Friday, August 17, 2012


                                   PHALADEEPIKA OF MANTHRESWARA

    CHAPTER VIII –    ll अष्टमोध्य्याय ll

ll  लग्नेऽर्केऽल्पकचः कृयालसतमः क्रोधी प्रचण्डोत्रतो
    मानी लोचनरूक्षकः कृशतनुः शूरोऽक्षमो निर्घुणः l
    स्फोटाक्षः शशिभे क्रिये सतिमिरः सिंहे निशान्धः पुमान्
    दारिध्र्योपहतो निनष्टतनयो जातस्तुलायां भवेत् ll “.............1.

If RAVI is in 1st HOUSE (i.e. LAGNA) the person will have little hair only.  He will be lazy as far as work is concerned .  He will not think but will be rash in work and will lose his temper easily and will be very tall in stature. He will be vain and will have wet eyes and will have a very lean body. He will be very brave, highly impatient and very cruel in nature. If LAGNA is in KARKKITAKA, and RAVI is along with the LAGNA then he will have cataract and if SUN and LAGNA occupy ARIES (मेष) he will be suffer from chronic eye disease. If Lagna and Ravi are in Simha raasi the person will be suffering from night blindness. If LAGNA and RAVI are positioned in THULA RAASI (LIBRA), the person will be poor and lose children.

“  ll  विगतविद्याविनयवित्तं स्खलितवाचं धनगतः
   सवालशौर्यश्रियमुदारं स्वजनशत्रुं सहजगः l
   जनयतीमं सुहृदि सूर्यों विसुखाबन्दुक्षितिसुहृदम्
   भवनमुक्तं नृपतिसेवा जनकसंपाद्व्ययकरम् ll “............2.

If a native has the sun in the 2nd House, the person will be devoid of learning
Will have no shame, and will be stammering while speaking. 
SUN is in the 3rd House from Lagna then the person will be strong, brave, will amass wealth but will be inimical towards his kith and kin (स्वजन शत्रु).
If the SUN is in the 4th House from LAGNA , the person will neither have happiness nor friends and relatives. He will leave the house or will not have own house (भवन मुक्तं). He will be the servant of the state and will spend all inherited property.
“ ll सुखधनायुस्तनायहीनं सुमतिमात्मन्यटविगं
   प्रथितमुर्वीपतिमरिस्थः सुगुणसंपद्विजयगम् l
   नृपविरुद्धं कुतनुमस्तेऽध्वगमदारं ह्यवमतम्
   हतधनायुः सुहृदमर्को विगतदृष्टिं निधनगः ll “...........3.

In the 5th HOUSE from LAGNA if RAVI is situated the person born will not have happiness, will not be wealthy, will never have much children and will not live long. As far as intelligence is concerned he will be highly intelligent and will be wandering in jungles and forests.
If sun is in the SISTH house from LAGNA the person will become a KING, will become famous, will earn wealth and will be always victorious over enemies.
 When sun occupies the 7th HOUSE from ASCENDANT, he will incur the displeasure of the KING, will have deformed body, will be wandering always, he will never have a better half and will be subjected to humiliation.
If sun is in the 8th House , then the person will be poor as far as wealth is concerned, will not have friends, will live only for a short period, and the person will have eye problem or even will be blind.

“ ll विजनकोऽर्के ससतबन्धुस्तपसि देवद्विजमनाः
   ससुतयानस्तुतिमतिश्रीबलयशाः खे क्षितिपतिः l
   भवगतेऽर्के बहुधनायुर्विगतशोको जनपतिः
   पितुरमात्रं विकलनेत्रो विधनपुत्रो व्ययगते ll “..........4,   

If at birth, RAVI is in the 9th HOUSE the native will lose his father.  He will have children and many relatives.  He will be GOD fearing and also revere Brahmins. If the SUN is positioned in the 10th house from LAGNA then the person will beget sons, plenty of vehicles, will be praised by all, and will be highly intelligent, plenty of wealth, strength and fame. In fact he will be a KING or like a KING. If RAVI is in the 11th HOUSE, the person will live long, He will not know what is sorrow, He will be very wealthy, and live long. He will be a KING like and never will come to know sorrow. When the SUN is in the 12th HOUSE the person will have inimical relationship with his father, will have defective eye sight, and will be devoid of wealth and children.

2. THE MOON (चन्द्र स्थिति)
“ ll सिते चन्द्रे लग्ने दृढतनुरदभ्रायुरभयो
    बलिष्ठो लक्ष्मीवान् भवति विपरीतं क्षयगते l
    धनाढ्योऽन्तर्वाणिर्विषयसुखवान् वाचि विकलः
    सहोत्थे सभ्रातृप्रमदबलशौर्योऽतिकृपणः ll “..........5.

