived  children and grandchildren ; her conduct and  character will be uniformly good.

“ ll केसरीव रिपुवर्गानिहन्ता प्रौढवाक् सदसि राजसवृत्तिः l
    दीर्घंजीव्यतियशाः पटुबुद्धिस्तेजसा जयति केसरियोगे ll “...........16.
The Native with KESARI (GAJA KESARI) YOGA will destroy the enemies like KESARI (LION); His speeches will be highly impressive in an assembly with full of wisdom and full of courage and honesty. He will live long and his reputation will be everlasting and will achieve everything with his own valour.

“ ll क्वचित्क्वचिब्भाग्यपरिच्युतः सनम् पुनः पुनः सर्वमुपैति भाग्यम् l
   लोकेऽप्रसिद्धोऽपरिहार्यमन्तः शल्यं प्रपत्र शकटेऽतिदुःखी ll “…….17.

A person born with SHAKATA YOGA in his horoscope will lose whatever he has earned and again regain it. His life period will be like an ordinary person and insignificant in the society, will always be an aggrieved and unhappy person. 

 In fact we use shakaTaM  to draw water from the well. The ShakaTam (PULLEY) is used to send the bucket tied to a rope which easily passes through the pulley and get in the well and also come out of the well with water.  SHAKATA YOGA word might have come from the downward trend and upward trend of the PULLEY. However, since it fetches water, I feel he will fully regain whatever he has lost and also more.

“ ll कष्टमध्यमवराह्वययोगे द्रव्यवाहनयशःसुखसंपत् l
   ज्ञानघीविनयनैपुणविध्यात्यागभोगजफलान्यपि तव्दत् ll……18.

1. KASHTA YOGA (ADHAMA YOGA) is formed when the Moon is in a Kendra (1, 4, 7, 10) from the Sun.

SAMA YOGA( MADHYAMA YOGA) is formed when the Moon is in panaphara (2, 5, 8, 11) from the Sun.

 VARISHTA YOGA is formed when the Moon is in apoklima (3, 6, 9, 12) from the Sun. Persons born in the above yogas will be modest, rich, learned, intellectual and skilful. It is implied that these results vary in degree according as the names KASHTA, SAMA, VARISHTA Results  of the Combined Yogas:-

      1) A person born in KASHTA YOGA  will be poor and of no intelligence.

      2) A person born in (MADHYAMA)  SAMA YOGA with either of the two valid yogas, will be modest, learned, rich and famous.

      3) A person born in VARISHTA YOGA with either of the two valid yogas, will be modest, noble, rich intellectual and reputed in a particular field of knowledge and occupies a unique position.

 Note (N. O.O.) :- In the above yogas, if the aspects of Jupiter and Venus are reserved, the results will be reduced a little. The       aspect of Venus to the Moon gives more wealth and luxury while the aspect of Jupiter to the Moon gives more learning, intellect, moral virtue and fame.

“ ll  चन्द्राव्दा वसुमांस्तथोपचयगैर्लग्नास्तमस्तैः शुभै –
    श्र्चन्द्राद्व्योम्न्यमलाह्वयःशभखगैर्योगो विलग्नादपि l……………19

         जन्मेशे सहिते विलग्नपतिना केन्द्रेऽधिमित्रर्क्षगे
    लग्नं पश्यति कश्र्चिदत्र बलवान्योगो भवेत्पुष्कलः ll “…….,…….20
If benefics occupy the Oopachchayas (ऊपच्चाय) – 3,6,10 &11 houses either from the LAGNA or from the MOON, the combination is known as VASUMATHI YOGA.

 The benefics occupy the 10th house (राशि) from ( चन्द्र) MOON,or (लग्न) ASCENDANT, the yoga is called AMALA .

If the Lord of the SIGN (राशि) occupied by the MOON which is associated with the LORD of the Ascendant is in a KENDRA (Angular House) or in the HOUSE of a very friendly PLANET which aspects the LAGNA which is occupied by a powerful planet (STRENGTHWISE), the YOGA CAUSED IS CALLED PUSHKALA YOGA.

“ ll  तिष्टेयुः स्वगृहे सदा वसुमती द्रव्याण्यनल्पान्यपि
     क्ष्मेशः स्यादमले धनी सुतयशःसंपध्युतो नीतिमान् l
     श्रीमान् पुष्कलयोगजो नृपवरैः संमानितो विश्रुतः
     स्वाकल्पाम्बरभूषितः शुभवचाः सर्वोत्तमः स्यात्प्रभुः ll........ 20.

The person born with VASUMATHI YOGA will always remain in his house and command plenty of wealth.
Note: - This yoga is more to do wealth than anything else.

The person born with AMALA YOGA will rule over the World (CHAKRAVARTHY) or will have lasting reputation, wealthy, Prudent and Prosperous.

Now Manthreswara says about PUSHKALA YOGA.  According to him , the person born with PUSHLALA YOGA will be wealthy (श्रीमान्), will be honoured by the KING, will become famous, will be decorated with ornaments, will speak sweetly and be good to people and will be a Lord.

 ( Note :- Although this is a good YOGA it has to be with powerful  LAGNA, LAGNA LORD, Lord of Chandra Lagna )  

“ ll  सर्वे पञ्चमु पट्सु सप्तसु शुभा मालाश्र्च पङ्क्त्या स्थिता
   यध्येवं मृतिषड्व्ययादिषु गृहेष्वत्राशुभाख्याः स्मृताः l ...........21

      खर्क्षेच्चे यति कोणकण्टकयुतौ भाघेशशुक्रावुभौ
   लक्ष्म्याख्योऽथ तथाविधे हिमकरे गौरीति जीवेक्षिते l
   जनाधिकारी क्षितिपालशस्तो  भोगि प्रदातापरकार्यकर्ती
   बन्धुप्रियः सत्सुतदारयुक्तो धीरःसुमालाह्वययोगजातः ll “.......22.
Manthreswara defines MAALA YOGAS. He differentiate MALA YOGAS AS SHUBHA MAALA YOGA AND ASHUBHA MAALA YOGA. (शुभ मालायोगं, अथवा  मालायोगं )., LAKSHMEE YOGA and GAUREE YOGA.( लक्ष्मी योगं अथवा गौरी योगं ) and the  effect of SUMAALAA YOGAM ( SHUBHA MAALAA YOGAM).

Note :-  As per PARASARA MAHARSHI, If 3 Angles by BENEFICS, THEN MAALA YOGA is formed .  If malefics are so placed they are called as BHUJANGA YOGA OR SARPPA YOGA. These Yogas respectively give good and bad results. For the readers” purpose I am giving the relevant sloka here-under :=

“ ll केन्द्रत्रयगतैः सौम्यैः पापैर्वा दलसंज्ञकौ l
   ऋमान्मालाभुजङ्गाख्यौ शुभाशुभफलप्रदौ ll

 MEANING : Although Paraasara has differentiated them as MAALA and BHUJANGA or SARPA all are part of NABHASA YOGAS and SHUBHA AND ASUHUBHA MALAS are respectively called as also MAALA and BHUJANGA YOGAS.

