Thursday, May 03, 2012


                                 CHAPTER 1 अध्याय 1.
             LIGHT ON APOTELESMATICS         
Manthreswara gives some important Characteristic of the SIGNS (राशि) and Houses ( भाव ) in this Chapter.  I have not given this in the groups since I thought of giving the abstract Phaladeepika in my original write up but started writing in full the translation with original slokas from Chapter 1.
“ ll सन्दर्शनं वितनुते पितृदेवन्द्रणां
   मासाब्दवासरदलैरथ ऊर्ध्वगं यतम्
   सव्यं क्वचिदुपैत्यपसव्यमेकं
   ज्योतिः परं दिशतु वस्त्वमितां श्रियं नः .......1
Meaning :- first Manthreswara seeks the blessing of Sun God by saying  “LET US be blessed by the Sun God , who is supreme reality and the real light with all happiness ,who has no ends and when rises above the horizon and who is matchless and remains in full view of  pole dwelling  Celestials for half the solar year,  and for the moon dwelling  manes for 12 hours and for the mortals living in earth, the entire day time for whom the direction of the Sun God changes to north and south as per AYANAS called UTHTHARAAYANA AND DAKSHINAAYANA. Let Him bless us with unlimited prosperity, beatitude, good luck and all the goods.
After saluting the Sun God he salutes Goddess Saraswathy, preceptor, Lord, Nava grahas, Ganapathy,  and Lord Shiva.
“ ll वाग्देवीं कुलदेवतां मम गुरून कालत्रयज्ञानदान्
     सूर्यादींश्र्च नवग्रहान्  गणपतिं भक्त्या प्रणामेश्र्वरम्
      संक्षिप्यात्रिपराशरादिकथितान् मन्त्रेश्वरो दैवविद्
   वक्ष्येऽहं फलदीपिकां सुविमलां ज्योतिर्विदां प्रीतये ll ........2.
Meaning :- After paying obeisance to the said Gods & Preceptor who bestowed him with the knowledge of the present, the past and the future, he gives herein in a simple way the teachings of ATHRI, PARASHARA and others as PHALA DEEPIKA ( LIGHT ON APOTELESMATICS ).
From here onwards MANTHRESWARA starts the subject.
“ ll पदाभाघैर्यन्त्रैर्जननसमयोऽत्र प्रथमतो
    विशेषाद्विज्ञेयः सह विघटिकाभिस्तवथ तदा l
    गतैर्द्दल्यत्वं गणितकरणैः खेचरगतिं
    वीदित्वा तद्भावं बलमपि फलं तैः कथयतु ll “.......3.
Firstly the exact time of birth of the native should be taken minutely. The Vightakas which actually elapsed should be found out by means of FOOT MEASUREMENT, or by the use of Sun Dial (Very Old method which has been made easy by use of computers and global clocks - PRR) . Afterwards the positions of the PLANETS (ग्रह), Logitude, in SIGN (राशि) , Degree, minute and seconds (अंश, कला, विकल) found out by the use of mathematical instruments. Thereafter BHAAVA SPUTA is to be calculated. (Friends , all these are made easy by use of calculators and computers) .  The astrologer is to ascertain the STRENGTH OF EACH PLANET.
“ ll शिरोवक्त्रोरोहृज्जठरकटिवस्तिप्रजनन
     स्थलान्यूरूजान्वो जान्वोर्युगलमिति जंघे पदयुगम् l
  भसन्धिर्विख्याता सकलभवनान्तानपि परे ll ..........4.
Meaning :- The person KAALAPURUSHA’s (कालपुरुष) body in the horoscope with Ascendant (लग्न) should be assumed as (1) लग्न (ascendant)representing the Head (2) 2nd House from Lagna represents the FACE(वक्त्रं) (3) the 3rd House, the breast, the 4th House, the HEART (हृदयं) (5) 5th House, the Stomach (जठरं), (6) The Waist (कटि) (7) the 7th House, the Groin (वस्ति), (8) Sexual organ (प्रजाननस्थाल) (9) The two thighs (9) The Two knees(11) the two calves (12) The two feet.