If a waxing moon is posited with the ASCENDANT, the person will have a strog body and will live long. He will be very powerful and fearless and wealthy.  If the waning moon is with the ASCENDANT the effewcts will be reversed.
If the Moon is in the second House, the person will be highly learned, will speak soft and sweet words, and will be wealthy. However his limbs will not be healthy. and will be aesthetically appealing.
If the MOON is in the third house, the person will have brothers, will be joyful, powerful but highly a miser.

“ ll सुखी भोगी त्यागी सुहृदि ससुहृद्वाहनयशाः
   सुपुत्रो मेधावी मृदुगतिरमात्यः सुतगते l
   क्षतेऽल्पायुःश्र्चन्द्रेऽम्तिरुदररोगी परिभवी
   स्मरे दृष्टेः सौम्यो वरयुवतिकान्तोऽतिसुभगः ll “...........6.

If the moon is in the 4thHouse the native will be a happy-go-lucky person, will indulge in sensual pleasures, will be highly generous in giving gifts, will have a host of friends.  Will have all comforts and conveyances, and will enjoy a high reputation.  In fact CHANDRA has DIGHBALA in the 4th HOUSE.   
A person born with CHANDRA in 5th HOUSE in his birth, will have good Sons, will be intelligent, will make him a minister and will be have soft path (मृत गति), will move in a gentle way in attaining his goals.
If Chandra is in the 6th HOUSE in the Natal chart, the person will be short lived, will not have any learning, and will have stomach problems (उदर रोगि).  The person will be humiliated by others.
The person who has MOON in the SEVENTH HOSE in his BIRTH CHART will be good looking (अति सुभग) loved by beautiful damsels, and will get an illustrious wife (वरयुवति कान्तो) .

“ ll मृतौ रोग्यल्पायुस्तपसि शुभधर्मात्मसुतवान्
        जयि सिद्धारम्भो नभसि शुभकृत्सत्प्रियकरः l
    मनस्त्रीबह्वायुर्धनतनयभृत्यैः सह भवे 
       व्यये द्वेष्यो दुःखी शशिनि परिभूतोऽलसतमः ll “...........7.

If Moon is in the 8th HOUSE, the Native will suffer from various types of illness and will be short lived.
If the Moon is in the 9th HOUSE of a Native, the person will prosper, will be virtuous and will have good progeny..
If Moon is in the 10th House the Native will achieve victory over his enemies and all his efforts will be successful.  He will be engaged in pious duties.
If placed in the 11th House, CHANDRA will make the person high minded, will make the person wealthy, upright, the person will have high longevity, and plenty of good children. He will enjoy all comforts including servants.
If a NATIVE has MOON in the 12th HOUSE, he will be indolent, always unhappy and will be humiliated by all.

3. MARS (अङ्ग्कारक – कुज):

“ ll क्षततनुरतिक्रूरोऽल्पायुस्तनौ घनसाहसी
    वचसि विमुखो निर्विद्यार्थःकुजे कुजनाश्रीतः l
        सुगुनधनवाञ्छूरोधृष्यः सुखी व्यनुऽनुजे
    सुहृदि विसुहृन्मातृक्षोणीसुखालयवाहनः ll “ .......8.

When Kuja is along with LAGNA the Native will have injured limbs. The Native will have a short span of life. The native will be cruel and valorous.
When Mars occupies the 2nd House at Birth, he will have an ugly face will not study (निर्विध्यार्थि), He will have no wealth and will depend on or associate with bad society.
When at birth Mars is placed in 3rd House, the person will be good natured, will have riches, will be brave and will not be able to subdue. The drawback is that he will not have any brothers (व्यनुजोऽनुजे)
If Kuja is in 4th House at birth, the person will not have friends, mother, land (क्षोणि), happiness, House to live or vehicles. (सुखालयवाहन).

“ ll विसुखतनयोऽनर्थप्रायः सुते पिशुनोऽल्पधिः
    प्रबलमदनः श्रीमान् ख्यातो रिपौ विजयी नृपः l
    अनुचितकरो रोगार्तोऽस्तेऽध्वगो मृतदारवान्
    कुतनुरधनोऽल्पायुश्छिद्रे कुजे जननिन्दितः ll “.......9.

If in a native’s birth KUJA is in the 5th House, he will not have happiness at all, will not have progeny, will have adverse effects in all fronts, will be narrow minded and will be a backbiter.

