Thursday, May 03, 2012


         चतुर्थीऽध्याय: CHAPTER : IV
In this Chapter Manthreswara tells about Various kinds of strength of Planets, how to assess them and the Houses( भाव ) etc.
 “ ll वीर्ये षड्विधमाह कालजबलं चेष्टाबलं स्वोच्चदं
        दिग्वीर्यम त्वयनोद्भवं दिविषदां स्थानोद्भवं ॠमात् l
   निश्यारेन्दुसिताः परे दिवि सदा ज्ञः शुक्लपक्षे शुभाः
   कृष्णेऽन्ये निजाब्दमासदिनहोरास्वघ्ङिवृध्धा क्रमात् ......1
Meaning :- The planet’s strength is six fold. They are (1) TEMPORAL STRENGTH (कालजं), (2) MOTIONAL (चेष्टाबलं), (3) STRENTH DERIVED FROM BEING IN EXALTATION POINT (उच्चबलं), (4).DIRECTIONAL STRENGTH (दिक्बलं) (5)THE STRENGTH DERIVED FROM THE PLANET’S DECLINATION whether NORTH OR SOUTH (अयन बलं ) and (6) POSITIONAL STRENGTH (स्थान बलं).
 कुज, चन्द्र, शुक्र ( MARS, MOON, VENUS ) are strong during NIGHT., बुध    ( MERCURY ) is strong during DAY AND NIGHT. Others are strong during DAY TIME. (रवि, ज्ब्रहस्पति/गुरु, सूर्यपुत्र/शनि) [ SUN, JUPITER, SATURN ]
The benefics (शुभग्रहं) are strong during the bright half of the month (After Amaavaasya to Paurnami ), in Tamil வளர்பிறை , and the Malefics ( अशुभग्रहं ) are strong during the dark Half ( After Paurnami to Amaavasya ), In Tamil தேய்பிறை.
The Lords of the Planets for an hour gets ONE RUPA( Note :- The complete Shadbala is the sum of all Balas. Balas (STRENGTH) in VEDIC ASTROLOGY is calculated in Rupas or Virupas. One Rupa has 60 Virupas. Most sources of strength have values between 0 Virupas (very weak) and maximum value of 60 Virupas (very strong). Other sources (like Drekkana Bala) have only a maximum value of 30 Virupas.)
The Planet who is the Lord  for a day gets 0.75 RUPA and and for a month gets 0.5 RUPA and for the whole year gets 0.25 RUPA.
“ ll राकाचन्द्रस्य चेष्टाबलमुदगयने भास्वतो वक्रगानां
    युद्धे चेदक्स्थितानां स्फुटबहुलरुचां स्वोच्चवीर्यंस्वतुङ्गे l
    दिग्वीर्यं खेऽर्कमौमौ सुहृदि शशिसितौविग्दरू लग्नगौ चे
    न्मन्देऽस्ते याम्यमार्गं बुधशनिशशिनोऽन्येऽयनाख्ये परस्मिन्  ll ....2.
1. CHESHTABALA (चेष्टाबल) – MOTIONAL STRENGTH : means the strength gained by the motion. The Moon gets its full CHESHTAABALA during FULL MOON. The SUN gets its motional strength during UTTHARAYANA (NORTHERN MOVEMENT OF SUN).
 Note :- Friends, The Sun has two motions called UTHTHARAAYANA ( UTHTHARA MEANS NORTH AYANA MEANS MOTION, and DAKSHINA means  SOUTH. The angular distance of a heavenly body from the celestial equator will be either negative if the planet is above the northern hemisphere, or positive, in case the planet is above the southern hemisphere. This is also commonly known as a declination or Ayana. Thus the Sun’s yearly movement is divided into two parts, called Uttarayana and Dakshinayana. The earth's equator is tilted 23.45 degrees with respect to the plane of the earth's orbit around the sun, so at various times during the year, as the earth orbits the sun, declination varies from 23.45 degrees north to 23.45 degrees south. This gives rise to the seasons. Around December 21, the northern hemisphere of the earth is tilted 23.45 degrees away from the sun, which is the winter solstice for the northern hemisphere and the summer solstice for the southern hemisphere. Around June 21, the southern hemisphere is tilted 23.45 degrees away from the sun, which is the summer solstice for the northern hemisphere and winter solstice for the southern hemisphere. On March 21 and September 21 are the fall and spring equinoxes when the sun is passing directly over the equator. Note that the tropics of cancer and capricorn mark the maximum declination of the sun in each hemisphere. Each Ayana has three seasons.
For the purpose of Laymen in Astrology: Uttarāyana (उत्तरायन) is the six month period between Makara Sankranti around (January 14) and Karkataka Sankranti around (July 14), when the Sun travels towards north on the celestial sphere. The period from July 14 to January 14 is known is Dakshināyana (दक्षिणायन). The starting of Uttarayana is celebrated as Makara Sankranti throughout India, which is declared as National festival by Government of India. Makara Snkanthi Darshana in SHABARI MALAI is very famous.
All other planets get it during their वक्रगति.(RETROGRADE MOTION).  During planetary war when the planets who are positioned in the north and those with dazzling rays are to be treated as victorious.
All planets gain their complete strength (UCHCHABALA) – during their highest exaltation points.
Regarding Directional Strength (दिक्बल)   DIK BALA 
The planets gains full Dikbala in the following houses: 
1st (Lagna Bhava) - Jupiter and Mercury (Ethery and Earthy element) 
10th (Karma Bhava) - Sun and Mars (Fiery element) 
4th (Sukha Bhava) - Venus and Moon (Watery element) 
7th (JayaBhava) - Saturn (Airy element) 

