अद्धया ५: CHAPTER 5
“ ll अर्थाप्तिं
कथये द्विलघ्नशशिनोः प्राबल्यतः खेचरैः
पितृमातृशात्रवसुहृद्भात्रादिभिः स्त्रिधनात् l
दीनानाथलग्नशशिनां मध्ये बलीयांस्ततः
कर्मेशस्थनवांशराशिपवशाद्वृत्तिं जगुस्तद्विदः ll “............1.
We must see which planet helps to acquire wealth
with reference to ASCENDANT (लग्न) or
MOON (चन्द्र) which-ever is stronger.
If the PLANET is SUN (रवि) which is in 10TH HOUSE, then the source of
such acquisition will be FATHER, If the PLANET IS MOON((चन्द्र)
in 10th HOUSE, then it will be mother,
an enemy in case it is MARS
(कुज, मङ्गल) in the 10th HOUSE, A friend in case of MERCURY (बुध) in 10th HOUSE , if it is
JUPITER ( गुरु ) in 10th House, then
from a brother, and
WIFE ( भार्या ) in case it is VENUS (शुक्र) in 10th HOUSE and in case it
is through SATURN (शनि) in 10th HOUSE, it will be with the help of SERVANT (भृत्य,
The Astrologer should determine the profession of
his client through the PLANET which occupies
the 10th HOUSE of the NAVAAMSA, from LAGNA or CHANDRA (severally) which-ever
is the strongest.
“ ll फलद्रुमैर्ममन्त्रजपैश्र्च शाठ्याढ्द्धूतानृतैः कंबलभेषजाधैः l
धातुक्रियाद्वा क्षितिपालपूज्याज्जिवत्यसौ पङ्कजवल्लभांशे ll
If the LORD of the 10th HOUSE is
in the SUN’s (रवि) NAVAAMSA(नवांश), then
the native’s livelyhood will be through fruit-bearing trees, by reciting
manthras (मन्त्रं) frequently (വാദ്ധ്യാര് പണി – புரோஹிதம்) , by frauduent means or gambling or by cunnigness,or by falsehood, or by
selling woollen materials, medicines etc or in Government service or working
under a respectable person.
“ ll जलेद्भवानां क्रयविक्रयेण कृषिकृयागोमहिषीसमुत्थैः l
तीर्थाटनाद्वा विनिताश्रयाद्वा निशाकरंशे
वसनक्रियद्वा ll “..............3
If the Lord of 10th HOUSE of NAVAAMSA (नवांशं) is MOON
(चन्द्र), then the source of livelyhood by
sale of water productsa like FISH, PEARL, CORALS etc., by Agriculture or cattle
breeding like cows and She-baffalos, throgh pilgrimage (
I feel it is by taking people on
pilgrimage ), Serve a lady (can be a lady of
illrepute or a prostitute?), or as a trader of clothes.
“ ll भौमांशके धातुरणप्रहारैर्महानसाद्भूमिवशात्सुवर्णात्
परोपतापायुधा साहसैर्वा म्लेच्छाश्रयात्सूचकचोरवृत्या ll “..........4.
If the NAVAAMSA IS Lord of the 10th House is MARS (कुज. मङ्गल, अङ्गारक) ചൊവ്വ], the source of income for
livelyhood can be my METAL, soldiership or by fighting in battle, cooking,
Lands, Gold, by causing troubles to others, weopen, adventure, through
association with wicked people, as a spy or as a thief,
“ ll काव्यागमैर्लेखकलिष्युपायैर्ज्योतिर्गणज्ञानवशाद्वुधांशे
पुरोहितव्याजवशात्प्रवृत्तिः ll “...............5.
If the
Lord of 10th House of Navamsa
(नवांश, നവാംശം,நவாம்சம்) is
posited (present) in the House of MERCURY (बुध, புதன்,ബുധന്), then
the astrologer shold predict,the earning by composing poems, by the study of
Vedas ans such scriptures, by being a writer or through clerical works or
through some trick, or through the knowledge of Astrology, Vedic Studies, by
repeating Manthras, through priesthood (पौरोहित्यम, புரோஹிதர் வேலை, വാദ്ധ്യാര് പണി) or by some such pretext.
“ ll जीवांशके
भूसुरदेवतानां समाश्रयाद्भूभूमिपतिप्रसादात् l
कुसितवृत्त्या ll............6.
If Lord of 10th
House of Navamsais posited in JUPITER (गुरु,
बृहस्पति) the source of livelyhood will be by depending on Brahmins, GODS i.e.(
serving as priests in TEMPLES) or through Royal Favour, by reciting PURAANAAS
(पुराणम्) (கதாகாலக்ஷேபம் കഥാകാലക്ഷേപം etc. ) , or
through studies of PURANA, ITHIHASA, SHAASTHRA, Vedas and or by recitation of MANTHRASEtc. and
through practising rightious path and action, or by giving religious
“ ll स्त्रीसंश्रयाद्गोमहिषीगजाश्र्वैस्तौर्यत्रिकैर्वा
रजतैश्र्च गन्धैः l
शुकांशकेऽमात्यगुणैः कवित्वात् ll “.......7.
When the Lord of the 10th House is posited in
the Navaamsa owned by *(शुक्र,भृगु,सित,कव्य), the
native’s earning will be by serving women (wfe, prostitute,Film actress or such
people), or through cows, buffaloes, elephants, horses, or by teaching music or
through musical performances, by dancing or Singing or through purchase and
sale of silver ornaments, perfumes or through selling silk and other such
expensive dress maerials or keeping company of by aiding a lady of high profile
or king or by his poetc skills.
Note : * Some names of
Shukra VENUS in Sanskrit
ll शन्यांशके मूलफलैः श्रमेण प्राषैः खलैर्नीचधनैः कुधान्यैः l
शिल्पादिर्दारुमायैर्वधाध्यैः ll “
If the 10th House of the NAVAMSHA falls in SATURN
(शनैश्चर. मन्द, शनि, रविज, सौम्य
etc), the income source of the native will be through dealing with Roots and
fruits, by hard and physical labour, through servants, through rogues, and
earning of illreputed persons or of low morality, by selling bad grains, by
carrying/loading goods, by immoral acts, by sculpturing. wood carving or by sering a butcher.
ll अंशेशे बलवत्ययत्नधनसंप्राप्तिं बलेनेंऽशपे
स्वाल्पं प्रोक्तफलं भवेदुदयतः कर्मर्क्षदेशे
फलम् l
अंशस्योत्कदिशं वदेत्पतियुते दृष्टे स्वदेशेस्थिरे
ll “..........9.
इति मन्त्रेश्र्वरविरचितायां फलदीपिकायां कर्माजीवो नामः पञ्चमोध्ययः ll
the Lord of the of Navaamsa is strong then the native will be wealthy and
without any obstacles or exertion. If the planet is weak , expect only a megre
earning. The country from where the
wealth will be accrued can be found out from the planet ownig the sign or aspected
by it. The Source of income will come from within the country in which one
belong will be if the Lord of 10th House is reprented is in a fixed sign, If
the RAASI (SIGN) is occupiued or aspected by other than the LORD of the SIGN
then the native’s livelyhood will be in any other country than the Native
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