If all the BENEFIC planets are in KENDRAS (QUADRANTS) then the YOGA is called as SHUBHA MAALA YOGA and if they are occupied by MALEFICS then it is called as ASHUBHA MAALA YOGA.

Note 1. : Maalaa and Sarpa, Garland or Snake. These are like 2 amrita and poison. These two extremes are given as example the inbetween can be deduced. The grahas are classified in 2 categories malefic and benefic. Depending on more of them coming on quadrant the overal experience can be good or bad. This yoga indicates the malefic or benfic experience, malefic and benfic path taken, Understanding destruction and creation etc. The prime focus is on Malefics and Benifics. The malefics gets more power in Krishna Paksha (Waning) and Benefics in Shukla Paksha (Waxing moon).
 Note 2. : Ashubha mala yoga: When all the benefics are placed in the sixth, eighth and twelfth houses - the benefics become powerless: misfortune, a difficult life.

After explaining SHUBHA MAALA AND ASHUBHA MAALA now Manthreswara is explaining  about LAKSHMI YOGA AND GAURI YOGA.

(which are identical with KENDRA OR THRIKONA ( ANGLE(Quadrant) /TRINE) , LAKSHMI YOGA is caused. 1) LAKSHMI YOGA : If the 9th House Lord and SHUKRA are posited in its own EXALTAION Houses
(2) If CHANDRA is in the above position aspected by GURU the YOGA CAUSED THEREBY is called GAURI YOGAM.

Dr. B.V. Raman in his “THREE HUNDRED COMBINATINA has opined that GAURI YOGA IS CAUSED WHEN THE lord of navamsa OCCUPIED BY THE lord OF 10TH SHOULD JOIN THE 10TH IN EXALTATION  AND COMBINED WITH LORD OF LAGNA. Again  there is another definition that CHANDRA should be in TAURUS (वृषभ) and JUPITER (गुरु) in KATAKA ( CANCER)  and TWO AUSPICIOUS PLANETS reside in 1, 4,5.7.9 0r 10 from LAGNA .
 Gauri Yoga: Venus in the 4th with the moon causes Gauri yoga. The subject will have symbols of fish, barley and Ankusha (elephant Driver’s hook) on his palm. He will be interested in honoring Gods and Brahmins and saints. Further, he will have special symbols on the back and sides of the body, be of sacrificing mind, attached to yoga systems, be lordly, will have a small hump on the shoulder(shoulder may be bent a bit) and will have attractive spouse and progeny. He will be head of an army, be happy, will have strong limbs, be lustful, endowed with great physical strength. He will be knower of everything, be discriminating in taste and will enjoy pleasures.
Gauri Yoga is said to occur when the lord of the tenth house places itself in the lord of the Navamsa which is positioned in the tenth Kendra along with lord of the Lagna; this planetary combination leads to the formation of Gauri yoga in a Rashi. Some astrologers also belief that when the lord of the ninth house or the planet Moon position themselves either in their own signs or in exaltation signs alike with a trine or a quadrant, Gauri Yoga is caused in a Rashi.

Friends, In short my feeling is   “Only an expert astrologer having a long drawn knowledge and wisdom coupled with finest interpretive and analytical ability can only make out proper meaning of these yogas in a balancing manner, when there would be least chances of the failure of predictions, while contrary would be the expected features when going to wrong hands, which normally people goes for their easy availability and snapshot predictions (mostly wrong predictions).”


I READ MAALIKA YOGAS ARE TWO TYPES . THEY ARE :(i) If All Seven planets occupy one house each from the ASCENDANT i.e.LAGNA from to the SEVENTHHOUSE STARTING FROM 11th HOUSE it is called MAALA YOGA. A person born with such a YOGA will be having relationship with beautiful and lovely women of ROYAL STATUS.

(ii) THERE IS ANOTHER MAALA YOGA CALLED LAGNA MAALIKA YOGA. If all seven planets occupy one HOUSE (RAASI) each from LAGNA to the 7th HOUSE staring with LAGNA is also called MAALA YOGA

SHUBHA MAALAA YOGA  : According to MANTHRESWARA , a person born in SHUBHA MAALAA YOGA : Will be a director, or governor and hailed by the KING.  He will be very liberal while giving gifts and will help others in getting their job done, He will bestow love towards his relations and will get good wife and children and will be courageous also.
A person born with GAURI YOGA will be an attractive figure, will be born in a good and aristocratic family and likened by the sovereign. He will have good sons and will possess a LOTUS-LIKE face.  He will defeat all his opponents  and will earn praise from one and all.

Friends, it will not be out of place if Igive the definition of LAKSHMI YOGA as sad by PARASARA. :-
ll केन्द्रे मूलत्रिकोणस्थे भाग्येशो वा स्वभोच्चागे l
  लग्नाधिपे बलाढच्येच लक्ष्मीयोगः प्रकीर्त्यते ll
Accoding to this , LAKSHMEE YOGA is caused when  the 9th Lord is in an angle which is identical to its MOOLATHROKONA sign or own sign of exaltation sign while the LAGNA LORD endowed with strength.

“ ll  कुमार्गयुक्तोऽशुभ मालिकाख्ये दुःखी परेषां वधकृत् कृतघ्नः l
   स्यात्कातरो भूसुरभक्तिहीनो लोकाभिशप्तः कलहप्रियः स्यात् ll....23.

ASHUBHA MAALIKA YOGA :  According to MANTHRESWARA a person born in ASUBHA MAALIKAA YOGA will adopt bad ways, will never be happy in life, will ill-treat or even kill others will be ungrateful and will be a timid will nor revere BRAHMINS will promote quarrels and will be cursed by all.

“ ll नित्यं मङ्गलशीलया वनितयाक्रीडत्यरोगी धनी
    तेजस्वी स्वजनान् सुरक्षति महालक्ष्मिप्रसादालयः l
    श्रेष्टान्दोलिकया प्रथाति तुरगस्तम्बेरमाध्यासितो
    लोकानन्दकरो महिपतिवरो दाता च लक्ष्मीभवः ll “.........24.

EFFECTS OF LAKSHMI YOGA Manthreswara opines that a person born with LAKSHMI YOGA will have a good  and charming wife and will be very  amiable .  He will not have any disease and will be very brilliant and a man of high integrity  and will protect all people . He will be very wealthy as the name of the YOGA itself suggests that he will be blessed by GODDESS OF WEALTH, LAKSHMI DEVI.  He will be travelling in a beautiful PALLANQUIN ( can be a branded vehicle ) He will be the best of KINGS.

“ ll सुन्दरगात्रःश्र्लाघितगोत्रः पार्थिवमित्रः सद्गुणपुत्रः
    पङ्गजवक्त्रः संस्तुताजैत्रो राजति गौरियोगसमुत्थः ll “.........25.
A person born with GAURI YOGA will have an attractive body.  His birth will be in a noble family and will be friendly with the sovereign. He will be the proud father of sons who are having unblemished character and their conduct will be uniformly good. He will win over his enemies and will be praised by one and all.