When the planets are placed away from the bhava where they get the full dik bala, there strength is proportionately reduced. The maximum strength attained here is 60 virupa or 1 rupa. To compute the dikbala find the angular distance of the planet and the 7th of bhava where they get the full dik bala. If the angular distance is more than 180 then, subtract it from 360. The result when divided by 3, gives the dikbala of the planets. The longitude of the bhava is same as the Lagna cusp as per the equal house distribution. 
AYANA BALAM - अयन बल : BUDHA, CHANDRA and SANI (MERCURY, MOON AND SATURN) are strong when they are in southerly course , and other planets have strength when in northerly course.
“ ll स्वोच्चस्वर्क्षसुहृन्ट्टहेषु बलीनः षट्सु स्ववर्गेषु वा
   प्रोक्तं स्थानबलं चतुष्टयमुखात्पूर्णार्द्धपादाः क्रमात् l
   मध्याघन्तकषण्डमर्त्यवनिताः खेटा बलिष्ठाः क्रमात्
   मन्दारज्ञगुरूशनोऽब्जरवयो नैजे बले वर्द्धनाः ll ..........3.
The Strength accruing in Shadbalas (षड बल) i.e.  RAASI. HORA, DREKKANA, NAVAMSA, DWADASAMSA AND THRIMSAMSA are to be considered from Whether it is in केन्द्र (QUADRANT or ANGLE) , In पणपर  (Succeedent  House), and आपोक्लिम (Succeedent House) Friends, We may call APOKLIMA AS Cadent House also.
The Fixed, Succedent or Panapara Houses (2, 5, 8, 11). The Mutable, Cadent or Apoklima Houses (3,6, 9, 12) . Upachaya Houses - 3, 6, 10, 11.
A planet gets one Rupa of Strength when in KENDRA (1,4,7, 10)is 1,  ½ RUPA when in PANAPARA (2,5,8,11) and 0.25 or ¼ Rupa when in APOKLIMA. ( 3,6,12) 9 is omitted because it is a TRIKONA –TRINE. Generally LAGNA STHANA in a Horoscope is marked with a line from 4 to 2 Clockwise. Some Astrologers write Lagna also.
Definition of Hermaphrodite: Compounded of both sexes. Derived from the names of the God Hermes or Mercury, and the Goddess Aphrodite, or Venus. The combination of the two influences, Art and Science, in the mind of man constitutes the true human, in whom the emotional and rational powers are presumed to be in perfect balance. Astrology under this appellation speaks of a higher order of intellect, combining masculine and feminine qualities or propensities, yet with no inference of bisexual functioning. The term is sometimes applied to Mercury, because of its dual and changeable nature. Masculine Planets are SUN, JUPITER AND MARS.,  HERMAPHRODITE Planets(Half man and Half Woman) are SATURN AND MERCURY (अर्धनारी), FEMALE Planets are MOON and VENUS
शनि, बुध (SATURN, AND MERCURY) are strong in the middle ., THE SUN, JUPITER and MARS ie. रवि, गुरु, कुज are strong in the first portion and MOON and VENUS ie. चन्द्र, शुक्र  are strong in the concluding portion of a SIGN (राशि). SATURN (शनि), MARS (कुज), MERCURY (बुध), JUPITER (गुरु), VENUS (शुक्र), MOON (चन्द्र), and SUN (रवि) have their NATURAL STRENGTH (नैसर्गिक बल).  It means that RAVI is stronger than CHANDRA who is stronger than SHUKRA and who is stronger than GURU who is stronger than BUDHA who is stronger than KUJA and the least strong planet in this order is SANI.
ll  वक्रं गतो रुचिररश्मिसमूहपूर्णो
    नीचारीभांशसहितोऽपि भवेत्स खेटः l
    वीर्यान्वितस्तुहीनरश्मिरिवोच्चमित्र –
    स्वक्षेत्रगोऽपि विबली हतदीधीतिश्र्चेत् ll “......4.
A Retrograde (वक्रं) planet will have its full strength even if it is in debilitated NAVAAMSA. This is because it is retrograde and hence his rays are full and brilliant even if it is in an inimical sign or Amsa.
If a Planet is very near to the SUN(रवि), its rays will be eclipsed by the rays of the SUN, and like MOON the planet will be considered as weak even if it is positioned in its sign of exaltation or friend’s sign or even in Navamsa.
“ ll तुङ्गस्या बलिनोऽखिलाश्र्च शशिनः श्र्लाघ्यं हि पक्षोद्भवं