When at birth Mars is positioned in the 6th House, the NATIVE will be wealthy, will be highly passionate (प्रबल मदनः), will be very wealthy, will be famous, and will be victorious over enemies and be a KING.

If MARS is positioned in the 7th House of a native at birth, the person will perform many improper acts, will suffer from diseases, will wander on paths or roads and will become a widower at a young age. (मृतदारवान्).(This is a strong KUJA DOSHA which gets cancelled if it is in  if from LAGNA, or CHANDRA or from Shukra , Kuja is in MESHA, VRISCHIKA, , MAKARA or KARKKITAKA.  If Kuja Situates in SIMHA or KUMBHA there is no DOSHA at all. .Kuja is a YOGAKARAKA if in KARKKITAKA, SIMHA, DHANUS and MEENA) If Juja Dosha is seen in a Male’s Horoscope the same Kuja Dosha is to be in the Female’s Horoscope. )
In the 8th House if KUJA is present in JANMA, the person concerned will have a deformed body, will be short lived (अल्पायुस्), will be poor and reviled by others.  (This is also considered as a very alarming KUJA DOSHA. Generally for LADIES this creates MAANGALYA DOSHA)

“ ll नृपसुहृदपि द्वेष्योऽतातः शुभे जनघातको
  नभसि नृपतिः क्रूरो दाता प्रधानजनस्तुतः l
  धनसुखयुतोऽशोकः शूरो भवे सुशीलः कुजे
  नयनविकृतः क्रूरोऽदारो व्यये पिशुनोऽधमः ll “............10

When MARS is present in the 9th House at BIRTH, the native will get good position from the KING through a friend but will be hated by others.  He will never get the happiness of enjoying life with his father i.e. his father will die at his early age and he will not hesitate to murder any one. In other words he will oppress others.
Mars at Birth in 10th House will make a person a KING who is cruel but will be liberal and praised by foremost people (प्रधानजनस्थुतः)
If MARS (कुज) is in the 11th House at Birth, the native will be endowed with riches, always happy will be valorous, and possess good character.
MARS in 12th HOUSE at birth  make the person having eye problems or deformity , ( नयन विकृता) ,  be cruel and devoid of wife, will make false and malicious propaganda against others and will be mean minded . .(पिशुनोऽधम) .


“ ll  दीर्घायुर्जन्मनि ज्ञे मधुरचतुरवाक् सर्वशास्त्रार्थबोधः
   स्याद्बुध्योपार्जितस्वः कविरमलवचा वाचिमिष्ठात्रभोक्ता l
   शौर्य शूरः समायुः सुसहजसहितः सश्रमो दैन्ययुक्तः
   संख्यावान् चाटुवाक्यः सुहृदि सुखसुहृत्क्षेत्रधान्यार्थभोगी ll “...........11.

When BUDHA is in the 1st HOUSE (i.e. with LAGNA) in a native’s JANMA, he will live a longer life (दीर्घायु); will be soft spoken but very clever. He will be learned in SHASTRAS. (सर्वशास्त्रार्थबोधः)
If at BIRTH, Mercury is in the 2nd HOUSE the person will acquire wealth using self- talents, will be a poet, will be highly cultured while speaking will eat food of his choice (इष्तात्रभोत्रभोक्तः)
Mercury positioned in the 3rd House at birth will make the person brave; will live only unto 60 years (समायुः) (since as per HINDU ASTROLOGY the PURUSHAAYUS is 120 YEARS). Will have good brothers and sisters but will get tired soon and will lead a dejected life.
If at birth , BUDHA is in the 4th House will make a person a good mathematician (संखावान), will be clever and witty while speaking and will be wealthy, will have good circle of friends and will lead a happy life.  

“ ll  विद्यासौख्यप्रतापः प्रचुरसुतयुतो मान्त्रिकः पञ्चमस्थे
   जातक्रोधो विवार्द्विषि रिपुबलहन्तालसो निष्ठुरोक्त्तिः l
       प्राज्ञोऽस्ते चारुवेषेः स सकलमहिमा याति भार्यां सवित्तां
   विख्याताख्यश्र्चिरायुः कुलभृदधिपतिर्ज्ञेऽष्टमे दण्डनेता ll............12.

