Sunday, July 15, 2012


          PHALADEEPIKA OF MANTHRESHWARA – CHAPTER VII                        
                        मन्त्रेश्वरविरचितं फलदीपिकः - सप्तमोऽध्यायः महाराजयोगोध्यायः
                                     RAAJAH YOGAS

These YOGAS are also given in BRUHAT PARAASHARI in CHAPTER 39. Readers may also see SAARAAVALEEYAM of KALYANA VARMA and other such old writings in PALM LEAVES and even BOOKS.
“ ll त्र्याघैः खेटैः स्वोच्चगैः केन्द्रसंस्थैः स्वर्क्षस्थैर्वा भूपतिःस्यात्प्रसिद्धः l
    पञ्चाध्यैस्तैरन्यवंशप्रसूतोऽप्युर्वीनाथो वारणाश्र्वौघयुक्त्तः ll “.................1.

A native with three or more planets in exaltation or in their own signs and simultaneously in their Angular Home, will become a KING who is widely known. If there are five or more planets in the same way, even a person born in an ordinary family will become a KING, having many horses and elephants etc.

“ ll भूपः स्युर्नृपवंशजास्तु यदि दुर्योगे जातास्तथा
    ह्यन्तर्धिर्नाहि चेत्कराद्दिनकराज्जाताः स्फुरन्त्येव ते l
    त्र्याध्योःकेन्द्रगतैः स्वभोच्चसहितैर्भूपोद्भवाः पार्थिवाः
    मर्त्यास्त्वन्यकुलोद्भवाः क्षितिपतेस्तुल्याः कदाचिन्नृपाः ll “............2.

A person born in ROYAL FAMILY will become a KING provided they are not born in DURYOGA or the planets are eclipsed by the Sun’s rays(COMBUST). A person born in Royal family will become a king provided three or more planets in Angular Homes at the birth are similar to their Signs or exaltation Signs. Others will enjoy equal facilities of a king or sometimes will become kings.

“ ll यध्योकोऽपि विराजितंशुनिकरः सुस्थानागो वक्रगो
    नीचस्थोऽपि करोति भूपससदृशं द्वौ वा त्रयो वा ग्रहाः l
    एवं चेज्जनयन्ति भूपसिममी शतांशराशिस्थिता
    सद्वच्चेद्वहवो नृपं समकुठच्छत्रोल्लच्चामरम् ll “.............3.

Even a planet if in debilitation is capable to make a person like a king, provided, it is in an auspicious HOUSE i.e not in 6th,8th or 12th House, having brilliant rays , retrograde and not combust. If there are three or more planets which are so placed the native will become a KING. If there are many planets in auspicious Houses and NAVAMSASthe person will become a king having royal insignias such as crown, umbrella and waving chowries for getting pure plentiful air.

“ ll दौ त्र्याद्या दिग्बलयुक्ता यदि जातः
    क्ष्माभृद्वंशे भूमिपतिः स्याज्जयशीलः l
    हित्वा मन्दं पञ्चखगा दिग्बलयुक्त्ता-
    श्र्चत्वारो वा भूपतिरन्यान्वयजोऽपि ll “......4.

If the native at birth is born with two or three or more planets having directional strength (दिग्बलम्), if he is born in a Royal family will become a victorious KING. Even a native of ordinary birth will become a KING provided FIVE or FOUR planets, with an exception of PLANET SATURN having DIRECTIONAL STRENGTH is present.

“ ll गणोत्तमे लग्ननवांशकेन्द्रमे निशाकरश्र्चापि गणोत्तमेऽपि वा l
   चतुर्ग्रहैश्र्चन्द्रविवर्जितैस्तदा निरीक्षितः स्यादधमोद्धवो नृपः ll “.............5.

When the VARGOTHAMA NAVAMSA is rising or Moon occupies a VAROTHAMA NAVAMSA in a Native’s Birth then, even if he born in a low family , will be a king.