The concluding or the end portion of the Signs वृस्चिक(SCORPIO),मीनं (PISCES), and कर्क्कटक (CANCER) is called (भसन्ति) or (ऋक्षासंद्धि) (Junctional Point).  Others say that the end of all HOUSES are called the same way.
(This note is seen Dr. Kapoor’s translation that “ the house which is occupied or aspected by benefics or whose lord is bestowed with strength, the part of the body represented by that house will be strong and well built. If the Lord of the House is weakor be occupied or otherwise affliced by a malefic, the corresponding part of the body will be weak or diseased.”. ) In my humble opinion this happens without any description.
“ ll अरण्ये केदारे शयनभवने श्र्वभ्रसलिले
    गिरौ पाथःसस्यान्वितभुवि विशां धाम्नि सुषिरे l
    जनाधीशस्थाने सजलविपिने धाम्लि विचर
    त्कुलाले कीलाले वसतिरुदिता मेषभवनात् ll …………..5.  
  Meaning : Now Manthreswara explains the dwelling places of all the 12 SIGNS (HOUSES)(राशि) :-
(1) मेष (Aries) : Forest (2) वृषभ (Taurus) : Agricultural Land (Meadow) (3) मिथुन (Gemini) : Bed Room  (4) कर्क्कटक (Cancer) : a place where a pond or stream of water is found, (5) सिंह (Leo) : A Mountain  (6) कन्या (Virgo) : A land with water and grains (7) तुला (Libra) : Places where people congregate, farms, Shandy etc are available, (8) वृश्चिक ( Scorpio ) : A hole or cavity where pebbles are found and, serpants and such other poisonous creatures live (9) धनुस (sagittarius) – King’s Residence where Elephants, Horses,  Chariots etc are available (10) मकर (Capricon) : Forests where water in in abundance (11) कुंभ (Aquarius) : Places where potters frequent (12) मीना (Pisces) : Water streams, Ponds, rivulet etc.
I have read in JATHAKA PAARIJAATHA the same thing given as :-
“ ll मेषस्य धातुकररत्नधरातलं स्या –
दुष्णस्तु धातुकृषिगोकुलसाधनानि l
वापीतटाकपुलिनानि कुलीरराशे ll “........11.
कण्ठीरवस्य घनशैलगुहावनानि
षष्ठस्य शाड्वलवधूरतिशिल्पभूमिः
सर्वार्त्थसाधपुरपुण्यमही तुलायाः
कीटस्य चाश्मविषकीटविलप्रधानाः ll.......12
चापस्य वाजीरथवारणवासभूमिः –
रेणाननस्य सरिदंबुवनप्रदेशाः
मीनाधिवाससरिदंबुधितोयराशिः ll “.....13.
I have not given the meaning of the above verses which are in JATHAKA PAARIJAATHAM.
ll भौमःशुक्रबुधेसूर्यशशिजाः शुक्रारजीवार्क्कजाःl
    मन्दो देवगुरुः क्रमेण कथिता मेषादिराशीश्वरः l
    सूर्यादुच्चगृहाः क्रियो वृषमृगस्त्री कर्कीमीनास्तुलाः
    दिक्त्र्यंरौर्मनुयुक्तिथिषुभनखांशैस्तेऽस्तनीचाः ll ........6.
Meaning :- भौम (MARS), शुक्र (VENUS), बुध (MERCURY), चन्द्र (MOON), रवि (SUN), बुध (MERCURY), शुक्र (VENUS), भौम (MARS), गुरु (JUPITER), मन्त (SATURN), मन्त (SATURN), गुरु (JUPITER); these are the names of planets who are LORDS OF THE 12 SIGNS (राशि) from मेष (Aries) to मीना (Pisces).
The exaltation points of the SEVEN PLANETS from Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are Aries, Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo, cancer, Pisces and Libra, respectively.
The Debilitatin points are the SEVENTH HOUSE from the Place of exaltaion. Example The Sun’s exaltain is in Aries hence the Seventh House i.e. तुला (LIBRA) is its debilitation.