If a person has BUDHA at birth, in the 5th House, he will be courageous, learned, and lead a happy life. He will be well versed in MAANTHRIKA KARMA (WITCHCRAFT).
BUDHA (MERCURY) in 6th House at birth will make the person annoyed by disputes or litigation. He will be harsh while speaking to others and also in action and indolent.  He will be capable to overcome his enemies.
When BUDHA (Mercury) at birth is in the 7th HOUSE, the Native will be highly learned, well dressed will have a majestic look and will marry a wealthy women.
MERCURY in 8th HOUSE at birth will make the native widely reputed, will live long (चिरायुः), will be the head of his tribes (कुलभृदधिपति), and highest police official (दण्डनेता) or a soldier.

“ ll  विद्यार्थाचारधर्मैः सह तपसि बुधेस्यात्प्रवीणोऽवाग्मी
    सिद्धारम्भः सुविद्याबलमतिसुखसत्कर्मसत्यान्वितः रवे l
    बह्नायुः सत्यसन्धो विपुला धनासुखी लाभगे भृत्ययुक्तो
    दीनो विद्याविहीनः परिभवसहितोऽन्त्ये नृशंसोऽलसश्र्च ll ..........13.

If MERCURY is at birth is in the 9th House from the Ascendant the Native will be student of learning, will follow strictly the Dharmic principles and will be a saint (तपसी), will be a learned person and a person who can convince others with his words (वाग्मी).  
If BUDHA is in the 10th house at birth the person will be successful in all his undertakings (सिद्धारंभ), will be well educated, will have a strong physique, will be very happy in life, will be highly virtuous, and highly reliable. (सत्यान्वितः)
BUDHA in the 11th HOUSE will be endowed with long life, honesty, will be very wealthy, will lead a happy life and have many servants.
MERCURY in 12th House will make the person very poor (दीना), uneducated. Will be having unfriendly relation with others (परिभावासहित), will be very cruel and inactive.  

“ ll  शोभावान् सुकृती चिरायुरभयो लग्ने गुरौ सात्मजो
   वाग्मी भोजनसारवांश्र्च सुसुखो वित्ते धनी कोविदः l
   सावज्ञः कृपणः प्रतितसहजः शौर्यैघकृद्दुष्टधि –
   र्वन्धै मातृहृत्परिच्छदसुतस्त्रीसौख्यधान्यान्वितः ll “............14.

At birth if GURU is with LAGNA (1st House), then the person will be very handsome (शोभावान्), fortunte (सुकृती), and long-lived & fearless (चिरायुरभयो).
In the 2nd HOUSE if GURU is placed at birth, the person will be eloquent in speech (वाग्मि), will be proficient in tastes of food (भोजनसारवांश्र्च), will live with all comforts, will have wealth and learned.
If Guru is in the 3rd house at birth, the native will be looked by others with contempt (सावज्ञ), will be a miser (कृपण), but his brother will be renowned, will be sinful and will be wicked.
GURU remaining in the 4th House at birth will make the person to live with mother, relatives and friends, wife and sons and will have many attendants and lot of corn and will lead a very happy life.

“ ll पुत्रेः क्लेशयुतो महीशसचिवो धीमान् सुतस्थे गुरौ
   षष्टे स्यादलसोऽरिहा परिभवी मन्त्राभिचारे पटुः l
   दीनो जीवति सेवया कलुषभाग्दीर्घायुरिजयी`ज्येष्टमो ll “............15.

If Jupiter is placed in the 6th House at birth, the person will suffer from distress due to his sons, will be intelligent and be an advisor or minister of the King.
In the 6th House at birth, Guru will make the native very lazy; will have troubles with all will be proficient in black magic.
In 7th House, Jupiter will bestow to the native a good wife and children. The Native will be very amiable and will be more generous than his father (तातादुदारोधिकं).
The person who has GURU in the 8th House at birth will be poor, will be a menial to earn his livelihood and will be sinful.  He will have a long longevity.(दीर्घायु)

“ ll ख्याः सन् सचिवः शुभेऽर्थसुतावान् स्याद्धर्मकार्योंत्सुकः
   स्वाचारः सुयशा नभस्यतिधनी जीवो सहीशप्रियः l
   आयस्थे धनिकोऽभयोऽल्पतानयो जैवातृको यानगो
   द्वेष्यो धिक्कृतवाग्व्याये वितनयः साधोऽलसः सेवकः ll “..........16.

Jupiter in the 9th House at birth will endow on the native to become a famous minister (ख्याः सन् सचिवः) will be endow with good children and wealth, and to find pleasure in performing virtuous deeds.
If Jupiter at birth is in the 10th HOUSE from LAGNA , the native will follow his own KULA ACHARA, will become renowned, will be very rich and will be very much liked by the king.
In the 11th house GURU will give the native long life, will make the incumbent wealthy, fearless, but will give less number of children  and will have vehicles.
If Jupiter is placed in the 12th house, all people will hate the NATIVE, the NATIVE will use foul language on others, will not have children, will be sinful and will abuse the workers under him.