“ ll विलग्नेशः केन्द्रे यदि तपसि वर्गोत्तमः
   स्वतुड्गे स्वर्क्षे वा गरुपतिरपिस्याध्यदि तथा l
   गजस्कन्धे कार्तस्वरकृतविमानेऽतिषमे
   सुखासिनं भूपं जनयति लसच्चामरयुगम् ll “.........6.

When Lord of the ascendant is in a quadrant or in 9th House attaining VARGOTHTHAMA NAVAMSHA and if the LORD OF THE 9TH HOUSE is placed in the PLANET’S EXALTATION OR OWN HOUSE AND ATTAINS SIMILAR AMSA IS A RAJA YOGA in which the KING sits on a Golden seat and placed on an elephant’s back with CHAMARA OR FAN ON either side. ( in other words, a king who enjoys everything enjoyable ).

“ ll निषादमपि पार्थिवं जनयतिन्दुरुच्चस्वभ
   स्थितग्रहनिरीक्षितो धवलकान्तिजालोज्ज्वलः l
   विहाय तनुभं कलास्फुरितपूर्णकान्तिः शशी
   चतुष्टयगतो नृपं जनयति द्विपाश्र्वान्वितम् ll “…………7.

If CHANDRA at birth is in the EIGHTH HOUSE the person will suffer from diseases and will die at an early period. However if CHANDRA is placed in the 9th House , the person will prosper. Will be virtuous and will a father of good children and will meet with success in all his undertakings . ( please remember that 8th House denotes AYURBHAVA and 9th is DHARMA BHAVA ), 10th BHAVA denotes KARMA. Hence the person having Moon in the 10th Bhaava will perform all good acts and help virtuous persons. The 11th House is called LAABHA BHAVA. Hence a person born with Moon in the 11th House will be very brilliant, long lived and will possess wealth; good children and have a host of servants. Friends the 12th HOUSE is called NASHTA BHAAVA or VRAYA BHAAVA. The natve with the Moon in the 12th House will therefore will be hated by others, will suffer loss, will be insulted by others, will be idle and hated by others. ( from this, please note that all inferences are to be taken from the BHAAVA in which CHANDRA is placed. Hoveever, Chandra is to be in the brighter half. The more She is bright the effect will be more. )

“ ll अश्र्विन्यामुदयगतो भृगुर्ग्रहेन्द्रैदृष्टश्र्चेज्जनयति भूपतिं जितारिम् l
   नीचार्योर्गृहमपहाय वित्तसंस्थो लग्नेशः सह कविना बली भूपम् ll “..........8

When SHUKRA is in ASVINI ASTERISM (NAKSHATHRA) and occupies the Lagna or ASCENDANT which is aspected by THREE OR MORE PLANETS is also a RAJAH YOGA in which the person will become a king and destroy all his enemies.
If the Lord of ASCENDANT is strong and occupies the 2nd SIGN which is neither its depression nor its enemy’s
House and in conjunction with SHUKRA, the person will surely become a KING or its EQUIVALENT RANK
“ ll भौमश्र्चेदजहरीचापलग्नसंस्थः पृथ्वीशं कलयति मित्रखेटदृष्टः l
      कर्मेशो नवमगतश्र्च भाघ्यनाथो मध्यस्थो भवति नृपो जनैः प्रशस्तः ll “.........9.

If MARS (कुज) is in MESHA, SIMHA or DHANUS identical with Lagna and with a DHRUSHTI of a friendly planet, the person will definitely become a KING. Again if the LORD of the 10TH BHAVA is in 9th and the 9th BHAVA LORD in 10th i.e. vice-versa the person born in such a RAJAH YOGA will be definitely a king who will be extolled by one and all his subject. ( THIS IS A VERY POWERFUL RAJAH YOGA) .

“ ll चापार्द्धे भगवान् सहस्रकिरणस्तत्रैव ताराधिपो
   लग्ने भानुसुतोऽतिवीर्यसहितः स्वोच्चे भूनन्दनः l
   यद्वेवं भवति क्षितेरधिपतिः संश्रुत्य दूरं भयात्
   त्रस्ता एव नमन्ति तस्य रिपवो दग्धाः प्रतापाग्रिन ll “............10.