The highest Exaltion point of the seven planets are 10th Degree of Aries(मेष) for सूर्य(Sun), 3rd Degree of Taurus (वृषभ) for Moon, 28th Degree of Capricorn( मकर) for कुज ((Mars), 15th Degree of Virgo (कन्या) for बुध (Mercury), 5th Degree of कर्क्कटक (चान्चेर) for गुरु (Jupiter), 27th Degree of Pisces (Meena) for Venus (शुक्र) and 20th Degree of Libra (तुला) for Saturn (शनि)
The deep debilitation points are the same degrees given above,   but on the sign of FALL.
Note :- There remains a highly difference of opinion about the Exaltation and Debilitation signs of RAHU and KETHU..They are not mentioned  by Varhamihira. Although the general consenses goes withwhat is given in BRUHAT PARAASRA HORAA SHAASTRA, that RAAHU IS EXALTED IN  वृषभ (TAURUS) and KETHU in वृश्चिक (SCORPIO) and Debilitation is reversed.  However, some experts follow SARVARTHA CHINTHAMANI by ACHARYA VENKATESH 0f 13th Century AD which stipultes the EXALTATION OF RAHU AND KETHU as मिथुन (GEMINI) and धनुस ( SAGITTARIUS) respectively and the DEBILITATION reversed in both the cases. However, MANTHRSWARA is silent on this subject.
“ ll सिंहोक्षाजवधूहयाङ्गवणिजःकुम्भस्त्रिकोणा रवेः
    ज्ञेन्द्वोस्तूच्चलवात्रकोड्विनशरैर्दिग्भूकृत्यंशकः l
    त्वाप्याः कर्कीमृगापरार्ध्विशफराःशेषाश्र्चतुष्पादकाः ll “.......7
Here Manthreswara further says that that सिंह (LEO), वृषभ (TAURUS) , मेष (ARIES), कन्या ( VIRGO ), धनुस (SAGITTARIUS),  First Half, तुला (LIBRA), and कुम्भ (AQUARIUS) are the 1st Triangular signs from Sun (रवि) , Moon (चन्द्र), Mars (कुज), Mercury (बुध), Jupiter (गुरु), Venus (शुक्र) and Saturn (शनि),
Varius signs ( राशि )  as given below are classified as BIPED (HUMAN)( , CENTIPEDS, WATERY and QUADRUPED (द्विपाद, कीट,जलचर,चतुष्पाद)                                
जलचर (WATERY) : The Second Half of MAKARA (CAPRICORN),and KARKKATAKA (CANCER) Full month.
“ ll गोकर्क्यश्व्यजनक्रभान्यथ नृयुङ्मिनौ परे राशाय
     स्ते पृष्ठोभयकोदयाः समिथुनाः पृष्ठदयाश्र्चैन्दवाः
     सौराः शोषगृहाः क्रमेण कथिता रात्रिघुसंज्ञाः क्रमा
     दूध्विध समवक्रभानि तु पुनपुनस्तीक्ष्णांशुमुत्काद्गृहात् ll .......8
पृष्ठोदाय राशि : The SIGN (राशि) which rises with their back are called पृष्ठोदयराशि. They are मेष, वृषभ, कर्क्कटक, धनुस, मकर (Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius and Capricorn.). These along with मिथुन (Gemini) which falls under the jurisdiction of चन्द्र (Moon) gain  Strength  at night (NOCTURNAL).
उभयोदय राशि : The SIGNS which rise with both front and back are called उभयोदय राशि . They are मिथुन, मीन ( Gemini and Pisces ) .
शिरोदयओर ( शीर्षोदय ) राशि : The SIGNS (राशि) which rise with Heads are called as शिरोदय राशि .  They are सिंह, कन्या, तुला, वृश्चिक, कुंभ (Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius.)
Barring MITHUNA (GEMINI) , others gain strength during Day Time .  They are known as DIURNAL SIGNS. 
If we count from the SIGN last passed by the SUN  , the 1ST SIGN will be called (1) ऊर्ध्व (URDHVA) Upward bending., 2nd SIGN as ADAH (अध) Downward looking 3rd SIGN as SAMA (सम) Even and 4th SIGN as VAKRA (वक्रं) crooked/ bent  and in the same order all the other eight SIGNS (राशि) will be called .