Now Manthrswara explains  about SARASVATHY YOGAM AND ITS EFFECT in verses 26 and 27. :-

“ ll  शुक्रवाक्पतिसुधाकारात्मजैः केन्द्रकोणसहितैर्द्वितीयगैः
    स्वोच्चमित्रभवनेषु वाक्पतौ वीर्यगे सति सरस्वतीरिता ll “.........26.

When Venus, Jupiter and Mercury are posited in an Angle, a Trine or the second house  from the Ascendant and If SHUKRA and Jupiter are  in their exaltation house, their own or a friend's house and possesses strength, the Yoga formed is called Sarasvathi.

“ ll  धिमात्राटक गध्यपध्यगणनालङ्कारशास्त्रेष्वयं
   निष्णातः कविताप्रबन्धरचनाशास्त्रार्थपारंगतः
   कीर्त्याक्राजगत्त्रयोऽतिधनिको दारात्मजैरन्वितः
   स्यात् सारस्वतयोगजो नृपवरैः संपूजितो भाग्यवान् ll “..........,27.

The native with Sarasvathi Yoga in his birth chart will be highly intelligent, good at dramatics, in prose composition, versifying accounts and poetics. He will be skilled in poetry, narrative description and in the exposition of the sacred lore. He will be well reputed and known all over the world. He will prosperous and blessed with wife and children. He will be fortunate and respected even by the best of the rulers.

Hereunder, Manthreswara explains in SLOKA 28th and 29th about SREEKANTA and VIRINCHI YOGAS :-

“ ll  लग्नाधीश्र्वरभास्करामृतकराः केन्द्रत्रिकोणाश्रिताः
    स्वोच्चस्वार्क्षसुहृद्रुहानुपगता श्रीकण्ठयोगो भवेत् l
     तद्वद्भार्गवभाग्यनाथशशिजाः श्रीनाथयोगस्तथा
    वागीशात्मपसूर्यजा यदि तदा वैरीञ्चियोगस्ततः.........28.

“ ll    रुद्राक्षाभरणो विभूतिधवलच्छायो महात्मा शिवम्
     ध्यायत्यात्मनि सन्ततं सुनियमाः शैवव्रते दीक्षितः
           साधूनामुपकारिकः परमतेप्वेवेवानसूयो भवेत्
     तेजस्वी शिवपूजया प्रमुदितः श्रीकण्ठयोगोद्भवः........29.

“If the Lord of the Ascendant. RAVI and CHANDRA  being in their sign of
exaltation, own sign or a friend's sign, occupy kendra or trikona, the yoga so
formed is called SRIKANTHA YOGA.

If Venus, the lord of the 9th and Mercury be in similar position, the yoga
formed is known as SRINATHA YOGA

If Jupiter, the lord of the 5th and Saturn be similarly disposed, the yoga so
formed is termed as VIRINCHI YOGA.

29. The person with Srikantha Yoga at birth will wear Rudraksha rosaries
and his body will look white shining by besmearing the sacred ashes. He will be
very liberal and will be constantly in meditation of Lord Shiva. He will regularly and rigidly perform the prescribed rites and will submerge himself in the worship
of Lord Shiva. He will be a friend of the virtuous and will have no animosity
against any other religious belief. He will become influential and his heart will be
enlightened by the worship of Lord Shiva”

“ ll लक्ष्मीवान् सरसोक्त्तिचाटुनिपुणो नारायणाङ्काङ्कितः
    तत्रामाङ्कितहृद्यपद्यमनिशं संकीरतायन् सज्जनौः l
    तद्भक्तापचितौ प्रसन्नवदनः सत्पुत्रदारान्वितः
    सर्वेषां नयनप्रियोऽतिसुभगः श्रीनाथयोगोद्भवः ll “..........30

The native of Srinatha Yoga will be wealthy, splendorous and soft
spoken. His Manner of speaking will be pleasant and witful. He will have in his
body marks of Lord Narayana (such as conch, chakra, etc.). He will, along with
other devotees or virtuous persons, be engaged in the recitations of religious songs
about greatness of Narayana. He will be devotee of Vishnu. He will be respected
by other persons. He will be very handsome and attractive and others are pleased
in coming in contact with him. He will be blessed with a virtuous wife and noble
sons (children).
“ ll  ब्रह्मज्ञानापरायणो बहुमतिर्वेदप्रधानो गुणि
     हृष्टो वैदिकमार्गतो ण चलति प्रख्यातशिष्यव्रजः l
     सोम्योक्तिर्बहुवित्तदारतनायः सद्ब्रह्मतेजोज्वल –
     न्दीर्घायुर्विजितेन्द्रियो नतनृपो वैरीञ्चियोगोद्भवः ll “..........31

A person born with VIRINCHI YOGAM will be always thinking and absolved in knowing about BRAHMA.  He will be very intelligent and will assign a very important position to Vedic Studies than other sacred writings. He will be having all good qualities  and will be always very happy at heart. He will never deviate from the Vedic scriptures and will adhere to the conduct prescribed in them.  His disciples will be highly talented and distinguished.  In speech he will be gentle and possess ample of wealth, good and obedient wife, children who are equally well behaved. He will shine and absolved in spiritual matters, will have a good longevity, He will control his senses and the king will respect him.

“ ll  अन्योन्यं  भवनस्थयोर्लग्नादिरिःफान्तकं
    भावाधीश्रयोः क्रमेण कथिताः षट्पष्टियोगा जनैः l
    त्रिंशद्दैन्यमुदीरितं व्ययरिपुच्छिद्रादिनाथोस्थिता –
    स्त्वष्टौ शौर्यपतेः खला निगदिताः शेपा महाख्या स्मृताः ll “........32.

If the planets mutually inerschange their own Houses, this is known as PARIVARTHANA. This can be seen in the following 66 parivathanas beginning with LAGNA and ending with the 12th House. From these thirty are known as DAINYA YOGAS which are formed by the LORDS of SIXTH, EIGHTH AND TWELFTH BHAVAS OR HOUSES.  The THIRD LORD causes  EIGHT YOGAS as follows :-

(a) The Lord of the 12th  HOUSE occupying any one of the remaining  ELEVEN houses (i.e. the Lord of the House occupies one of the 12 HOUSES) and the Lord of such House occupies the House where 12th House occupies (11 YOGAS).

 (b) The lord of the sixth occupying any one of the other houses and such lord occupying  any the other  Houses i.e. 1st,  2nd, 3rd. 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th 10th and 11th occupied by the 6th Lord and the Lord of the House occupied by the 6th Lord occupying  the house of the Lord occupied by the 6th House. ( 9 YOGAS).

(c) The Lord of the EIGHTH HOUSE occupies any of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th 10th or 11th House and the Lord of the HOUSE occupied by the 8th House occupying the House where the 8th house Lord situates. (10 YOGAS).