   भानोर्दिग्बलमाह वक्रगमने ताराग्रहाणां बलम् l
   केतुस्तरिवेषध्यान्वसु बलीचेन्द्विर्क योगो निशि ll “...........5.
Herein Manthreswara says that all planets have their full strength when they are exalted, provided it is away from the Sun. The Moon is strong and auspicious wnen it is bright half depending on its Sthana or placement i.e Thithis like Sapthami, Ashtami etc.   
Paksha Bala is related to Lunar phase at the time of birth. Benefics get high Pakasha Bala near Full Moon, low Bala near New Moon. Reverse for malefics.
Paksha Bala in Virupas depends on the angle between Moon and Sun. The formula is
pakshabala = ( moon - sun ) / 3
The Bala must be deducted from 120 if the value exceeds 60.
This method yields a small value if birth takes place near New Moon (irrespective of placement before/after New Moon). Birth near Full Moon will result in high Paksha Bala (~60). Birth near Half Moon will have 30 Virupas.
This method is extended to all planets in Paksha Bala. Benefic planets (Jupiter, Venus) get Paksha Bala Virupas according to this method.
The method of calculation is reverse for malefics (Sun, Mars, Saturn) i. e. the value must be deducted from 60.
The Moon is benefic if birth takes place in the bright half of the month, i.e. birth is between New Moon and Full Moon. Reversely Moon is malefic for birth in the dark half of the month (between Full Moon and New Moon).
Mercury is regarded as malefic if conjunct with a malefic, benefic otherwise.
RAVI (SUN) gets his full DIK BALA when it occupies the 10th House. The Five Non-Luminous planets are strong in retrograde position i.e when they travel backward.
RAHU (Dragon’s Head) is strong in Karkkataka, Vrushabha, Mesha, Kumbha and Vrischika,  KETHU ( Dragon’s Tail ) is strong when positioned in Meena, Kanya, Vrushabha, and later half of Dhanus. 
To know the basics I request all those who are not familiar with certain basic words  to study BRIHAT PARASARAHORA SHAASTRA or any other books having the basic words of astrology, since hereafter I may not be able to give those meanings or definition , here in since this is becoming very lengthy.   
They are also Strong in PARIVESHA (परिवेष) Indra Chapa ( इन्द्रचाप) .
परिवेष is व्यथिपात + 180 Degrees and इन्द्रचाप is परिवेष – 55 Deg. 20 mts.
“ ll रूपं मानुषमेऽलिभेऽङ्घ्रिरपरेष्वर्द्ध बलं स्वात्तनोः
   तुल्यंस्वामिबलेन चोपचयगे नातेऽतिवीर्योटम् l
   स्वामिड्यज्ञयुतेक्षिते कवियुतेचान्यैरयुक्तैक्षिते
   शर्वर्यात्रिशि राशयोऽहनि परे वीर्यान्विताःकीर्तिताः.......6.
The first Bhaava in biped sign (ഇരുകാലികള്‍) gets one RUPA of strength , in VRISCHIKA the strength is 0.25., and in other signs it is 0.5. the Strength of ascendant is the same as of the lord of the sign  and becomes powerful when the Lord occupies 3rd 6th 10th or 11th house i.e. ( Oopachchaaya), occupies the Lord’s House or aspected by it (दृष्टी), or Budha or Guru. However it should not be in conjunction with or aspected by any other planet.
Please note that the Day signs are stronger if the birth is during Day time and the Night Rasis are stronger if the birth takes place during Night.
“ ll स्वोच्चे पूर्णं स्वत्रिकोणे त्रिपादं स्वक्षेत्रेऽर्द्धं मित्रभे पादमेव l
   द्विट्क्षेत्रेऽल्पं नीचगेऽस्तं गतेऽपि क्षेत्रं वीर्यं निष्फलंस्यात्रराणाम् ll “.........7.
A planet gets its full strength of one RUPA if it is positioned in its exaltation (स्थान बल) and in its position similar to those of Exaltation i.e मूलत्रिकोण it gets 0.75 of RUPA, and in its own sign (स्वक्षेत्र) gets 0.5 RUPA and in its friend’s house gets 0.25 Rupa.  In an enemy’s House  he gets little strength whiich is negligible and when is in the sign of depression or compressed i.e. eclipsed by the Sun’s Rays it gets no strength.