“ ll मेषादाह चरं स्थिराख्यामुभयं द्वारं बहिर्गर्भभं
    धातुर्मूलमितीह जीव उदितं क्रूरं च सौम्यं विदुः l
    मेषाघाः कथितास्त्रिकोणसहिताः प्रागादिनाथाः क्रमा-
    दोजक्षं समभं पुमांश्र्च युवतिर्वामाङ्गमस्तादिकम् ll “………9
When we count the signs from MESHA in the order of MESHA , VRUSHABHA, MITHUNA etc . the 1st one is called CHARA (चर राशि) CARDINAL or MOVEABLE SIGN, the second in this order is STHIRA (स्थिर राशि) i.e FXED SIGN,  UBHAYA (उभय राशि) i.e. MUTABLE  OR  COMMON SIGN; (2)  and in the same order DWAARA (द्वार) Entrance; (2) BAHIH (बहिः) OUTSIDE, (3) गर्भ INSIDE; In the same Order (1) धातु MINERAL , (2) मूल (VEGETABLE), (3)  जीव ANIMAL, all following the same order (1)) क्रूर FIERCE, (2) सौम्य AUSPICIOUS, (3)  क्रूर FIERCE and in the same order (1)
 विषम ODD SIGN, समव Even , विषम odd , and in the order of Male, Female, male पुमान्, युवति पुमान्  and from मेष, वृषभ, मिथुन, कटक (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer with their trines (त्रिकोण) represent East (पूर्व) , South (दक्षिण), West (पश्चिम) and North (उत्तर).  The six houses from the 7threpresent the left side limbs of the KAALAPURUSHA (कालपुरुष) and the other six starting from the लग्न (Ascendant) represent the right side limbs.
 “ ll लग्नं होरा क्ल्यदेहोदयाख्यं रूपं शीर्षं वर्त्तमानं च जन्म l
     वित्तं विधा सत्रपानानि दक्षाक्ष्यास्यं पत्रिका वाक्कुटुम्बम् ll “.......10
There are many names given to the 12 Houses (RAASIS).
The names by which the the FIRST HOUSE called  Ascendant (लग्न) is known are लग्न (LAGNA), होरा (HORA), कल्या (KALYA), देह (DEHA), उदया (UDAYA), रूपा(APPEARANCE), शीर्षा (SHEERSHA), वर्त्तामान (VARTHAMAANA) and जन्म JANMA.
The SECOND HOUSE deals with WEALTH (वित्तं) , EDUCATION (विद्य), FIGURE , FOOD AND DRINKS (अन्नपान), Food and Drinks AND RICHES  (अन्नपान), EATING (भुक्ति), THE RTGHT EYE (दक्षाक्षि), LETTER OR DOCUMENT (पत्रिका), SPEECH (वाक्) and FAMILY (कुटुम्ब).,
“ ll दुश्र्चिक्योरो दशकर्णं च सेनां धैर्यं शौर्यं विक्रमं भ्रातरं च
    गेहं क्षेत्रं मातुलं भागिनेयं बन्धुं मित्रं वाहनं मातरं चः l...,..........11.
   राज्यं गोमहिषसुगन्धावस्त्रभूषाः पातालं हिबुकसुखाम्बुसेतुनधः l
   राजाङ्गं सचिवकरात्मधिभविष्यज्ञानासुन् सुत जठरश्रुतिश्रस्मृतिश्र्च ll “..........12
VERSE 11 :  BAD THOUGHTS or EVIL THOUGHTS (दुश्र्चिक्या) , CHEST OR BREAST (उरस्), THE RIGHT EAR (दक्षकर्णं), ARMED FORCES (सेनां), COURAGE (धैर्यं), VALOUR (शौर्यं), PROWESS (विक्रमं), BROTHER (भ्रातरं) are to be checked from the 3rd House.