These 30 YOGAS are called as  DAINYA YOGAM (दैन्न्य योगं)

(d)  If THE LORD OF THE THIRD HOUSE occupies any of the the remaining  EIGHT HOUSES such as 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, and 11th and that Lord of THAT PARTICULAR  HOUSE occupying the THIRD HOUSE.  They are called KHALA YOGAS (खल योगं)

These EIGHT YOGAS ARE CALLED DHAINYA YOGAS, KHALA YOGAS and the balance 28 YOGAS are called as MAHAA YOGAS.  In total they are called PARIVARTHANA YOGAS
They are :-

REMAINING 28 YOGAS ARE given hereunder :-

    (i ) SEVEN MAHA YOGAS are formed by the ASCENDANT if it occupies  any one from the  2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th Houses  and if the LORD of this HOUSE occupies LAGNA

 (ii) SIX MAHA YOGAS are formed if the Lord of the 2nd HOUSE occupies any one of the remaining 6 HOUSES  i.e. 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th  and the Lord of the 2nd HOUSE occupies the HOUSE of the planet in which 2nd House Lord presently positioned.

(iii)  In similar conditions  if the LORD OF THE FOURTH HOUSE occupies any of the remaining in any one of 5th,7th, 9th, 10th and 11th House,  FIVE MAHA YOGAS ARE FORMED.

(iv) The conditions remaining the same if THE LORD OF THE FIFTH HOUSE occupies any of the remaining 7th, 9th, 10th and 11thHouse FOUR MAHA YOGAS are formed.

 (v) As per the same conditions if the LORD  OF THE SEVENTH HOUSE occupies any of the three Houses i.e. 9th, 10th and 11th House THREE MAHA YOGAS are Formed.

(vi) If THE LORD OF NINETH HOUSE occupies any one of  10th and 11th and the Lord of such house occupied by the NINETH HOUSE remains in the 9TH HOUSE  then TWO MAHA YOGAS are formed.

(vii) If the LORDS of 10th HOUSE and 11th HOUSE mutually interchange  their HOUSES. Then ONE MAHA YOGA IS FORMED.



“ ll मूर्खः स्यादपवादको दुरितकृत्रित्यं सपत्नार्दितः
   क्रूरोक्तिःकिलदैन्यजश्र्चलमतिर्विच्छित्रकार्योद्यद्यमः l
   उद्वत्तश्र्च खले कदाचिदखिलं भाग्यं लभेताखिलं
   सौम्योक्तिश्र्च कदाचिदेवमशुभं दारिद्र्यदुःखादिकम् ll “......33.
A person born with DAINYA YOGA will be a foolish person, will be criticizing others in a scornful and rude manner ( अपवाद )  and  will perform sinful deeds. He will be troubled always,  by his opponents.  He will be harsh while speaking to others and will not have a steady mind. He will find obstructions in all his attempts.  

The person born with KHALA YOGA (खल योगं)  will sometimes be haughty while speaking to others and sometimes in jovial mood.  He will be prosperous at times and but will  be driven to poverty, unhappiness and his life will be miserable, during other times.

“ ll श्रीकटाक्षनिलयः प्रभुराज्ञ्यश्र्चित्रवस्त्रकनकाभारणश्र्च l
    पार्यिवाप्तबहुमानज्ञो यानवित्त सुतवांश्र्च महाख्ये ll..........34.

A native born with MAHAA YOGA will always have the blessing of GODDESS MAHAALAKSHMI, (GODDESS OF PROSPERITY and WEALTH as per HINDUS). He will be dressed with very expensive and attractive clothes and golden ornaments. He will be kept in high esteem by the sovereign and will be given by the sovereign certain authority. He will possess vehicles and wealth and will have good children.

“ ll लग्नाधिपाप्तभपातिस्थितराशिनाथः
   स्वोच्चस्वभेषु यदि कोणचतुष्टयस्थः l
   योगः स काहल इति प्रथितोऽथतद्व –
   ल्लग्नाधिपाप्त भपतिर्यदि पर्वताख्यः ll “............35.

“ ll वर्द्धिष्णुरार्थः सुमतिः प्रसन्नः क्षेमङ्करः काहलजो नृमान्यः l
   स्थिरार्थसौम्यः स्थिरकार्यकर्ता क्षितीश्र्वरः पर्वतयोगजातः ll “.........36.

Herein Manthreswara gives the definitions and effects of  KAAHALA YOGA AND PARVATHA YOGA. ( This YOGA is discussed in Bhruhat Parasara Horaa Shaasta in 31st Chapter, 9th Verse and also in JATHAKA PAARIJAATHA 7th Chapter Verse 129)

(a) KAAHALA YOGA :- If the LORD of the SIGN (राशि) occupied by the ASCENDANT(लग्न) is posited in his EXALTAION or own RAASI similar to a TRINE or a QUADRANT (केन्द्र) , then the YOGA arising will be called KAAHALA. (Verse 35- Lines 1 & 2 ).

The native born with KAHALA YOGA will be prosperous, aristocrat and benevolent, kind hearted , will win the hearts of the people and  be popular in public. ( the result is seen changed in SAARAAVALEEYAM) Verse 36-1.  

(b) PARVATHA YOGA :  As per Manthreswara , if the Lord of RAASI in which the Lord of Lagna is positioned is in the sign of its EXALTATION or own RAASI which is identical to a KENDRA (ANGLE OR QUADRANT) or TRIKONA (TRINE) , the yoga caused is called as PARVATHA YOGA.
As per Dr.B.V. Raman , “Benefics  being disposed in Kendras  the 6th and 8th Houses should either be unoccupied or occupied by benefic planets” is PARVATHA YOGA, Why then it is called differently since this constitutes RAJA YOGA.  I find many authors giving many different definitions. As per BRUHAT PARASARI  This is the same as Dr. B.V.Raman said “सप्तमे चाऽष्टमे शुद्धे शुभग्रहयुतेऽथवा l केन्द्रेषु शुभ युक्तेषु योगःपर्वतसंज्ञकः ll”

As per Manthreswara , the person born with PARVATHA YOGA will always be wealthy and happy.  His acts will be everlasting; He will become a RULER OF THE EARTH. * क्षितीश्वर.

Now Manthreswara explains what is RAAJAH YOGA AND SHANKA YOGA :-

ll धर्मकर्मभवनाधिपति द्वि संयुतौ महितभावगतौ चेत् l
   राजयोग इति तद्वदिह स्यात् केन्द्रकोणयुतिर्यादि शंखः ll “..........37

Accordingly, if the LORDS occupy together an auspicious HOUSE ( They should associate in conjunction) , it is called RAJAH YOGA.

as in Raja Yoga,  if the Lords of Quadrant (केन्द्र) and TRINE ( त्रिकोण ) occupy  an auspicious HOUSE together , the YOGA formed thus is called SHANKA YOGA

Definiton given by Dr. B.V Raman says “ inat Lords of 5th and 6th should be in a mutual Kendras and the Lord of Lagna must be powerful.”