“ ll केन्द्रे ग्रहाणामुदितं बलं यत्सुखे नभस्यस्तगृहे विलग्ने l
    उपर्युपर्युक्तपदक्रमेण बलाभित्रुद्धिं हि विकल्पयन्ति ll “.........8.
Herein, Manthreswara explains the स्थानबल ( Positional Strength )  when a planet is in all the FOUR QUADRANTS ( Angles ) i.e. 1st ,4th , 7th , and 10th Houses. In the First House i.e. the Ascendant the planet gets its full strength, in the 7th House it gets 0.75. in the 10th House 0.5 and in the 4th House it gets 0.25 Strength.
ll श्रेष्ठेति सा सप्तमदृष्टिरेव सर्वत्र वाच्या न तथाऽन्यदृष्टिः l
   योगादिषु न्यूनफलप्रदेति विशेषदृष्टिर्न तु कैश्र्चिदुत्का ll “........9.
The aspect of the seventh house the only one which is effective in all cases.  However some PUNDITS are of the opinion that the Saturn (शनि), Jupiter (गुरु) and Mars (कुज) to 3rd and 10th , 5th and 9th , 4th and 8th respectively are also equally produce effects in all the YOGAS and the like.
“ ll नैसर्गिकं शत्रुसुहृत्वामेव भवेप्त्रमाणं फलकारि सम्यक् l
   तात्कालिकं कार्यवशेन वाचयं तच्छत्रुमित्रत्वमनित्यमेव ll “........10.
The NATURAL FRIENDSHIP , or ENMITY ( नैसर्गिक मित्रत्वं अथवा शत्रुत्वं ) of any planet is fully effective and preferable to their temporal ( तात्कालिक मित्रत्वं अथवा शत्रुत्वम ), since the latter is  only temporary and hence variable.
“ ll निःशेषदोषहरणे शुभवर्द्धने च
   वीर्यं गुरोराधिकमस्त्यखिलग्रहेभ्यः l
   तद्विर्थपाददलशक्तिभृतौ ज्ञशुक्रौ
   चान्द्रं बलं तु निखिलग्रहवीर्यंबीजम् ll “......11
Jupiter (गुरु) is most powerful than other planets in warding off evils and to promote prosperity than other planets. However Venus ( शुक्र ) and Mercury (बुध) have 0.5 and 0.25 strength respectively.
Friends , I request one and all who want to learn astrology to learn the basics thoroughly so that you can become a true PREDICTIVE astrologer.
Regards to one and all and NAMASKARAMS,
अथ चन्द्रक्रियादि ”
“ ll जन्मर्क्षविघटीं नीतैर्ज्ञानाङ्गैर्ननयैर्भजेत् l
    लब्धाश्र्चन्द्रक्रियावस्यावेलाख्यास्तत्फलं क्रमात् ll...,.......12.
First find the portion of the नक्षत्र (STAR) occupied by the Moon which has elapsed. Convert it to Ghatikas and Vighatikas. Divide the this result by (a) 60 (b) 300 and (c) by 100.  The resulting quotients are called CHANDRAKRIYA, CHANDRA AVASTHA and CANDRA VELA respectively.  Now the results of the afore-said CHANDRA KRIYA, CHANDRA AVASTHA and CHANDRA VELA  are explained by Manthreswara.
(1) CHANDRAKRIYA RESULTS OR EFFECTS : They are 60 in Number.
“ ll स्थानाद्भप्ठस्तपस्वी परयुवति घूतकृद्धस्तिमुख्या –
   रूढः सिंहासनस्थो नरपतिररिहा दण्डनेता गुणीच l
   निष्प्राणश्छित्रमूर्द्धा क्षतकरचरणो वन्धस्थो विनष्टो
   राजा वेदानानाधिते स्वपिति सुचरितः संस्मृतो धर्मकर्ता .....13.
      सद्वंश्यो निधिसंगतः श्रुतकुलो व्याख्यापरा शत्रुहा
     रोगी शत्रुजितः स्वदेशचलितो भृत्यो विनष्टार्थकः l
  आस्थानी च सुमन्त्रकः परमहीभर्तां सभार्यो गज –
  त्रस्तःसंयुगभीतिमानतिभयो लीनोऽत्रदाताग्निगः.........14.
  क्षुद्वाधासहितोऽत्रमत्ति विचारन्मांसाशनोऽक्त्रक्षतः l
  सोद्वाहो धृतकन्दुको विरति घुतैर्नृपो दुःखितः l
  शय्यास्थो रिपुसेवितश्च ससुहृध्योगी च भार्यान्वितो
  मिष्टाशी च पयः पिबन् सुकृतकृत् स्वस्यस्तथास्ते सुखम् ll.........15.