HOUSE (गेहं), LANDED PROPERTY (क्षेत्रं), MATERNAL UNCLE (मातुलं), SISTER’S SON (भागिनेयं), RELATIVES (बन्धुं), FRIENDS (मित्रं), VEHICLES (वाहनं), MOTHER (मातरं) are to be checked from 4th HOUSE. 
From5th HOUSE we must check  (1)  Mark of the Sovereign such as Minister, councilor , Jesters etc.  (they belong to the RAJA’S ANGA or the employees of the king, who has the seal of the King), A person authorized by the King to collect the TAXES,  A person interested in Philosophy,  Astrology  or knowledge of the future, Intelligent, Progeny ie. Sons or daughters,  Stomach (जठर), Vedic Knowledge and Traditional Laws (स्मृति) and  Life (असु),
“ ll ऋणास्त्रचोरक्षतरोगशत्रून् ज्ञात्याजिदुष्कृत्यघभित्यवज्ञाः l
   जामित्रचित्तोत्थामदास्तकामान् धुनाद्वलोकान् पतिमार्गभार्याः ll “.........13.
The SIXTH HOUSE DEALS WITH Debt (ऋणं), Arms (अस्त्रं), Thief (चोर), Wounds (क्षत), Disease (रोगा), Enemy (शत्रु),  relatives from father’s side (ज्ञाति),  Battle (आजि),     Wicked acts ( दुष्कृत्य), Sins (अघ), Fear (भीति), Humiliation (अवज्ञ).
Subjects to be checked from the 7th House are (1) Wife or Husband (जामित्र) ( 2) about the Desire (चित्तोतथ), Passion (मद), Setting (अस्त), Desire (काम), द्युन DYUNA-(Col), A  road, Path or way (अध्वन), People in General (लोक), Husband (पति), Way (मार्ग), Wife (पत्नी).        
“ ll माङ्गल्यरन्ध्रमलिनाधिपराभवायु :-
    आचार्यदैवतपितृन् शुभपूर्वभाग्य-
    पूजातपःसुकृतपौत्रजपार्यवंशान् ll “.........14
(1) Maangalya Bhaagya ( There is no suitable translation in English).  However HINDUS believe that Mangalya once tied on the neck of a lady by ONLY ONE MAN should remain in her neck  till she dies ) The Significance as given by Adi Shankara on MAANGALYA is  “Adi Shankara in his famous book Soundarya Lahari. According to Hindu cultural ethos, mangalsutra symbolizes the inseparable bond between a husband and a wife. During the wedding ceremony, the bridegroom ties the mangalsutra to the neck of the bride uttering- “May you live long by wearing this sacred Mangalsutra, the reason of my life”. Married women are entitled to wear Mangalsutra throughout their life as it is believed that the practice enhances the well-being of her husband and family and cannot be shown in public. It is also considered that the mangalsutra protects the marriage from any evil. Three knots symbolize three different aspects of a married woman - the first knot represents her obedience to her husband, the second to his parents and the third represents her respect for God.”   From Wickipedia.  In SOUNDRARYA LAHARI I find
“ ll गळे रेखास्तिस्रोगतिगमकगीतैकनिपुणे l
    विवाहव्यानद्धप्रगुनगुणसंख्या प्रतिभुवः
    विराजन्ते नानाविध मधुररागाकरभुवां
    त्रयाणां ग्रामाणां स्त्थिति सीमान इव ते ll “ Verse 69
(2) A slit or hole or off spring (रन्ध्र), (3) Defile or filthiness (मलिन), (4)Mental Agony (आधि), (5) Insult or defeat (पराभव), (6) Longivity (आयुस्), (7) Sorrows ( क्लेश),(8) scandals or getting blamed ( अपवाद), (9) Death (मरण), 10. Impurity (अरुचि), (11) Obstacles (विघ्न) and (12) Servitude ( दास) are to be checked from the eighth house.  