In Bruhat Paraasari the Definition given is almost similar to what Dr. Raman said “ ll  सबले लग्नपे पुत्र-षष्ठपो केन्रागो मिथःl शंखो वा लग्नककमैशौ चरे बलिनि भाग्यपे ll “ Chapt.36 Verse 13.(BP)

The association of  of the Lords of 9th and 10th in an auspicious HOUSE constitutes RAJAH YOGA.

Similarly if Lords of a KENDRA and TRIKONA are in association in an auspicious HOUSE , the YOGA thus caused is called SHANKA.

“ ll भेरीशंखप्रणादैर्धृतमृदुपठिकाजातवृत्तानापत्रो
    हस्त्यश्र्वान्दोलिकाध्यैः सह मगधकृतप्रस्तुतिर्भूमिपालः
    नानारूपोपहारस्फुकरयुतैः प्रार्थितः सज्जनैः स्या –
    द्राजा स्याच्छङ्खयोगे बहुवरवनिताभोगसपत्ति पूर्णः ………….38

A person born with RAJA YOGA will be a king or similar to a king in status.  When he goes out The sound of BHERI ( Sounds of BUGLES , CONCHS, AND DRUMS) can be heard, and he will be escorted by Elephants, Horses etc. . A person will hold a Royal umbrella for him not to be affected by Sun or Rain. He will go on a palanquin.  And ministers etc will accompany him.  IN FACT IN THOSE DAYS A MAHARAJAH WAS TREATED AS THE REPRESENTATIVE OF GOD.

Similarly A person born with SANKA YOGA will be accompanied by beautiful dames (भोगसंपत्ति) and lot of wealth; and will have all comforts.

Friends, I have read a full Chapter (Chapter 39 on Rajah Yoga ) in Bruhat Parasara Hora ShaasthraThere are many types of  RAJAH YOGAS in in Jathak Paarijaatha of Vaidhyanatha. Saaraavaleeyam written by Sri. Kalyana Varma also gives many definitions and results in Chapter 35..  I am , therefore inclined to state that RAJAH YOGA cannot be confined to one aspect only.  It is only a broad Definition.

Now ,  hereunder , Manthreswara explains the SEVEN SAMKHYA YOGAS ( संख्या योगं) which are VALLAKEE or  VEENAA , DAAMA, PAASHA, KEDARA, SHOOLA, YUGA AND GOLA YOGAS in one verse thus :-

“ ll संख्या योगाः सप्तसप्तर्क्षसंस्थैरेकापायाद्वल्लकीदामपाशम् l
   केदाराख्यः शूलयोगो युगं च गोलश्र्चान्यान् पूर्वमुक्तान्विहाय ll “..........39.

Samkhya ( NUMERICAL)  Yogas are seven in number starting with VEENAA YOGA,  other yogas upto GOLA YOGA . These are formed by 7 (SEVEN) planets occupying SEVEN RAASIS from Seven Houses diminishing successively from  7th, 6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd 2nd , and 1st VALLAKEE OR VEENA YOGA,  DAAMA YOGA, PAASA YOGA,  KEDARA YOGA, SHOOLA YOGA, YUGA YOGA , All seven planets occupying TWO HOUSES called as YUGA and if they all occupy one SIGN is called GOLA YOGA.

“ ll वीणायोगे नृत्तगीताप्रियोऽर्थि दाम्नि त्यागी भूपतिश्र्चोपकारी l
   पाशे भोगी सार्थसच्छिलबन्धुः केदाराख्येश्रीकृषिक्षेत्रयुक्तः ll “.......... 40.

“ ll शूले हिंस्तरः क्रोधशीलो दरिद्रः पाषण्डी स्याद् द्रव्यहीनो युगाख्ये l
    निःस्वः पापी म्लेच्छयुक्तः कुशिल्पी गोले जातश्र्चालसोऽल्पायुरेव ll “........41.

In the above given SAAMKYA YOGAs which are seven in number Starting with VALLAKEE(VEENAA) YOGA and ending with GOLA YOGA, Manthreswara gives the result of each if born with the YOGAS. :-
(a) A person born with VALLAKEE or VEENAA YOGA will be interested in DANCE and MUSIC and playing by self or hearing musical instruments and will be wealthy.
(b) A native with DAMA YOGA will be a person who renounce  everything  for others (त्यागी) , might become a king or a benefactor.
(c) A native with PAASHA YOGA will enjoy his life to the brim, will conduct himself with good manners , will be devoted to enjoyment and have good relatives.
(d) A person with KEDARA YOGA in his nativity will be wealthy and possess agricultural lands.

 (e) A native with SHOOLA YOGA will be cruel by nature and short or ill tempered. He will be always poor and needy  (दरिद्र).
(f) A person having YUGA YOGA in his birth will be a hypocrite and will not have wealth.
(g) A native with GOLA YOGA will be without wealth, will be sinful in action (पापी), wll associate with mean people (म्लेच्छा), will be a bad artisan, will be lazy (अलस) and will be short lived. (अल्प्पायुः)
“ ll सौम्यैरिन्दोर्ध्यूनषड्रन्ध्रसंस्थैस्तद्वल्लग्नात्संस्थातैर्वाधियोगः l
    नेता मन्त्रि भूषतिः स्यात्क्रमेण ख्यातःश्रीमान्दीर्घजीवी मनस्वी ll.....42.

ADHI YOGA is caused when 7th , 6th, or 8th HOUSE is occupied by benefics from LAGNA OR CHANDRA .

The result of ADHI YOGA is that the native will be the head of Security or Police or a Minister or the head of a district or a Governor. He will be prosperous wealthy and will live long. He will be large hearted.

“ ll अधियोगभवो नरेश्र्वरः स्थिरसंपद्वहुबन्धुपोषकः l
   अमुना रिपुवः पराजिताश्र्चिमौर्लभते प्रसिद्धताम् ll “…………..43

Other effects of Adhi Yoga are the native will be the head of a village/town or a kingdom,  will be wealthy throughout his life and will have many relatives to feed and will be victories over his enemies.

“ ll भावैः सौम्ययुतेक्षितैस्तदधिपैः सुस्थानगैर्भास्वरैः
   स्वोच्चस्वर्क्षगतैर्विलग्नभवनाध्योगाः क्रमाद्वादशाः l
   भाग्यख्यातिसुपारिजातमुसलास्तज्ज्ञैर्यथा कीर्तिताः ll “.......44.

In verse 44 Manthreswara  defines Chaamara Yoga (चामर योगं), Dhenu Yoga (धेनु योगं), Shourya Yoga (शौर्य योगं) , Jaladhi Yoga (जलधि योगं), Cchathra Yoga ( च्छत्र योगं),  Asthra Yoga (अस्त्र योगं), Kaama Yoga (काम योगं), Asura Yoga (असुर योगं), Bhaagya Yoga (भाग्य योगं), Khyaathi Yoga (ख्याति योगं), Supaarijaatha or Paarijaatha Yoga (पारिजात योगं) and Musala Yoga (मुसल योगं).