The Sun in conjunction with the Moon and posited in the middle of DHANUS, and SHANI in Ascendant and if a powerful Mars is posited in its sign of exaltation will make a person a very valorous king who will be paid homage by his enemies who regard him as a terror who will hesitate to go near him due to fear.

The Sun in conjunction with the Moon and posited in the middle of DHANUS, and SHANI in Ascendant and if a powerful Mars is posited in its sign of exaltation will make a person a very valorous king who will be paid homage by his enemies who regard him as a terror who will hesitate to go near him due to fear.
Please note that the ASCENDANT should be identical with SAGITTARIUS, PISES OR LIBRA, and CAPRICORN OR AQUARIUS.

“ ll सुधामृनलोपमविम्बशोभितः शशीनवांशे नलिनिप्रियस्य l
    यदि क्षितीशो बहुहस्तिपूर्णः शुभाश्र्च केन्द्रेषु पापयुक्त्ताः ll “ .......11.

The Full moon (सुधाममृणालोपमविंबशोभितः शशि) – This is how the moon is described by the author), which is in its brilliance, if occupies a NAVAMSA owner by the SUN and benefices without the association of malefic occupy the quadrants, the native will definitely become a king who will own many elephants.

“ ll नीचारीवर्गरहितैर्विहगैस्त्रिभिस्तु
    स्वामंशोपगैर्बलयुतैः शुभदृष्टिजुष्टैः l
    गोक्षीरङ्खधवलो मृगलाञ्छश्र्च
    स्याध्यस्य जन्मनि भूमिपतिर्जितारिः ll “............12.

Herein, MANTHRESWARA says that if the birth takes place on full moon (गोक्षीरशंङ्ख धवला) and three other planets which are not under depression or along with inimical vargas, but are very strong and aspected by benefics and posited in their own AMSAS, the native is destined to become a KING and defeat all his enemies.

“ll कुमुदगहनबन्धुं श्रेष्टमंशं प्रपन्नं
   यदि बल समुपेताः पश्यति व्योमचारी l
   उद्यभवनसंस्थः पापसंस्थः पापसंज्ञो चैवं
   भवति मनुजनाथः सार्वभौमः सुदेहः ll “............13.

If CHANDRA is in the same RASI and NAVAMSA (i.e. वर्गोत्तमांश) and aspected by a strong and benefic planet and if no malefic planet is posited along with LAGNA, the native born with such a horoscope will become an emperor having handsome figure.

“ ll जीवो बुधो भृगुसुतोऽथ निशाकरो वा
    धर्मेविशुद्धतनवः स्फुटरश्मिजालाः l
    मित्रेर्निरीक्षितयुता यदि सूतिकाले
    कुर्वन्ति देवसदृशं नृपतिं महान्तम् ll “........14.

If Guru, Budha, Shukra (भृगुसुतो) or Chandra (निशाकर) uneclipsed and with full rays occupies the 9th House , aspected by or associated with friendly planets the native born with such a horoscope will become a great KING who will be loved and admired by his subjects.

“ ll शुक्रेड्यौ सवितुः शिशुस्तिमियुगे स्वोच्चे पूर्णः शशी
    दृष्टस्तीव्रविलोचनेन दिनकृत्मेषोदयेऽसौ नृपः l
    सेनायाश्र्चलनेन रेणुपटलैर्यस्य प्रविष्टे रवा-
    वस्त भ्रान्तिसमाकुला कमलिनि संकोचमागच्छति ll “.........15.

If Shukra, Guru and Shani situate in PISCES with the Moon almost full. In exaltation; RAVI has the DHRISHTI of Kuja and if Aries is rising, the native born with such a yoga will become a KING having VAST ARMY by whose march the dust formed will be almost eclipse the SUN and due to this reason the LOTUS will contract thinking that the sun is set. ( कमलिनी संकोचमागच्छति ).
There is another meaning which the author might have meant is ; the Full moon in its exaltation and with RAVI in MESHA , However CHANDRA cannot be in FULL in MESHA but in VRISHABHA. I leave it to the reader to interpret properly under this circumsance.