VENUS (शुक्र)

“ ll तनौ सुतनुदृक्प्रियं सुखीनमेव सुधीर्घायुषं
   करोति कविरर्थगः कविमनेकवित्तन्वित् l
   विदारसुखसम्पदं कृपणमप्रियं विक्रमे
   सुवाहनसुमन्दिराभरणवस्त्रगन्धं सुखे ll “…………….17.

When SHUKRA at birth is posited along with LAGNA the person will have a handsome and attractive physique(सुतनुदृकप्रियं), will enjoy life and will have a long life span.(सुखिनमेव सुदीर्घायुषं).
If SHUKRA is posited in the 2nd HOUSE, the person will become a poet and will be wealthy (वित्तन्वितं).
SHUKRA posited in the 3rd HOUSE at birth, will make the incumbent to lead a miserable life, wifeless, stricken with poverty and unpopular.
The person born with SHUKRA in 4th house at birth will have many vehicles, a good house to reside, will have ornaments and different kinds of scents, and lead a good life.

 “ ll अखण्डितधनं नृपं सुमतिमात्मजे सात्मजं
   विशत्रुमधनं क्षते युवतिदूष्पितं विक्लावम् l
   सुभार्यमसतीरतं मृतकलत्रमाड्चं मदे
   चिरायुषमिलाधिपं धनिनमष्टमे संस्थितः ll “.........18.

If Shukra s posited in the 5th House at birth, the native will be have lot of wealth, will be a king or highly influential and renowned, will be wise and learned and will have children.
A native with Shukra in 6th House at birth will not have any enemies and will not have wealth, will be having relationship with bad women and due to their association will be corrupt and will be an aggrieved person always.
If VENUS is posited in the 7th NOUSE at birth, will have a good wife (सुभार्य) but will have illicit relationship with other women but will not be able to enjoy, he will lose his wife but will be wealthy.
The person with SHUKRA in 8th HOUSE at birth will live long, will be wealthy and will be having landed property and will lead a life of a king.

“ ll सदारसुहृदात्मजं क्षितिपलब्धभाग्यं शुभे
     नभस्यतियशः सुहृत्सुखितवृत्तियुक्तं प्रभुम् l
     धनाढ्यमितराङ्गनारतामनेकसौख्यं भवे
     भृगुर्जनयति व्यये सरतिसौख्यवित्तद्युतिम् ll “………….19.

If VENUS is in the 9th HOUSE at Birth then the Native will have a good wife and children will receive favours from the KING and be prosperous.
If VENUS is in the 10th house then the incumbent will be known as great person through-out the world, , will have a host of good friends and enjoy high reputation and he will become a LORD.
In 11th House, VENUS,  if situates at birth,  the NATIVE will be highly wealthy, but will have illicit relationship with others’ wives and will lead a very happy life.
In 12th HOUSE if VENUS is posited at birth, the NATIVE will have illicit relations with many women, will be rich and prosperous

SATURN (शनैश्चर): ( Note : This Planet is also called as MANDA (मन्द) , since its movement is slow That is the reason why the name is शनैश्चरश. शनि=Slow and चर = Slow. Hence शनैश्चर means slow moving planet. In Malyalam generally we find in horoscopes as “മ” and not as “ശ”.  In Tamil we find it written as ச” or “சனி”.Both are same. )

ll स्वोच्चे स्वकीयभवने क्षितिपालतुल्यो
    लग्नाऽर्कजे भवति देशपुराधिनाथः
        शोषेषु दुःखपरिपीडित एव बाल्ये
        दारिद्रदुःखवशगो मलिनोऽलसश्र्च ll “……….20.

At birth if SATURN is posited with in the sign of exaltation )i.e. LIBRA (तुला) or own house identical with  the Ascendant (ie मकर or कुंभ - Capricorn or Aquarius), the person will be like a KING or a rank equivalent to it. If Saturn rises in any other sign the person born will suffer from sorrow and misery and will be very poor from childhood, will be dirty and without enthusiasm.

“ ll विमुखमधनमर्त्येऽन्यायवन्तं च पश्र्चा –
      दितरजनपदस्थं यानभोगार्थयुक्तम् l
      विपुलमतिमुदारं दारसौख्यं च शौर्ये
      जनयति रविपुत्रश्र्चालसं विक्लवं च ll “………….21.