Accordingly, when the SIGNS (भाव) are occupied or aspected (दृष्टी) by benefics or good planets like JUPITER, VENUS, WELL ASSOCIATED MERCURY and FULL MOON, and their LORDS occupying GOOD HOUSES and are brilliant and in their EXALTATION or in their own houses constitute the above YOGAS.

“ ll प्रत्यहं व्रजति वृद्धिमुदग्रां शुक्लचन्द्र इव शोभनशीलः
   कीर्तिमान् जानपतिश्र्चिरजीवी श्रीनिधिर्भवति चामरजातः ll “.......45

(a) CHAAMARA YOGA :  The Ascendant Lord in exaltation is placed in an Angular House aspected by Jupiter or if two benefics occupy the ascendant, 7th 9th or 10th House CHAAMARA YOGA IS FORMED . the person born with CHAMARA YOGA will progress in prosperity like the MOON in the BRIGHT HALF.  His behavior will be excellent, he will be renowned and will live a long life and wealthy. He will be a lord of people. 

(b)  DHENU YOGA :  धेनु means cow. Hence this Yoga occurs when GURU is strongly placed in his MOOLATRIKONA i.e. in DHANUS with the Lord of Dhana Sthana i.e. 2nd HOUSE and Lord of the ASCENDANT exalted.

“ ll सत्रिपानविभवोऽखिलविध्यापुष्कलोऽधिककुटुम्बविभूतिः l
   हेमरत्नधनधान्यसमृद्धो राजराज इव राजति धेनौ ll “.........46

Jupiter is  धनकारका i.e. bestows wealth and hence will have good food and drinks.  He will get good education and will be blesses with a large family.  He will be like Lord KUBERA as far as wealth is concerned. He shall be a ruler ( राजराज).

(c) SHOURYA YOGA : If Benefics occupies or aspect the THIRD HOUSE and the LORD 0f the 3rd HOUSE, not being  combust, is in an auspicious house, in own sign or exalted it is called SHOURYA YOGA (शौर्य योगं).

“ ll कीर्तिमद्भिरनुजैभिष्टुतो लालितो महितविक्रमयुक्तः l
   शौर्यजो भवति राम इवासौ राजकार्थनिरतोऽतीयशस्वि ll “…………..47.

The natve born with Shaurya Yoga will be praised by his younger brothers who have them-selves attained glory and who are brave and well determined and courageous; will be like the legendary SRI RAMA who is fully engrossed in state affairs, will be loved by one and all, and very famous.

(d) JALADHI YOGA : If  Benefics occupy or aspect the 4th HOUSE and the Lord of this 4th House, not being combust is in an auspicious House, or in HIS OWN SIGN. Or exalted, JALADHI YOGA IS SAID TO HAVE FORMED.

“ ll गोसंपद्धनधान्यशोभिसदनं बन्धुप्रपूर्ण वर –
   स्त्रीरत्नाम्बरभूषणानि महितस्थानं च सर्वोत्तमम् l
   प्राप्नोत्यम्बुजयोगजः स्थिरसुखोहस्त्यश्र्वनादिगो
   राजेड्यो द्विजदेवकार्यनिरतः कूपप्रपाकृप्तथि ll “.......48.

The person having JALADHI YOGA in the horoscope will be rich in cattle, wealth or grains will own a beautiful and well- constructed mansion , will have a host of relatives, will have a charming and respectable spouse, will have everlasting happiness, will possess  palanquins, elephants and horses, will be honoured by the King. He will willingly get engaged doing work for Brahmins and Gods and in making Wells.

(e) CHHATHRA YOGA : When Benefics occupy or aspect the 5th HOUSE, and the Lord of the 5th House not being combust and in an auspicious HOUSE,  or in own HOUSE or in its  exaltation CHHATRA YOGA is formed.

 “ ll सुसंसारसौभाग्यसन्तानलक्ष्मीनिवासो यशस्वी सुभापी मनीपी l
  अमात्यो महिशसयस पूज्यो धनाढ्यः स्फुरत्तीक्ष्णबुद्धिर्भवेच्छत्रयोगे ll “…….49

Accordingly, the person born with Chhatra Yoga, will lead a happy and contented family life and enjoy happiness from his/her children. He/She will be the abode of wealth, and will be renowned with eloquence in speech. He/She will be a sharp intellect and will be honoured by the KING and will become a MINISTER of the KING.

 (f) ASTHRA YOGA (अस्त्र योगं)If Benefics occupy or aspect the 6th HOUSE and the Lord of the 6th House is not combust , or in an auspicious House or in his Own SIGN or  Exalted this ASTHRA YOGA is said to be present.

“ ll शत्रन् वलिष्ठान बलवत्रीगृह्य क्रूरप्रवृत्त्या सहितोऽभिमानी l
   व्रणाङ्किताङ्गश्र्च विवादकारी स्यादस्त्रयोगे धदृढगात्रयुक्त्तः ll “…………50

The person whose birth has ASTHRA YOGA will be capable of subduing  his/her powerful enemies. He/She will be cruel in nature, very arrogant and quarrelsome.  HeShe will have bruised limbs but will possess strong body.

(g)  KAAMA YOGA : If Benefics occupy or aspect the 7th HOUSE and the LORD of the 7th House with-out combustion is in an auspicious HOUSE, or in own SIGN or in HIS EXALTED POSITION, KAAMA YOGA is formed.

“ ll परदारपराङ्मुखो भवेद्वरदारात्मजबन्धुसंश्रितः l
   जनकादधिकः शुभैर्गुणैर्मःअनीयां श्रियमेति कामजः ll “.............51.

The person born with KAAMA YOGA will not cast a look  at other peoples spouses . He will be having a good wife, children and reltives. He will excel his father in his good qualities and will help him to shine better than his father.


If benefics in a horoscope occupy or aspect the 8th HOUSE and the LORD OF that HOUSE is not combust and placed in an auspicious HOUSE or in own HOUSE or is in exaltation KUKARMAKUCHAASURA YOGA (आसुर) is said to be formed.

“ ll हन्त्यन्यकार्य पिशुनः स्वकार्यपरो दरिद्रश्च दुराग्रही स्यात् l
   स्वयम्कृतानर्थपरंपरारार्थः कुकर्मकृच्चासुरयोगजातः ll “............52.

The native with this YOGA will create disturbance to others in their work and will be a talebearer. The incumbent will be selfish, poor and will have craving for forbidden things, will indulge in mean acts, and ultimately will suffer for his/her unwanted and forbidden work.

(i)  When Benefics occupy or aspect the 9th HOUSE and the LORD of the 9th HOUSE is not combust and is in an auspicious HOUSE, or in own SIGN (गृह) or in exaltation BHAAGYA YOGA is formed.