The effects as given in the above verses are :- (1) Loss of Position,  (2)  Saint who practices Meditation, (3) Interest in having cohabitation with other women, (4) a gambler, (5) one who is mounted on a mighty elephant, (6) one who is seated on a throne, (7) a king (8) one who destroys the enemy, (9) one who has ministerial position , (10) one who has knowledge and aptitude, (11) The one who is dead or having no energy,  (12) the one who is beheaded, (13) one whose hands or feet are damaged, (14) one who is captured or imprisoned, (15) The one who is destroyed (विनष्ट), (16) the one who has kingly status, (17) the one who studies ancient literature (18) The one who always sleep (19) The one who is of good character (20) The one who follows religion.
(21) A person belonging to a good family (22) The one who gain from hidden treasures, (23) one who belong to a noble family (24) one who is an expert in preplanning and scheming (25) the one who is inclined to argue (26) the one who suffers from disease (रोगि), (27) The one who is defeated by enemies (28) The one who has forsaken his native place or birth place (29) The one who is a servant (30) the one who suffers financial Loss (31) the one who has a position in the Royal Assembly (32) the one who chants hymns (सुमन्त्रक), (33) The one who takes charge of other’s lands (കാര്യസ്ഥന്‍) (34) the one who always keeps company of his own wife – can be henpecked also. (35) The one who fears elephant (गजत्रस्ताः) (36) the one who is a timid in conflicts (37) The one who is a born timid (38) the one who is engrossed (39) the one who likes to feed others (40) The one who has contact with fire (can also be the one who meets with fire accidents.)
(41) one whose body is full of wounds (42) The one who is hungry and taking food  (43) The one who travels all over frequently (44) The one who eats meat (45) the one who sustains injuries through weapon (46) the one who is engaged in matrimonial affairs (കല്യാണ തരകന്‍) , (47 the one who is engaged in games and sports (48) The one who is interested and goes for races and gambling (49) The one who has the status of King (50) The one who is always in sorry state or distressed (51) the one who rests always on a cot (52) The one who serves the enemy (रिपु सेवित), (53) The one who is always surrounded by his/her relatives or friends (54) The one who is a YOGI or who does meditation (55) The one who is henpecked or always in the company of wife (56) The one who eats sumptuous food (57) The one who is fond of Milk (58) The one who does good to others (59) the one who is at ease due to his virtues (60) The one who is always in Happy state.
Note : This is the Time taken by the Moon to cover a star (13 Deg.20Mts) divided by 60
“ ll अथ अवस्था फलमं ll CHANDRA AVASTHAA                             
                               PHALAM (RESULT)
“ ll आत्मस्थानात्प्रवासो महितनृपहितो दासता प्राणहानिः –
   र्भूपालत्वं स्ववंशोचितगुणनिरतो रोग आस्यानवत्वम् l
   भीतिः क्षुत्वाधितत्वं युवतिपरिणयो रम्यशय्यानुषक्त्तिं
   मृष्टाशित्वं च गीता इति नियमवशात्सिद्भिरिन्दोरवस्था......16
The AVASTHAS numbering 12 of the MOON :-
(1) Absence from birth lace and residing elsewhere (आत्मस्थानात्प्र वासं), (2) Becoming the favourate of the king, (3) Servitude and fear of loosing one’s life (4) Kingly status, (5) delight in keeing one’s family status (6) Suffering from diseases (7) will be in elevated position (8) Will have always fear (9) will have trouble from Boils (10) Will get married (11) will have taste to have handsome bed ( COMFORABLE BED ) (12) Will relish happy and tasty food.
Note :- This is the time taken by the moon  to to cover theSTAR (13 Deg.20 Min) divided by 12