“ ll नीचारिस्थैर्भवभवनगेः षष्ठदुश्र्चिक्यागैर्वा
    सौमैः स्वोच्चं परमुपगतैर्निर्मलैः केन्द्रहैर्वा l
    आज्ञां याते शिशिरकिरणे कर्कटस्थे निशाया
    मेकच्छत्रं त्रिभुवनमिदं यस्य क्षत्रीयेशः ll “..........16.

When the birth takes place during night and the MOON is in KARKKITAKA Identical with the 10th house and benefics are in depression or in inimical SIGNS i.e. In the 3rd, 6th or 11th house or identical with 11th, 6th or 3rd HOUSE or be in deep exaltation or in QUADRANTS which are not eclipsed, the native will become a great KING who rules all the three worlds under one UMBRELLA. ( एक च्छत्रं).

“ ll वर्गोत्तमे हिमकरः सकलः स्थितोंऽशे
   कुर्यान्महिपतिमपूर्वयशोऽभिरामम् l
   भानुः प्रभातशशिनोऽनुकरोति रूपम् ll “............17.

Note :- The first NAVAAMSHA of a Movable SIGN (चर राशि), the 5th in a Fixed SIGN (स्थिर राशि), and the 9th in a Common (Dual) SIGN
( उभय राशि) are called Vargothamamsa.

If the FULL MOON is in a VARGOTHAMAMSA (वर्गोत्तमांश), when the native is born he will become a powerful ruler of the earth and he will have immense fame. He will command good number of CAVALRY, whose horse hoofs will overshadow the sun by the dust produced by them and the sun will resemble the MOON of the morning. ( भानुः प्रभातशशिनोऽनुकरोति ).

“ ll केन्द्रगौ यदि जीवशशाङ्कौ यस्य जन्मनि भार्गवदृष्टौ l
   भूपतिर्भवति सोऽतुलकीर्तिर्नीचगो यदि कश्र्चिदिह स्यात् ll “........18.

If GURU and CHANDRA are in ascendant and aspected by SHUKRA without any planet in his SIGN OF DEBLITATION, the Native born in such a time will definitely be an a king of unequalled fame. (सोऽतुलकीर्तिर्नीचगो)
“ ll जलचरराषिनवांशक इन्दुस्तनुभवने शुभदस्वकवर्गे l
   अशुभकरः खलु कण्टकहीनो भवति नृपो बहुवारण नाथः ll “ ...........19.

If MOON (इन्दु) is in WATERY SIGN (जलचर) and if the NAVAMSA is identical with LAGNA and be in his benefic VARGA without malefic in ASCENDANT, the person born at the time will become a KING having many elephants.(बहु वारण नाथ).

“ ll शुक्रो जीवनिरीक्षितो वितुनुते भूषोद्भवं भूषतिं
   देवेड्यो मृगभं विहाय तनुगो मत्तेभयुक्त्तं नृपम् l
   केन्द्रे जन्मपतिर्बलाधिकयुतः कुर्याद्धरित्रीपतिं
   दृष्टे वाक्पतिना बुधे दधति पृर्थ्वीशाश्र्च तच्छासनम् ll “.........20.

In this STANZA, FOUR TYPES OF RAJAH YOGA are described. :-
(a) A scion of a ROYAL FAMILY will become a KING if VENUS (शुक्र) is glanced by JUPITER (गुरु).
(b) If GURU occupies the SIGN of any RASI other than CAPRICORN and identical with LAGNA, at the birth of a NATIVE he will become a KING and possess many elephants.
(c) If a native is born with ASCENDANT having full strength and positioned in a KENDRA, he will be a KING
(d) If BUDHA with full strength is posited in a KENDRA with GURU DRUSHTI (ASPECTED BY GURU) , the native will make the king to act as per his advice. ( पृथ्वीशाश्र्च तच्छासनम् ). It is possible that such a person might become an EMPEROR under whom many KINGS work.