“ ll चञ्चच्चामरवाध्यघोषनिबिडामान्दोलिकं शाश्र्वति
    लक्ष्मीं प्राप्य महाजनैः कृतानतिः स्याद्धर्ममार्गे स्थितः l
    प्रीणात्येष पितृन् सुरान्द्विजगणासत्तत्प्रियैः पूजनैः
    स्वाचारः स्वकुलोद्वहः सुहृदायःस्याद्भाग्ययोगोद्भवःll “………..53

The person with BHAAGYA YOGA will move in palanquins, accompanied with band (Musical Sounds), and will possess always wealth and observe always righteous code of conduct. He will please the GODS with utmost devotion, and will be full of virtues.  He/She will make the family illustrious.
(j) KHYATI YOGA (ख्याति योगं) : if Benefics occupy  or aspect the 10th HOUSE and the LORD OF THE 10TH HOUSE is not COMBUST and remains in an auspicious HOUSE, the PLANET’S OWN HOUSE or situates in its EXALTATION, KHYATHI YOGA is formed.

“ ll सत्क्रियांसकल सकललोकसंमतामाचरत्रवति सज्जनान्नृपः l
   पुत्रमित्रधनदारभाग्यवान् ख्यातिजो भवति लोकविश्रुतः ll “.........54.

The person born with KHYAATHI YOGA will become a KING/QUEEN who will protect his/her’s good subjects with a code of conduct which will be approved by all. He/She will be blessed with a good spouse, children, and friends and be very wealthy, prosperous, and will become famous.

(k) PAARIJAATHA YOGA :  If Benefics occupy or aspect the 11th HOUSE whose Lord is not Combust and is in an auspicious house or in HIS OWN HOUSE or in HIS EXALTATION PAARIJAATHA YOGA (पारिजाथ योगं) is said to be present.

“ ll नित्यमङ्गलयुतः पृथिवीशः संचितार्थनिचयः सुकुटुम्बीः
   सत्कथाश्रवणभक्तीभिज्ञो पारिजातजननः शिवतातिः ll “.........55.

The person born with PAARIJAATHA  YOGA will be engaged always in  auspicious celebrations, will be a king or a person owning land (पृथिवीश) , will gain power; will own hoarded wealth, will be learned, will have a large family and relatives, and will be fond of hearing religious stories (सत्कथश्रवणम्).

(l) MUSALA YOGA (मुसल योगम्)  : When benefics occupy or aspect the 12th HOUSE and the Lord of the 12th House is not combust and placed in an auspicious HOUSE, OWN HOUSE or exaltation MUSALA YOGA IS SAID TO BE FORMED.

“ ll कृच्छ्रलब्धधनवान् परिभूतो लोलसंपदुचितव्ययशीलः l
   स्वर्गमेव लभतेऽन्यदशायां जाल्मको मुसलजश्र्चफलश्र्च ll “............56

The person born with MUSALA YOGA will accumulate wealth  with great difficulties. However the wealth he/she  accumulates will be unsteady.  This person has to suffer humiliation and will be of unsteady mind.  He/She will be spending money for  legitimate purposes.  After his/her’s death the person will go to heaven.  He/She will be foolish and narrow minded.


“ ll  दुःस्थेर्भावगृहेश्र्वरैरशुभसंयुक्तेक्षितैर्वि क्रमा-
     द्भावैः स्युरत्ववयोगिनिःस्वमृतयः प्रोक्ताः कुहूः पामरः l
    हर्षो दुष्कृतिरित्यथापि सरलो निर्भाग्य दुर्योगकौ
    योगा द्वादश ते दरिद्रविमले प्रोक्ता विपश्र्चिज्जनैः ll “…………..57

When the LORDS the HOUSES from the ASCENDANT  onwards occupy the 6th , 8th, or 12th or the SIGNS be associated with or aspected by malefics 12 TYPES of YOGAS are formed by names (a) AVA YOGA (b) NISWA YOGA (c) MRITHI YOGA (d) KUHU YOGA (e) PAAMARA YOGA  (f) HARSHA YOGA (g) DUSHKRITHI YOGA (h) SARALA YOGA (i) NIRBHAAGYA YOGA ( j) DURYOGA (k) DARIDRA YOGA (l) VIMALA YOGA.

(a)  AVA YOGA : when the Lord of  the Ascendant is in the 6th 8th or 12th HOUSE, AVA YOGA is formed.

“ ll  अप्रसिद्धिरतिदुःस्सहादैन्यं स्वल्पमायुरवमानमसद्धिः l
    संयुतः कुचरितः कुतनुः स्याच्चञ्चलस्थितिरिहाप्यवयोगे ll “...........58.

The person born with AVA YOGA will be insignificant in the sense that he will be unknown or of no importance as far as others are concerned, and there will be every possibility.  He/she will be short lived, will have deformity of limbs (कुतनुः),  will suffer from extreme poverty, will be humiliated by all, will associate with wicked people and the person’s behavior will be bad and will have an unsteady position.

(b) NISSWA YOGA : If the LORD OF the 2nd HOUSE is in the 6th, 8th or 12th HOUSE NISSWA YOGA is formed.

“ ll  सुवचनशून्यो विफलकुकुटुम्बः कुजनसमाजः कुदशनचक्षुः l
   मतिसुत्विध्याविहीनो रिपुह्रुतवित्तः प्रभवति निःस्वे ll “..........59.

The person born with NISSWA YOGA in the Birth Chart will be devoid of good words (सुवचनशून्य) , his wife will be barren, will move in bad company, will have deformed teeth and eyes, will be poor in  knowledge and educatin (मतिसुत्विध्याविहीनो), will not have wealth (POOR) , and his wealth will be taken away by foes.

(c) MRITHI YOGA : MRITHI YOGA is said to be present if the LORD of the 3rd HOUSE is in the 6th, 8th or 12th HOUSE,  MRITHI YOGA IS SAID TO BE PRESENT.

“ ll  अरिपरिभूतः सहजविहीनो मनसि विलज्जो तबलवित्तः l
   अनुचितकर्मश्रमपरिखित्रो विकुतिगुणः स्यादिति मृतियोगे ll “..........60.    

The person with MRUTHI YOGA will be vanquished by the enemies ; She/He will be devoid of younger ones (सहजविहीन). , his/her  mind will never feel shame, will not have strength, or wealth will perform unholy acts and will be having exited temperament.

(d) KUHU YOGA : When the LORD of THE 4TH HOUSE situates in the 6th, 8TH or 12TH HOUSE  this YOGA is said to have formed.

“ ll  मातृवाहनसुहृत्सुखाभूषा बन्धुभिर्विरहितः स्थितिशून्यः l
   स्थानमाश्रितमानेन हतं स्यात् कुस्त्रियामभिरतः कुहुयोगे ll “.........61.

The person with KUHU YOGA will be bereft of mother; will have no conveyance, or friends.  He/She will not be HAPPY in life and neither will have ornaments or relatives.  HeShe will not get employment  and any place to live since he will lose the one already owned by him/her .  He/She will have association with ill-reputed women/men.

(e)  PAAMARA YOGA :  If the LORD OF THE 5TH HOUSE  is positioned in in the 6TH , 8TH or 12TH HOUSE PAAMARA YOGA is formed.