The 9th House deals with  (1) The preceptor (आचार्य) , Deity ( देवता) , Father ( पितृन ) , All auspicious works ( शुभ ), Luck during previous birth (पूर्वभाघ्य), Worship (पूजा), Penance ( तप ), The reward for the good work carried out during previous birth (सुकृत), Grandson ( पौत्र), प्रयेर (जप) , Good family ( आर्य वंश).
ll  व्यापारास्पदमानकर्म जयसत्कीर्तिं क्रतुं जीवन्
    व्योमचाव्योमाचारगुणप्रवृत्तिगमनाज्ञां च मेषूरणम् l
      लाभायागमनाप्तिसिद्धिविभवान् प्राप्तिं भवं भवंश्लाघ्यतां
    ज्येष्ठभ्रातरमन्यकर्णसरसान् सन्तोषमाकर्णनम् ll............15
An Astrologer is to check the 10th House to know about Business (व्यापार), Rank or Position (आस्पद), Honour ( मान), Occupation (कर्म), Sacrifice (क्रतु), livelihood (जीवन), Sky (व्योम), Conduct or to follow religious path (आचार), Qualities (गुण) , Inclination to perform certain work (प्रवृत्ति), Way of walking (गमन) , To Command (आज्ञा)  and giving orders (मेषूरणां).
From the 11th house we must deduce Gains (लाभ), Income (आय), Acquisition or arrival (आगमन), Accomplishments (प्राप्ति), Self (भवं),Veneration (श्लाघ्यता), Elder brother/Sister  (जयेष्ठब्रातरं),  Left Ear (अन्य कर्णं), Anything which is juicy /A witty person (सरस), Pleasing News (संतोषमाकर्णानम्)
“ ll दुःखांघ्रिवामनयनक्षयसूचकान्त्य –
   दारिद्र्यपापशयनव्ययरिःफबन्धान् l
       भावाह्वयनि गतिताःक्रमशोऽथ लीन –
   स्थानं त्रिषड्व्ययपराभबराशिनामः ll “.......16.
Deduce from 12th House misery (दुःखः), Leg (अंघ्रि), Left Eye (वाम नयनं), Decline (क्षय), Spy tale bearer (सूचक),  Last rights or death (अन्त्य), Poverty (दारिद्र्य) Sin (पाप), bedridden due to illness (शयन), Expenditure (व्यय),Hand cuffing or imprisonment,
The 3rd, 6th, 12th, and 8th are called concealed or hidden houses.( लीन स्त्थानं)
“ ll दुस्त्थनमष्टमरिपुव्ययभावमाहुः सुस्थानमन्यभवनं शुभदं प्रदिष्टम् l
   प्राहुर्बिलग्नदशसप्तचतुर्त्थाभानि केन्द्रं हि कष्टकचतुष्टयनामयुक्तम् ll “.....17.
The Under-mentioned  Houses are called  EVIL HOUSES (दुस्थान) :-
(1) 8th  HOUSE (आयुर्भाव) (2) the 6th HOUSE (शत्रु भाव ) (3) 12th HOUSE (वराय भाव).
Other HOUSES are known as  GOOD HOUSES (सुस्थान).
The 1st , 4th, 10th and 7th Houses are KENDRA KANTAKA or CHATHUSTHYA STHAANA .
“ ll  पनफरमिति केन्द्रादूर्ध्वमापोक्लिमन्तत् –
    परमाथ चतुरस्त्रं नैधनं वन्धुभं च l
    अथ समुपच्यानि व्योमशौर्यारिलाभा
    नवमसुतभयुग्मं स्यात् त्रिकोणं प्रशस्तम् ll “.............18.
    ll इति मन्त्रश्र्वर विरचितं फलदीपिकायां संज्ञाध्यायः प्रथमः ll
In astrological terms , the 2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th from the ASCENDANT (लग्नम्) are called PANAPHARA (पणफरं)., THE 3RD 6TH 9TH AND 12TH houses FROM THE ASCENDANT  ARE CALLED AS  AAPOKLIMA HOUSES (आपोक्लिम)., the 4th House and the 8th Houses are callked as CHATHURASRAM (चतुरश्रं)., the 10th 3rd 6th, and 11th HOUSES from the ASCENDANT are called as UPACHAYA (उपचयं) and  the 5th and 9th HOUSES from the ASCENDANT are called TRINES (त्रिकोण).  The TRINES (त्रिकोण) are considered as VERY AUSPICIOUS.  


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