The native with SATURN in the 2nd House, will have an ugly face, will not have any wealth, will follow an unrighteous path in the beginning but will go to a foreign country and will have vehicles, wealth and other enjoyments (यानहोगार्थियुक्तं).
If SATURN is in 3rd HOUSE at birth, the native will be highly intelligent (विप्ल मति), will help others and be liberal (उदारं), and will live happily with his wife (दार सुख्यं). However will be lazy and very unhappy in life.( आलसंविक्लवं च ).

“ ll दुःखी स्याद् गृहयानमातृवियुतो बाल्येसरूग्बन्धुभे
    भ्रान्तो ज्ञानसुतार्थहर्षरहितो धीस्ये शठो दुर्मतिः l
    बह्वाशी द्रविणान्वितो रिपुहतोधृष्टश्र्च मानी रिपौ
    कामस्थे रविजे कुदारनिरतो निःस्वोऽध्वगो विह्वलः ll “…………….22.

The native born with SATURN in the 4th House at birth will be always sorrowful will not have a house  of his own, will lose his mother and will not have any conveyance and will be sickly during his childhood.
If SATURN is posited in the 5th house, he person will be insane (भ्रन्तो), will be bereft of knowledge, will not have progeny, unwealthy and unhappy always (ज्ञानसुतार्थहर्षरहितो), will play double game, will be obstinate and evil minded (धिस्थो शठो दुर्मतिः), will like to be respected and will have enemies.
If SHANAISHCHARA is posited in the 6th House at birth, the person will be a voracious eater (ചാപ്പാട്ടുരാമന്‍-சாப்பாட்டுராமன்),बर्ह्वशि), wealthy –द्रवीणान्वितो, will be beaten by the enemy (रिपुहतो), will be stubborn
In 7th House if SHANI is posited at birth, the native will be highly passionate and will have illicit relationship with bad women, will have a bad wife, will be poor will be roaming always and under distress.

“ ll शनैश्र्चरे मृतिस्थिते मलीमसोऽर्शसोऽवसुः l
     करालधिर्बुभूक्षितः सुहृज्जनावमानितः ll “.........23.

The native born with SATURN at birth in 8th House will be impure, and will be poor. He will be suffering from piles, will be of cruel disposition will be always hungry and will be put to shame by his friends.

“ ll भाग्यार्थात्मजतातधर्मरहितो मन्दे शुभे दुर्जनो
      मन्त्री वा  नृपतिर्धनि कृषिपरः शूरःप्रसिद्धोऽम्वरे l
   बह्वायुःस्थिरसंपदायसहितः शूरो विरोगी धनी
   निर्लज्जार्थसुतो व्ययेऽङ्गविकलो मूर्खो रिपूत्सारितः ll “...........24.

If SHANI is in in the 9th House at birth, the native will not have fortune or wealth and also devoid of progeny, his father will die at an early age.   He will not follow righteous path as per the religion and will associate with bad people.
In 10th House if Shani is posted at birth, the Native will become a minister or KINGLIKE, will be engaged in farming, will be courageous and will be renowned.
SATURN remaining in the 11th HOUSE at birth, will live long, will have steady income and will be courageous, will not suffer from diseases, will be wealthy.
If SHANI is in the 12th House, the native will be insolvent, will be stricken by poverty, will not have children, will have deformity of some part of his body, will be cruel and stupid and will be driven away from the place by the enemy.

Now onwards MANTHRESWARA explain about RAAHU(സര്‍പ്പി) and KETHU (ശിഖി) and in TAMIL (ராஹு, கேது), in different houses. :-

RAAHU and KETHU are known in English as Dragon’s Head and Tail respectively.

RAAHU (Dragon’s Head) (ராகு) – ரா, (രാഹു)(സര്‍പ്പി)രാ,സ
“ ll लग्नेऽहावचिरायुरर्थबलवानूर्ध्वाङ्गरोगान्वित-
    श्छत्रोक्तिर्मुखारुग्घृणि नृपधनि वित्ते सरोषःसुखी l
     मानी भ्रातृविरोधको दृढमति शौर्ये चिरायुर्धनी
     मूर्खो वेश्मनि दुःखकृत्ससुहृदल्पायुः कदाचित्सुखी ll “…………25.

Note : Before I go further, I would like to say that that RAHU is also known as Raahu, Sarpa, Asura, Phani, Thama, Saimhikeya, Swarbhanu, Vidhuntuda, Pata, Bhujanga and Ahi. The common term is Rahu.
KETHU is known as Dhwaja , Shikhi, Kethu ), Dhoom, Mrityu Puthra and Anala. The common term is Ketu.
Due to this reason only in MALAYALAM most of the ASTROLOGERS write for RAAHU as “സ” and for KETHU as “ശി” in horoscopes. I have already explained why they write “മ” for SATURN.