ll अथ चन्द्र वेला CHANDRA VELA” RESULTS

Note : Chandra Vela is the time taken by Moon (चन्द्र) तो त्रवेर्से अ स्तर (13 Degs.29 Mts.) divided into 36 Equal Parts. This will be 22 2/9 minutes

                                         “ ll  अथ हन्द्रवेला फलम् ll “

                     “ ll मूर्द्धामयोमुदितता यजन सुखस्यो ll “

                         नेत्रामयः सुखितता वनिताविहारः

                         उग्रज्वरः कनकभूषणमश्रुमोक्षः

                         क्ष्वेलाशनं निधुवनं जठरस्य रोगः ll.........17.

                       ll क्रीडा जले हसनचित्तविलेखने च

                         क्रोधश्र्च नृत्तकरणं घृतभुक्तिनिद्रे

                         दानक्रिया दशनरुकम् कालहः प्रयाण –

                         मुन्मत्तता च सलिलाप्लवन् विरोधः ll........18.

                       ll स्वेच्छास्नानं क्षुद्भयं शास्त्रलाभं स्वैरं गोष्ठि योधनं पुण्यकर्मम् ll

                         पापाचारः क्रूरकर्मा प्रहर्षं प्राज्ञैरेवं चन्द्रवेलाप्रदि प्रतिष्टा ll “........19.

The effects of CHANDRAVELA are (1) Disease in the  Head (2) Contentment (3) perform sacrifices (4) Happy Life (5) Eye disease (6) Happy-go-lucky life (7) Sexual pleasures (8) Severe fever (9) will be adorned with gold ornaments (10) relief from sorrows (अश्रुमोक्षः (11) Troubles from poisoning (12) Happiness from Opposite sex  (13) Stomach Disorders.  These are the effects as told in Verse 17.