“ ll एकोप्युच्चक्षेत्रगो मित्रदृष्टः कुर्याद्भपं मित्रयोगाद्धनाढ्यम् l
   स्वांशे सूर्ये स्वर्क्षगश्र्चन्द्रश्र्चेद्देशाधीशं साश्र्वनागं विधत्ते ll “............21.

MANTHRESWARA describes herein two TYPES of RAJAH YOGAS as given below :-
(a) Even a Single planet is in the SIGN of his EXALTATION (उच्चं) and if has the glance of a friendly planet , it will be said as RAJAH YOGA. Again if the said single planet is associated with a friendly planet the person will become extremely rich and prosperous.
(b) If the SUN is in his own NAVAMSA (स्वांशे सूर्य), and if the MOON is in her own House and if the RAASI of the SUN and the NAVAAMSA of the MOON are STRONGLY PLACED then such a RAJAH YOGA will make the native to possess many HORSES and ELEPHANTS. However , it depends on the strength of the SUN AND MOON.

“  ll मीने पूर्णज्योतिषिमित्रग्रदृष्टे
   चन्द्रे लोकानन्दकरःस्यानृपमुख्यः
   पूर्णज्योतिः स्वोच्चगतश्र्चोत्तुहिनांशु
   स्त्यागाधिक्यं सज्जनशस्तं जगदीशम् ll ............22.

Again Manthreswara describes about two more RAJAH YOGAS as given below :-
(a) A person born on FULL MOON (पूर्ण ज्योति) situated in PISCES(मीन) and aspected by a friendly planet, will become a KING WITH PREDOMINANT POSITION  who will delight the whole world.
(b) If a person is born with FULL MOON in its EXALTATION SIGN i.e. VRUSHABHA, he will become a praiseworthy KING , who is generous and charitable. 

  “  ll चन्द्रेऽधिमित्रांशगते सुदृष्टे शुक्रेण लक्ष्मी सहितो नृपः स्यात् 
        तथा स्थिते वासवमन्त्रिदृष्टे पूर्णां धरित्री परिपालयेत्सः ll “.................23
(a) If the MOON situates in the AMSA of A GREAT FRIEND (अधिमित्र = Natural Friend + Temporary Friend) and glanced by SUKRA then it produces a RAJAH YOGA in which the king will be very wealthy
(b) If the MOON is posited likevice and instead of Shukra glanced by GURU the person will become a KING of the entire Earth.
“ ll  पापास्त्रिशत्रुभवगा यदि जन्मनाथा –
 ल्लग्नाद्धने कुजबुधौ हिबुकेऽर्कशुक्रौ l
 कर्मायलग्नसाहिताः कुजमन्दजीवा - 
 स्तज्ज्ञा वदन्ति चतुरस्त्विह राजयोगान् ll “..............24
In the above Verse, Manthreswara explains about another FOUR TYPES of Raaja Yogas as given below :-

(a) If Malefics are in 3rd , 6th and 11th HOUSES counted from the HOUSE in which the LORD of LAGNA , MOON, or LAGNA occupies, is said to be RAJAH YOGA.,
(b) Raja Yoga is said to be in a horoscope when the 2nd HOUSE from ASCENDANT is occupied by KUJA and BUDHA., 
(c) If RAVI and SHUKRA are located together in the FOURTH HOUSE, RAJAH YOGA is said to be present in a Horoscope.,
(d) If with the ASCENDANT GURU, and  in 10th House KUJA is present and in the 11th HOUSE SHANI is located in a HORISCOPE RAJAH YOGA is said to be formed in a HOROSCOPE.
“ ll  लाभेशधर्मेशधनेश्र्वराणामेकोऽपि चन्द्रग्रहकेन्द्रवर्ती l
   स्वपुत्रलाभाधिपतिर्गृरुश्र्चेदखण्डसाम्राज्यपतित्वमेति ll “..............25.
If from the LORDS of 11th . 9th , and  2nd Houses if ONE occupies the QUADRANT with reference to CHANDRA and if GURU occupies the 2nd, 5th or 11th HOUSE then a very good RAJAH YOGA is said to have obtained.  This will enable the person to be the LORD of a full fledged Empire.