If RAAHU is positioned along with LAGNA ie. the First House , the native will be short lived, will be wealthy and will suffer from disease on the upper limbs like head, nose, throat. Ear etc.
If RAAHU is posited in the 2nd House in JANMA , the natives words will not be sincere, will have disease in mouth or face, will be tender hearted, will have wealth like a KING or might get wealth from the KING, will be revengeful or cruel and live happily.
If SARPPI is in the 3rd House at birth the Native will be highly proud and will be hostile towards his brothers, will be hard hearted, will be wealthy and long lived.
SARPI in 4th House birth will make the native dreadful and problematic to others, will have friends but short lived. He will enjoy his life. 

“ ll नासोद्यद्वचनोऽसुतः कठिनहृद्राहो सुते कुक्षिरु –
       ग्द्विट्क्रूरग्रहपीडितः सगुदरुक्छ्रिमांश्र्चिरायुः क्षते l
       स्त्रीसंगादधानो मदेऽथ विधुरोऽवीर्यः स्वतन्त्रोऽल्पधि –
       रन्ध्रेऽरल्पायुरशुद्धिकृच्च विकलो वातमयोऽल्पात्मजः ll “..........26.

Raahu in the 5th House at birth of a Native will cause his speech through nose, will be brutal (hard hearted) , and childless and will suffer stomach problems.
If RAAHU is posited in the 6th HOUSE at birth, the Native will be troubled by his foes or will be troubled by Malefic planets, He will have ulcers in his anus.
If RAAHU is placed in the 7th House, due to association with women will lose his wealth, will live far away or separated from his wife, will nor depend on others to take decisions, will be trifle minded and even might become impotent.
In 8th House at birth, if RAAHU is placed, the Native will be short lived, will perform acts which are impure, his limbs will be abnormal, will suffer from rheumatism, and will have only few children.
“ ll धर्मस्थे प्रतिकूलवाग्गणापुरग्रामाधिपोऽपुण्यवान्
      ख्यातः खेऽल्प सुतोऽन्यकार्थनिरतः सत्कर्महीनोऽभयः l
     श्रीमात्रातिसुतश्र्चिरायुरसुरे लाभे सकर्णीभयः
     प्रच्छत्राघरतो बहुव्ययकरो रि:फैऽम्बुरुक्पीडितः ll “..............27.

When SARPI occupies the DHARMA STHAANA ie. The 9th House at birth the person concerned will be opposing by words, will be the head of his clan in the village and will be unrighteous in deeds.
In the 10th House if SARPI is at birth, the concerned person (KARMASTHAANA) will become very famous, will have fewer children, will be interested in working for others, will not perform any good deeds and will be fearless.
If SARPPI is in the 11th House ( LAABHASTHAANA) , the Native will be wealthy and prosperous, will have limited children, will live long, and will suffer from hearing problems.
The person with 12th House occupied by SARPI at birth, will be performing sinful deeds secretly   will be a spendthrift and will suffer from diseases like oedema in the ear.

KETHU Dragon’s Tail,  கேது- கே (കേതു),(ശിഖി)-കേ,ശി

“ ll लग्ने कृतघ्नप्रसुखं पिशुनं विवर्णो स्थानच्चुतं विकलदेहमसत्समाजम् l
     विद्यार्थहीनमधमोक्तियुतं कुदृष्टिं पातः परात्रनिरतं कुरुते धनस्तः ll “........28     
   ll आयुर्बलं धनयशः प्रमदार्थसौख्यं  केतौ तृतीयभवने सहजप्रणाशम् l
      भूक्षेत्रयानजननीसुखजन्मभूमिनाशं सुखे परगृहस्थितिमेव दत्ते ll “............29

If Kethu is positioned along with LAGNA i.e. 1st House at birth, the native will be ungrateful (कृतघ्न), unhappy, a talebearer, outcast, will fall from his position, and will have deformed body.
In 2nd House, if SHIKHI remains at birth, the native will be bereft of learning, will not have wealth, will talk harsh, will have a sinister look, and even will depend for food on others.
In 3rd House if SHIKHI is placed at birth, the Native will be long lived, will have strength and fame, will be wealthy and live happily with wife. However, he will his brothers or sisters will perish.
KETHU in 4th house if placed at birth will have to leave his home land, will lose his mother, will not have any comforts and his lands will perish. He will have to depend on others and will have to live in a foreign country and in a rented house.