“ ll दुःखजीव्यनृतवागविवेकी वञ्चको मृतसुतोऽप्यनपत्यः l
   नास्तिकोऽल्पकुजनं भजतेऽसौधस्मरो भवति पामरयोगेः ll “

The person born with PAAMARA YOGA (पामर योगं) will have a miserable  and indiscriminate living. He will be a liar and a cheat.  He will not have any children or his children will die and associate with mean and wicked people and will lack in the belief of GOD ( नास्तिक ) and extremely greedy.

(f) HARSHA YOGA : If the Lord of 6TH, 8TH or 12TH HOUSE is in the SIXTH HOUSE,  Harsha Yoga is caused.  This is nothing but VIPAREETHA RAAJA YOGAM. RK/

“ ll  सुखभोगभाग्यदृढगात्रसंयुतो निहताहितो भवति पापभीरुकः l
   प्रथितप्रधानजनवल्लभो धनध्युतिमित्रकीर्तिसुतबांश्र्च हर्षेजः ll “ 63.

The person born with HARSHA YOGA (हर्ष योगं) will be blessed with happiness and good fortune, and enjoyment .  He will possess strong constitution and conquer his enemies and will hesitate to perform sinful deeds, will be friendly with illustrious and prominent people.  He will be wealthy and splendorous and become very famous and will have good friends  and sons.

(g) DUSHKRITHI YOGA : When the LORD OF THE 7TH HOUSE situates in the 6TH, 8TH , or 12TH house, DUSHKRITHI YOAGA is caused. 

“ ll  स्वपत्निवियोगं परस्त्रीरतीच्छ दुरालोकमध्वानसंचारवृत्ति l
   प्रमेहादिगुह्यार्तिमुर्वीशपीडां वदेद्दुष्कृतो बन्धुधिक्कारशोकम् ll “........64.

The person having this YOGA is destined to the death of  wife and have desire to go to other women for having intercourse (परस्त्रीरतीच्छ), will wander aimlessly and will be afflicted by venereal diseases, will be troubled by the KING (गुह्यार्तिमुर्वीश पीडां ) ,   will be moving in the midst of bad society,  and will be hated by relatives and remain unhappy in consequences.

(h) SARALA YOGA : Sarala yoga occurs when the Lords of the 6TH, 8TH , or 12TH house positions  jointly or severally, themselves in the 8TH HOUSE.
Friends, this YOGA in site of the 8th House being a DUSTHANA gives excellent results.

“ ll  दीर्गायुष्मान दृढमतिरभयःश्रीमान्विद्यासुतधनसहितः l
   सिधारम्भो जितरिपुरमलो विख्याताख्यः प्रभवति सरले ll “...........65.

 A native having SARALA YOGA in his horoscope will live long , audacious ie. Will be happy, brave, joyful. Indomitable, erudiate and learned. He will be affluent,  prosperous, renowned and eminent during his life time.  His enemies and foes will always will fear him .

(i) NIRBHAAGHYA YOGA (निर्भाग्य योगं) : When the LORD OF THE 9TH HOUSE occupies 6th, 8th or 12th House NIRBHAAGYA YOGA is caused.

“ ll  पित्रार्जितक्षेत्रगृहादिनाशकृतम् साधूनम् गुरूत्रिन्दति धर्मवर्जितः l
   प्रत्नातिजीर्णाम्बरधृच्च दुर्गतो निर्भाग्ययोगे बहुदुःखभाजनम् ll “..........66.

A person born in NIRBHAAGYA YOGAM will lose all parental property, such as lands house etc. He will not command any regards from elders and good people, will be irreligious.  He will be dresses in old and worn-out clothes.  He will be poor and miserable.

(j) DURYOGA (दुर्योगं) : when the LORD OF THE 10TH HOUSE, situates in 6TH , 8TH . or 12TH  RAASI, DURYOGA IS CAUSED.

‘ ll  शरीरप्रयासैः कृतं कर्मयत्नद्वजेत्रिष्फलत्वं लघुत्वं जनेषु l
   जनद्रोहकारी स्वकुक्षींभरिः स्यादजस्त्रं प्रवासी च दुर्योगजातः ll “........67.

The person born with DURYOGAM will be of no importance, a traitor and highly selfish’  He will earn only to satisfy his hunger.  He will be always away from his home and living abroad.

(h) DARIDRA YOGA : If the LORD OF THE 11TH HOUSE  situates in 6TH HOUSE, 8TH HOUSE or 12TH HOUSE DARIDRA YOGA is caused.

“ ll  ऋणग्रस्त उग्रो दिद्राग्रगण्थो भवेत्कर्णरोगी च सौब्रात्रहीनः l
   अकार्यप्रवृत्तो रसाभासवादी परप्रेष्यकः स्याद्दरिद्राख्ययोगे ll “..........68. 

The person born with DARIDRA YOGA will be constantly in debt which will be his way of life , he will suffer from ear troubles, will not have good brothers, will be engaged in cruel and sinful acts, will be speaking indecently and will get engaged in menial work  to others.

(i)  VIMALA YOGA : This Yoga is called also as VIPAREETHA VIMALA RAAJAH YOGAM.

When the Lord of the 12TH  HOUSE is in 6TH, , 8TH or 12TH House this YOGA is formed.

“ ll किञ्चिह्व्यो भूरिधनाभिवृद्धिं प्रयात्ययं सर्वजनानुकूल्यम् l
   सुखी स्वतन्त्रो महनीयवृत्तिर्गुणैः प्रतीतो विमलेद्भवः स्यात् ll “.........69.

The person born with VIMALA YOGA will be frugal in spending and clever in saving money. This YOGA makes him virtuous and contented. The person will have good behaviour towards others and enjoy life with happiness; The person will not depend others will have a good and respectable profession and his conduct and character will be equally good.

“ ll छिद्रारिव्ययनायकाः प्रबलगाः केन्द्रत्रिकोणाश्रिताः
    लग्नव्योमचतुर्यभाग्यपतयः फड्रन्ध्ररिःफस्थिताः l
    निर्वीर्या विगतप्रभा यदि तदा दुर्योग एव स्मृत-
    स्तड्यो सति योगवान्धनपतिर्भूपः सुखि धार्मिकः ll “..........70

“ ll इति मन्त्रेश्र्वरविरचितायां फलदीपिकायां योगभावो नाम षष्ठोऽध्यायः ll “

When the LORDS of the 8TH, 6TH and 12TH have strength and are posited in QUADRANT or TRINE and the LORDS of 1ST, 10TH, 4TH, and 9TH RAASIS are weak or combust  and occupy 6TH, 8TH, or 12TH HOUSES , the YOGA thus arising will be called as DURYOGA.  If the said disposition are in reverse order  i.e. the LORDS of 6TH 8TH and 12TH are weak  or combust and occupy those houses and the LORDS of 1ST, 10TH, 4TH and 9TH  are strong and are positioned in the QUADRANT, or TRINE  the person will become a KING,  will be fortunate, wealthy ,  and virtuous.


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