In the following VERSES , Manthreswara explains NEECHA BANGA RAJAH YOGA :-

      ll  नीचभङ्गराजयोगाः  ll

“ ll नीचस्थितो जन्मनि यो ग्रहः स्यात्तद्राशिनाथोऽपि तदुच्चनाथः l
    स चन्द्र लग्नाद्यदि केन्द्रवर्ती राजा भवेद्धार्मिकचक्रवर्ती ll  “...............26

In a horoscope if a planet is in DEPRESSION (नीच), in effect it gives adverse (BAD) effects. However under special circumstances the debilitation of such planets get cancelled and give rise to NEECHA BHANGA.

Neechabhanga Rajah Yoga is such a Circumstance. If at the time of BIRTH if a PLANET(ग्रह) is positioned at its debilitationand if the position is a QUADRANT (केन्द्र) from the MOON OR LAGNA (ASCENDANT) or the PLANET’S EXALTATION HUUSE is in a QUADRANT (केन्द्र) with respect to CHANDRA or its QUADRANT, NEECHA BHANGA RAJAH YOGA IS OBTAINED.
SOME PUNDITS IN ASTROLOGY opine that the meaning of l तदुच्चनाथ”   means the planet that is exalted in that SIGN . “सः नीचराशी:- उच्चः यस्य तदृशो नाथः ग्रह l “ 

“ ll यद्येको नीचगतस्तद्राश्यधिपतस्तदुच्चपः केन्द्रे l
    यस्य स तु चक्रवर्ती समस्तभूपालवन्द्यांघ्रिः ll “..............27.

Is produced by which the person will become an EMPEROR who will be venerated by all KINGS.

“ ll  यस्मित्राशौ वर्तते खेचरस्तद्राशीशेनश्र्चेत्स खेटः l
    क्षोणीपालं कीर्तिमन्तं विदध्यात् सु स्थानश्र्चेत्किंपुनः पार्थिवेन्द्रः ll “............28.

If a GRAHA is in its NEECHA RAASI (SIGN OF DEBILITATION), who is glanced by the RAASI LORD OF ITS DEBILITATION , this debilitatin gets cancelled, thereby NEECHABHANGA RAAJAH YOGA is formed and makes the NATIVE the ruler of the EARTH  and if the depressed PLANET is in an auspicious HOUSE (RAASI) , it will give more beneficial results In any house other than 6th, 8th or 12th . In this case there is no doubt that he would become a a very famous KING without doubt.

“ ll  नीचे तिष्ठति यस्तदाश्रितगृहाधिशो विलग्नाद्यदा
   चन्द्राद्वा यदि नीचगस्य विहगस्योच्चर्क्षनाथोऽथवा l
   केन्द्रे तिष्ठति चोत्प्रपूर्णविभवः स्याच्चक्रवर्ती नृपो
   धर्मिष्ठोऽन्यमहीशवन्दितपदस्तेजोयशोभाग्यवान्  ll “.........29

If a PLANET situates in its NEECHA RAASI and the LORD of that RAASI (NEECHA RAASI), or the Planet’s UCHCHA RAASI ( EXALTATION ) LORD be in a KENDRA from the MOON OR LAGNA, the person born in such a time will become an emperor will be very wealthy, will be virtuous , famous and highly affluent.

ll नीचे यस्तस्य नीचोच्चभेशौ द्वावेक  एव वा l
  केन्द्रस्थश्र्चेच्चक्रवर्ती नृपःस्याद्भूपवन्दितः ll ”..............30.

ll इति मन्त्रश्र्वर विरचितायां फलदीपिकायां महाराज योगो नाम सप्तमोऽध्यायः ll

If a GRAHA is in its NEECHA RAASI  and is in a KENDRA position from LAGNA or CHANDRA , the debilitation gets cancelled and NEECHABHANGA RAAJAH YOGA will be produced which will make a person an emperor revered by other KINGS.


HEREIN “एक एव” may be rendered as the one in depression.

From the above,  kindy note that there are FIVE kinds if NEECHABHANGA RAAJAH YOGAS