“ ll पुत्रक्षयं जठररोगपिशाचपीडं दुर्बुद्धिमात्मनि खलप्रकृतिं च पापः l
    औदार्यमुत्तमुत्तमगुणं दृढतां प्रसिद्धिं षष्ठ प्रभुत्वमर्दनमिष्टसिद्धिम् ll “ ३०
“ ll द्युनेऽवमानमसतीरतिमान्त्ररोगं पापः स्वदारवियुतिं मदधातु हानिम् l
     स्वल्पायुरिष्टविरहं कलहं च रन्ध्रे शस्त्रक्षतं सकलकार्यविरोधमेव ll “......... 31. 

If SARPPI is in the 5th House at birth the person will lose his children (पुत्रक्षयं), will suffer from stomach problems, will be suffering from evil spirit, will be evil minded and wicked.
In the 6th House Dragon’s Tail will endow the Native with magnanimity, will make him to possess best qualities, and will give everlasting fame. The Native will be firm in action, and possess highest authority and destroy his enemies.  He will achieve all his wishes.  
If Dragon’s tail remains in the 7th House at birth, the Native will be humiliated, will have association with fallen women, will suffer from disease in bowels, will lose his wife (दारवियुतिं) , and will lose his vital power.(मदधातु हानिम्)..
The person with SARPPI in 8th HOUSE at birth will be short lived, will be separated from his dearest friends and relatives (इष्तविरहं), will have quarrels with all, will suffer from injuries from weapons (शस्त्रक्षतं) and will not succeed in any of his attempts.(सकाकार्यविरोधम्).

“ ll पापाप्रवृत्तिमशुभं पितृभाग्यहीनं दारिध्रमार्यजनदूषणमाह धर्मे l
     सत्कर्मविघ्नमशुचित्वमवद्यकृत्यं तेजस्विनं नभसि शौर्यमतिप्रसिद्धम् ll “........३२
 “ ll लाभेऽर्यसंचयमनेकगुणं सुभेगं सद्द्रव्यसोपकरणं सकलार्थसिद्धिम्
      प्रच्छत्रपापमघमव्ययमर्थनाशं रिःफे विरुद्धगतिमक्षिरुजं च पातः ll “..............33.

The person with KETHU Placed in the 9th House at birth will perform sinful acts, will perform unrighteous work. Will lose his father at an early age will be poor; will be indulging in saying badly about the people.
If KETHU remains in the 1ith House at birth, the Native will find obstacles in performing good deeds will be unclean and will get engaged in performing wicked deeds. However, he will be bold and very well- known figure.
If YAMA PUTHRA or MRUTHYU PUTHRA is in LABHA STHANA (11th House) , the native will accumulate wealth, and will have good qualities. He will enjoy life to the brim, will get all facilities to acquire good materials, will live in luxury and will succeed in getting all types of wealth.

In VYAYA STHANA ( 12th House ),  if KETHU situates at birth, the incumbent will perform sinful acts without the knowledge of others, will squander way his wealth to  perform sinful jobs and will suffer from eye disease,   

“ ll उदयर्क्षीशस्फुटतुल्यांशे निवसन् पूर्ण फलमादत्ते l
       शनिवद्राहुः कजवक्तेतुः फलदाता स्यादिह संप्रोक्तः “ ll.................३४.
       भावसमांशकसंस्था भावफलं पूर्णमेव कलयन्ति l
       न्यूनाधिकांशवशतः फलवृद्धिह्रासता वाच्या ll “ .........................35.

          ll  इति मन्त्रेस्वरविरचितायां फलदीपिकायां राज्यादीनां
                लग्नादिद्वादशभावाश्रयफलं नाम अष्टमोध्याय: ll

The effect produced by a plane can be full realised only when the planet has traversed equally as the Ascendant in the Sign in which it Both the Ascendant and the planet in question should have traversed the degrees equally. (See Verse 34-(i)
It is viewed by authorities in Astrology, that the effects produced by SHANI and RAHU should be viewed as similar and of KUJA and KETHU produce similar result. (शनिवद्राहुःकुजवक्तेतुः केतु).
Stanza 35 is only a repitation of Stanza 34 in which also it is said that PLANETS PRODUCE THE FULL STRENGTH OF THE SIGNS IN WHICH THEY OCCUPY the CENTRE of the SIGN.  The effects should be declared by Astrologers according to the position which they are posited i.e. less or greater than the SEMI-BHAVA.

“ Thus ends the Eight Chapter on The Effects Of the Planets in all The 12    
               Bhavas in Phaladeepika Composed by Manthreswara”

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