Effects as per Verse 18. :

(1)  Interested in Water Sports ( जल क्रीड)especially with women (2) Always in jovial mood (3) Interest in Drawing and Painting (4) will get anger (5) Fond of performing Dance (6)  Enjoying food with plenty of Ghee (7) Fond of Sleep or always sleepy (8) Will be charitable (9) Dental Pain (10) Quarrelsome (11) Will undergo journey (12) Dull headedness or insanity (13) Swim in flowing water or bathe (14) Bitterness with others

Effects as per Verse 19  : (1) Will amuse oneself by bathing in water (2) feeling hungry always (3) Knowledge of Sacrifices and spiritual inclination (4) peacefulness ( स्वैरं) (5) procession or meeting (6)  To fight (योधानं) (7) perform good deeds (8) practice evil (9) person who perform wicked deeds (cruel action) (9) Person who is highly excited etc.

“ ll जातके च मुहूर्ते च प्रश्र्ने चन्रकृयादयः l

    सम्यक् फलप्रदास्तस्माद्विशेषेण विचिन्तयेत् ll “....20

The CHANDRAKRIYA, CHANDRAAVASTHA and CHANDRAVELA which have been described above is very useful and very effective in the case of Birth of a child, Muhurtha and query.  Hence it need not be said that all who want to become astrologers have to study this subject thoroughly so that they can examine them and make predictions.

“ ll पक्षोद्भवं हिमकरस्य विशिष्टमाहुः

   स्यानोद्भवं तु बलमप्यधिकं परेषाम् l

   तत्संप्रयुत्युत्कमितरैरधिकाधिकं स्या-

   दन्यानि तेनसदृशानी बहूनि ते स्युः ll “........21.

The fortnightly strength (पक्ष बलं) has high importance to the MOON (चन्द्र) as  positional strength (स्थान बलम) is of high importance to other planets. When we add this to the other kinds of strength of other planets they will become of greater strength. There are many types of strength which are akin to this.

                         ll बलपिण्डसंस्था ll ”            

           Number of Bala Pinda

“ ll सार्द्धानि षट् तीक्ष्णकरो बलीयान् चन्द्रस्तु षट्ञ्च वसुन्धराजः l

    सप्तेन्दुसूनोरविवद्गुरोस्तु सार्द्धानिपञ्चाथ सितो बली स्यात् ll “........22

The SUN (रवि) is strong when  he gets 6.5 RUPAS, the MOON is strong with 6 RUPAS, MARS (कुज) with 5 Rupas, MERCURY (बुध) with 7 Rupas, Jupiter (गुरु) with 8.5 Rupas and Venus [शुक्र (भृगु नन्दन)] with 5.5 Rupas.

“ ll मन्दस्तुञ्चैव हि षड्बलानां संयोग एवापरथान्यथा स्युः l

      एवं ग्रहाणां स्वफलाफलानि विचिन्त्य संय्क्कथयेत्फलानि ll “....23

Saturn (शनि) has totally Five points of Strength (रूपा). If the repective figures of Strength is less tha those given above, they should be considered weak as per the strength they have.  In this way after minute examination, the astrologer should check the BALAPINDA which should be taken into account before making predictions. 

“ ll लग्नादिकानामधिपस्य पिण्डे रूपन्विते तत् बलपिण्डमाहुः l

   गृहस्य यस्यां दिश दिग्बलं स्यात्तद्भाववीर्यं सहितस्य दृष्ट्या

इति मन्द्रेश्वरविरचितायां फलदीपिकायां षड्बलनिरूपणं नाम चतुर्थोऽद्ध्याय:

In the case of strength of  LAGNA (ASCENDANT), and other houses add ONE RUPA to the strength of the BHAVA in question.  Add also DIK BALA and DRIG BALA of those HOUSES and take the SUM TOTAL TO GET THE BHAVA BALA REQUIRED.


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